import BaseModel, { ModelType } from '../BaseModel'; import { RevisionEntity } from '../services/database/types'; import BaseItem from './BaseItem'; const DiffMatchPatch = require('diff-match-patch'); import * as ArrayUtils from '../ArrayUtils'; import JoplinError from '../JoplinError'; const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js'); const dmp = new DiffMatchPatch(); export interface ObjectPatch { new: Record<string, any>; deleted: string[]; } export default class Revision extends BaseItem { public static tableName() { return 'revisions'; } public static modelType() { return BaseModel.TYPE_REVISION; } public static createTextPatchLegacy(oldText: string, newText: string): string { return dmp.patch_toText(dmp.patch_make(oldText, newText)); } public static createTextPatch(oldText: string, newText: string): string { // Note that, once parsed, the resulting object will not exactly be like // a dmp patch object. This is because the library overrides the // toString() prototype function of the dmp patch object, and uses it in // certain functions. For example, in patch_toText(). It means that when // calling patch_toText() with an object that has been JSON-stringified // and JSON-parsed, it will not work. // // This is mostly fine for our purpose. It's only a problem in // Revision.patchStats() because it was based on parsing the GNU diff // as returned by patch_toText(). return JSON.stringify(dmp.patch_make(oldText, newText)); } public static applyTextPatchLegacy(text: string, patch: string): string { patch = dmp.patch_fromText(patch); const result = dmp.patch_apply(patch, text); if (!result || !result.length) throw new Error('Could not apply patch'); return result[0]; } private static isLegacyPatch(patch: string): boolean { return patch && patch.indexOf('@@') === 0; } private static isNewPatch(patch: string): boolean { if (!patch) return true; return patch.indexOf('[{') === 0 || patch === '[]'; } public static applyTextPatch(text: string, patch: string): string { if (this.isLegacyPatch(patch)) { return this.applyTextPatchLegacy(text, patch); } else { // An empty patch should be '[]', but legacy data may be just "". // However an empty string would make JSON.parse fail so we set it // to '[]'. const result = dmp.patch_apply(this.parsePatch(patch), text); if (!result || !result.length) throw new Error('Could not apply patch'); return result[0]; } } public static isEmptyRevision(rev: RevisionEntity): boolean { if (this.isLegacyPatch(rev.title_diff) && rev.title_diff) return false; if (this.isLegacyPatch(rev.body_diff) && rev.body_diff) return false; if (this.isNewPatch(rev.title_diff) && rev.title_diff && rev.title_diff !== '[]') return false; if (this.isNewPatch(rev.body_diff) && rev.body_diff && rev.body_diff !== '[]') return false; const md = rev.metadata_diff ? JSON.parse(rev.metadata_diff) : {}; if ( && Object.keys( return false; if (md.deleted && Object.keys(md.deleted).length) return false; return true; } public static createObjectPatch(oldObject: any, newObject: any) { if (!oldObject) oldObject = {}; const output: ObjectPatch = { new: {}, deleted: [], }; for (const k in newObject) { if (!newObject.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; if (oldObject[k] === newObject[k]) continue;[k] = newObject[k]; } for (const k in oldObject) { if (!oldObject.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; if (!(k in newObject)) output.deleted.push(k); } return JSON.stringify(output); } // We need to sanitise the object patch because it seems some are broken and // may contain new lines: private static sanitizeObjectPatch(patch: string): string { return patch.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ''); } public static applyObjectPatch(object: any, patch: string) { const parsedPatch: ObjectPatch = JSON.parse(this.sanitizeObjectPatch(patch)); const output = Object.assign({}, object); for (const k in { output[k] =[k]; } for (let i = 0; i < parsedPatch.deleted.length; i++) { delete output[parsedPatch.deleted[i]]; } return output; } // Turn a new-style patch into an approximation of a GNU diff format. // Approximation, because the only goal is to put "+" or "-" before each // line, so that it can be processed by patchStats(). private static newPatchToDiffFormat(patch: string): string { const changeList: string[] = []; const patchArray = this.parsePatch(patch); for (const patchItem of patchArray) { for (const d of patchItem.diffs) { if (d[0] !== 0) changeList.push(d[0] < 0 ? `-${d[1].replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ')}` : `+${d[1].trim().replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ')}`); } } return changeList.join('\n'); } public static patchStats(patch: string) { if (typeof patch === 'object') throw new Error('Not implemented'); if (this.isNewPatch(patch)) { try { patch = this.newPatchToDiffFormat(patch); } catch (error) { // Normally it should work but if it doesn't we don't want it to // crash the app since it's just presentational. But log an // error so that it can eventually be fixed. console.error('Could not generate diff:', error, patch); return { added: 0, removed: 0 }; } } const countChars = (diffLine: string) => { return unescape(diffLine).length - 1; }; const lines = patch.split('\n'); let added = 0; let removed = 0; for (const line of lines) { if (line.indexOf('-') === 0) { removed += countChars(line); continue; } if (line.indexOf('+') === 0) { added += countChars(line); continue; } } return { added: added, removed: removed, }; } public static revisionPatchStatsText(rev: RevisionEntity) { const titleStats = this.patchStats(rev.title_diff); const bodyStats = this.patchStats(rev.body_diff); const total = { added: titleStats.added + bodyStats.added, removed: titleStats.removed + bodyStats.removed, }; const output = []; if (total.removed) output.push(`-${total.removed}`); output.push(`+${total.added}`); return output.join(', '); } public static async countRevisions(itemType: ModelType, itemId: string) { const r = await this.db().selectOne('SELECT count(*) as total FROM revisions WHERE item_type = ? AND item_id = ?', [itemType, itemId]); return r ? : 0; } public static latestRevision(itemType: ModelType, itemId: string) { return this.modelSelectOne('SELECT * FROM revisions WHERE item_type = ? AND item_id = ? ORDER BY item_updated_time DESC LIMIT 1', [itemType, itemId]); } public static allByType(itemType: ModelType, itemId: string) { return this.