/* eslint-disable no-console */ (function() { if (window.jopext_hasRun) return; window.jopext_hasRun = true; console.info('jopext: Loading content script'); let browser_ = null; if (typeof browser !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef browser_ = browser; } else if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef browser_ = chrome; } function escapeHtml(s) { return s .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); } function pageTitle() { const titleElements = document.getElementsByTagName('title'); if (titleElements.length) return titleElements[0].text.trim(); return document.title.trim(); } function getAnchorNames(element) { const output = []; // Anchor names are normally in A tags but can be in SPAN too // https://github.com/laurent22/joplin-turndown/commit/45f4ee6bf15b8804bdc2aa1d7ecb2f8cb594b8e5#diff-172b8b2bc3ba160589d3a7eeb4913687R232 for (const tagName of ['a', 'span']) { const anchors = element.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (let i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { const anchor = anchors[i]; if (anchor.id) { output.push(anchor.id); } else if (anchor.name) { output.push(anchor.name); } } } return output; } // Cleans up element by removing all its invisible children (which we don't want to render as Markdown) // And hard-code the image dimensions so that the information can be used by the clipper server to // display them at the right sizes in the notes. function cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, element, imageSizes, imageIndexes) { const childNodes = element.childNodes; const hiddenNodes = []; for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) { const node = childNodes[i]; const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const isHidden = node && node.classList && node.classList.contains('joplin-clipper-hidden'); if (isHidden) { hiddenNodes.push(node); } else { // If the data-joplin-clipper-value has been set earlier, create a new DIV element // to replace the input or text area, so that it can be exported. if (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('data-joplin-clipper-value')) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = node.getAttribute('data-joplin-clipper-value'); node.parentNode.insertBefore(div, node.nextSibling); element.removeChild(node); } if (nodeName === 'img') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const src = absoluteUrl(imageSrc(node)); node.setAttribute('src', src); if (!(src in imageIndexes)) imageIndexes[src] = 0; if (!imageSizes[src]) { // This seems to concern dynamic images that don't really such as Gravatar, etc. console.warn('Found an image for which the size had not been fetched:', src); } else { const imageSize = imageSizes[src][imageIndexes[src]]; imageIndexes[src]++; if (imageSize && convertToMarkup === 'markdown') { node.width = imageSize.width; node.height = imageSize.height; } } } if (nodeName === 'svg') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const className = getJoplinClipperSvgClassName(node); if (!(className in imageIndexes)) imageIndexes[className] = 0; if (!imageSizes[className]) { // This seems to concern dynamic images that don't really such as Gravatar, etc. console.warn('Found an SVG for which the size had not been fetched:', className); } else { const imageSize = imageSizes[className][imageIndexes[className]]; imageIndexes[className]++; if (imageSize) { node.style.width = `${imageSize.width}px`; node.style.height = `${imageSize.height}px`; } } } if (nodeName === 'embed') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const src = absoluteUrl(node.src); node.setAttribute('src', src); } if (nodeName === 'object') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const data = absoluteUrl(node.data); node.setAttribute('data', data); } cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, node, imageSizes, imageIndexes); } } for (const hiddenNode of hiddenNodes) { if (!hiddenNode.parentNode) continue; hiddenNode.parentNode.removeChild(hiddenNode); } } // When we clone the document before cleaning it, we lose some of the information that might have been set via CSS or // JavaScript, in particular whether an element was hidden or not. This function pre-process the document by // adding a "joplin-clipper-hidden" class to all currently hidden elements in the current document. // This class is then used in cleanUpElement() on the cloned document to find an element should be visible or not. function preProcessDocument(element) { const childNodes = element.childNodes; for (let i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const node = childNodes[i]; const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const nodeParent = node.parentNode; const nodeParentName = nodeParent ? nodeParent.nodeName.toLowerCase() : ''; const computedStyle = node.nodeType === 1 ? window.getComputedStyle(node) : {}; let isVisible = node.nodeType === 1 ? computedStyle.display !== 'none' && computedStyle.visibility !