import * as React from 'react'; import { useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useState, useRef, useCallback, forwardRef } from 'react'; import * as CodeMirror from 'codemirror'; import 'codemirror/addon/comment/comment'; import 'codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog'; import 'codemirror/addon/edit/closebrackets'; import 'codemirror/addon/edit/continuelist'; import 'codemirror/addon/scroll/scrollpastend'; import useListIdent from './utils/useListIdent'; import useScrollUtils from './utils/useScrollUtils'; import useCursorUtils from './utils/useCursorUtils'; import useLineSorting from './utils/useLineSorting'; import 'codemirror/keymap/emacs'; import 'codemirror/keymap/vim'; import 'codemirror/keymap/sublime'; // Used for swapLineUp and swapLineDown import 'codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm'; import 'codemirror/mode/xml/xml'; // Modes for syntax highlighting inside of code blocks import 'codemirror/mode/python/python'; import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript'; import 'codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown'; import 'codemirror/mode/clike/clike'; import 'codemirror/mode/diff/diff'; import 'codemirror/mode/sql/sql'; export interface CancelledKeys { mac: string[], default: string[], } export interface EditorProps { value: string, mode: string, style: any, theme: any, readOnly: boolean, autoMatchBraces: boolean, keyMap: string, cancelledKeys: CancelledKeys, onChange: any, onScroll: any, onEditorContextMenu: any, onEditorPaste: any, } function Editor(props: EditorProps, ref: any) { const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null); const editorParent = useRef(null); // Codemirror plugins add new commands to codemirror (or change it's behavior) // This command adds the smartListIndent function which will be bound to tab useListIdent(CodeMirror); useScrollUtils(CodeMirror); useCursorUtils(CodeMirror); useLineSorting(CodeMirror); useEffect(() => { if (props.cancelledKeys) { for (let i = 0; i < props.cancelledKeys.mac.length; i++) { const k = props.cancelledKeys.mac[i]; CodeMirror.keyMap.macDefault[k] = null; } for (let i = 0; i < props.cancelledKeys.default.length; i++) { const k = props.cancelledKeys.default[i]; CodeMirror.keyMap.default[k] = null; } } }, [props.cancelledKeys]); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => { return editor; }); const editor_change = useCallback((cm: any, change: any) => { if (props.onChange && change.origin !== 'setValue') { props.onChange(cm.getValue()); } }, [props.onChange]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const editor_scroll = useCallback((_cm: any) => { props.onScroll(); }, [props.onScroll]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const editor_mousedown = useCallback((_cm: any, event: any) => { if (event && event.button === 2) { props.onEditorContextMenu(); } }, [props.onEditorContextMenu]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const editor_paste = useCallback((_cm: any, _event: any) => { props.onEditorPaste(); }, [props.onEditorPaste]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const editor_drop = useCallback((cm: any, _event: any) => { cm.focus(); }, []); const editor_drag = useCallback((cm: any, event: any) => { // This is the type for all drag and drops that are external to codemirror // setting the cursor allows us to drop them in the right place if (event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed === 'all') { const coords = cm.coordsChar({ left: event.x, top: event.y }); cm.setCursor(coords); } }, []); // const divRef = useCallback(node => { useEffect(() => { if (!editorParent.current) return () => {}; const cmOptions = { value: props.value, screenReaderLabel: props.value, theme: props.theme, mode: props.mode, readOnly: props.readOnly, autoCloseBrackets: props.autoMatchBraces, inputStyle: 'textarea', // contenteditable loses cursor position on focus change, use textarea instead lineWrapping: true, lineNumbers: false, scrollPastEnd: true, indentWithTabs: true, indentUnit: 4, spellcheck: true, allowDropFileTypes: [''], // disable codemirror drop handling keyMap: props.keyMap ? props.keyMap : 'default', extraKeys: { 'Enter': 'insertListElement', 'Ctrl-/': 'toggleComment', 'Ctrl-Alt-S': 'sortSelectedLines', 'Alt-Up': 'swapLineUp', 'Alt-Down': 'swapLineDown', 'Cmd-/': 'toggleComment', 'Cmd-Opt-S': 'sortSelectedLines', 'Opt-Up': 'swapLineUp', 'Opt-Down': 'swapLineDown', 'Tab': 'smartListIndent', 'Shift-Tab': 'smartListUnindent' }, }; const cm = CodeMirror(editorParent.current, cmOptions); setEditor(cm); cm.on('change', editor_change); cm.on('scroll', editor_scroll); cm.on('mousedown', editor_mousedown); cm.on('paste', editor_paste); cm.on('drop', editor_drop); cm.on('dragover', editor_drag); return () => { // Clean up codemirror'change', editor_change);'scroll', editor_scroll);'mousedown', editor_mousedown);'paste', editor_paste);'drop', editor_drop);'dragover', editor_drag); editorParent.current.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement()); setEditor(null); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { if (editor) { // Value can also be changed by the editor itself so we need this guard // to prevent loops if (props.value !== editor.getValue()) { editor.setValue(props.value); editor.clearHistory(); } editor.setOption('screenReaderLabel', props.value); editor.setOption('theme', props.theme); editor.setOption('mode', props.mode); editor.setOption('readOnly', props.readOnly); editor.setOption('autoCloseBrackets', props.autoMatchBraces); editor.setOption('keyMap', props.keyMap ? props.keyMap : 'default'); } }, [props.value, props.theme, props.mode, props.readOnly, props.autoMatchBraces, props.keyMap]); useEffect(() => { if (editor) { // Need to let codemirror know that it's container's size has changed so that it can // re-compute anything it needs to. This ensures the cursor (and anything that is // based on window size will be correct // Manually calling refresh here will cause a double refresh in some instances (when the // windows size is changed for example) but this is a fairly quick operation so it's worth // it. editor.refresh(); } }, [,]); return
; } export default forwardRef(Editor);