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM revisions WHERE item_type = ? AND item_id = ? ORDER BY item_updated_time ASC', [itemType, itemId]); } public static async itemsWithRevisions(itemType: ModelType, itemIds: string[]) { if (!itemIds.length) return []; const rows = await this.db().selectAll(`SELECT distinct item_id FROM revisions WHERE item_type = ? AND item_id IN ("${itemIds.join('","')}")`, [itemType]); return RevisionEntity) => r.item_id); } public static async itemsWithNoRevisions(itemType: ModelType, itemIds: string[]) { const withRevs = await this.itemsWithRevisions(itemType, itemIds); const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) { if (withRevs.indexOf(itemIds[i]) < 0) output.push(itemIds[i]); } return ArrayUtils.unique(output); } public static moveRevisionToTop(revision: RevisionEntity, revs: RevisionEntity[]) { let targetIndex = -1; for (let i = revs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const rev = revs[i]; if ( === { targetIndex = i; break; } } if (targetIndex < 0) throw new Error(`Could not find revision: ${}`); if (targetIndex !== revs.length - 1) { revs = revs.slice(); const toTop = revs[targetIndex]; revs.splice(targetIndex, 1); revs.push(toTop); } return revs; } // Note: revs must be sorted by update_time ASC (as returned by allByType) public static async mergeDiffs(revision: RevisionEntity, revs: RevisionEntity[] = null) { if (!('encryption_applied' in revision) || !!revision.encryption_applied) throw new JoplinError('Target revision is encrypted', 'revision_encrypted'); if (!revs) { revs = await this.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM revisions WHERE item_type = ? AND item_id = ? AND item_updated_time <= ? ORDER BY item_updated_time ASC', [revision.item_type, revision.item_id, revision.item_updated_time]); } else { revs = revs.slice(); } // Handle rare case where two revisions have been created at exactly the same millisecond // Also handle even rarer case where a rev and its parent have been created at the // same milliseconds. All code below expects target revision to be on top. revs = this.moveRevisionToTop(revision, revs); const output = { title: '', body: '', metadata: {}, }; // Build up the list of revisions that are parents of the target revision. const revIndexes = [revs.length - 1]; let parentId = revision.parent_id; for (let i = revs.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { const rev = revs[i]; if ( !== parentId) continue; parentId = rev.parent_id; revIndexes.push(i); } revIndexes.reverse(); for (const revIndex of revIndexes) { const rev = revs[revIndex]; if (rev.encryption_applied) throw new JoplinError(sprintf('Revision "%s" is encrypted',, 'revision_encrypted'); output.title = this.applyTextPatch(output.title, rev.title_diff); output.body = this.applyTextPatch(output.body, rev.body_diff); try { output.metadata = this.applyObjectPatch(output.metadata, rev.metadata_diff); } catch (error) { error.message = `Revision ${}: Could not apply patch: ${error.message}: ${rev.metadata_diff}`; throw error; } } return output; } public static async deleteOldRevisions(ttl: number) { // When deleting old revisions, we need to make sure that the oldest surviving revision // is a "merged" one (as opposed to a diff from a now deleted revision). So every time // we deleted a revision, we need to find if there's a corresponding surviving revision // and modify that revision into a "merged" one. const cutOffDate = - ttl; const revisions = await this.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM revisions WHERE item_updated_time < ? ORDER BY item_updated_time DESC', [cutOffDate]); const doneItems: Record<string, boolean> = {}; for (const rev of revisions) { const doneKey = `${rev.item_type}_${rev.item_id}`; if (doneItems[doneKey]) continue; const keptRev = await this.modelSelectOne('SELECT * FROM revisions WHERE item_updated_time >= ? AND item_type = ? AND item_id = ? ORDER BY item_updated_time ASC LIMIT 1', [cutOffDate, rev.item_type, rev.item_id]); try { const deleteQueryCondition = 'item_updated_time < ? AND item_id = ?'; const deleteQueryParams = [cutOffDate, rev.item_id]; const deleteQuery = { sql: `DELETE FROM revisions WHERE ${deleteQueryCondition}`, params: deleteQueryParams }; if (!keptRev) { const hasEncrypted = await this.modelSelectOne(`SELECT * FROM revisions WHERE encryption_applied = 1 AND ${deleteQueryCondition}`, deleteQueryParams); if (hasEncrypted) throw new JoplinError('One of the revision to be deleted is encrypted', 'revision_encrypted'); await this.db().transactionExecBatch([deleteQuery]); } else { // Note: we don't need to check for encrypted rev here because // mergeDiff will already throw the revision_encrypted exception // if a rev is encrypted. const merged = await this.mergeDiffs(keptRev); const queries = [deleteQuery, { sql: 'UPDATE revisions SET title_diff = ?, body_diff = ?, metadata_diff = ? WHERE id = ?', params: [this.createTextPatch('', merged.title), this.createTextPatch('', merged.body), this.createObjectPatch({}, merged.metadata),] }]; await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); } } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'revision_encrypted') { this.logger().info(`Aborted deletion of old revisions for item "${rev.item_id}" (rev "${}") because one of the revisions is still encrypted`, error); } else { throw error; } } doneItems[doneKey] = true; } } public static async revisionExists(itemType: ModelType, itemId: string, updatedTime: number) { const existingRev = await Revision.latestRevision(itemType, itemId); return existingRev && existingRev.item_updated_time === updatedTime; } private static parsePatch(patch: any): any[] { return patch ? JSON.parse(patch) : []; } }