== 'hidden' : true; if (isVisible && ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'select', 'option', 'button'].indexOf(nodeName) >= 0) isVisible = false; // If it's a text input or a textarea and it has a value, save // that value to data-joplin-clipper-value. This is then used // when cleaning up the document to export the value. if (['input', 'textarea'].indexOf(nodeName) >= 0) { isVisible = !!node.value; if (nodeName === 'input' && node.getAttribute('type') !== 'text') isVisible = false; if (isVisible) node.setAttribute('data-joplin-clipper-value', node.value); } if (nodeName === 'script') { const a = node.getAttribute('type'); if (a && a.toLowerCase().indexOf('math/tex') >= 0) isVisible = true; } if (nodeName === 'source' && nodeParentName === 'picture') { isVisible = false; } if (node.nodeType === 8) { // Comments are just removed since we can't add a class node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } else if (!isVisible) { node.classList.add('joplin-clipper-hidden'); } else { preProcessDocument(node); } } } // This sets the PRE elements computed style to the style attribute, so that // the info can be exported and later processed by the htmlToMd converter // to detect code blocks. function hardcodePreStyles(doc) { const preElements = doc.getElementsByTagName('pre'); for (const preElement of preElements) { const fontFamily = getComputedStyle(preElement).getPropertyValue('font-family'); const fontFamilyArray = fontFamily.split(',').map(f => f.toLowerCase().trim()); if (fontFamilyArray.indexOf('monospace') >= 0) { preElement.style.fontFamily = fontFamily; } } } function addSvgClass(doc) { const svgs = doc.getElementsByTagName('svg'); let svgId = 0; for (const svg of svgs) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef if (!getJoplinClipperSvgClassName(svg)) { svg.classList.add(`joplin-clipper-svg-${svgId}`); svgId++; } } } function documentForReadability() { // Readability directly change the passed document so clone it so as // to preserve the original web page. return document.cloneNode(true); } function readabilityProcess() { if (isPagePdf()) throw new Error('Could not parse PDF document with Readability'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const readability = new Readability(documentForReadability()); const article = readability.parse(); if (!article) throw new Error('Could not parse HTML document with Readability'); return { title: article.title, body: article.content, }; } function isPagePdf() { return document.contentType === 'application/pdf'; } function embedPageUrl() { return ``; } async function prepareCommandResponse(command) { console.info(`Got command: ${command.name}`); const shouldSendToJoplin = !!command.shouldSendToJoplin; const convertToMarkup = command.preProcessFor ? command.preProcessFor : 'markdown'; const clippedContentResponse = (title, html, imageSizes, anchorNames, stylesheets) => { return { name: shouldSendToJoplin ? 'sendContentToJoplin' : 'clippedContent', title: title, html: html, // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef base_url: baseUrl(), // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef url: pageLocationOrigin() + location.pathname + location.search, parent_id: command.parent_id, tags: command.tags || '', image_sizes: imageSizes, anchor_names: anchorNames, source_command: { ...command }, convert_to: convertToMarkup, stylesheets: stylesheets, }; }; if (command.name === 'simplifiedPageHtml') { let article = null; try { article = readabilityProcess(); } catch (error) { console.warn(error); console.warn('Sending full page HTML instead'); const newCommand = { ...command, name: 'completePageHtml' }; const response = await prepareCommandResponse(newCommand); response.warning = 'Could not retrieve simplified version of page - full page has been saved instead.'; return response; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return clippedContentResponse(article.title, article.body, getImageSizes(document), getAnchorNames(document)); } else if (command.name === 'isProbablyReaderable') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const ok = isProbablyReaderable(documentForReadability()); return { name: 'isProbablyReaderable', value: ok }; } else if (command.name === 'completePageHtml') { if (isPagePdf()) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return clippedContentResponse(pageTitle(), embedPageUrl(), getImageSizes(document), getAnchorNames(document)); } hardcodePreStyles(document); addSvgClass(document); preProcessDocument(document); // Because cleanUpElement is going to modify the DOM and remove elements we don't want to work // directly on the document, so we make a copy of it first. const cleanDocument = document.body.cloneNode(true); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const imageSizes = getImageSizes(document, true); const imageIndexes = {}; cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, cleanDocument, imageSizes, imageIndexes); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const stylesheets = convertToMarkup === 'html' ? getStyleSheets(document) : []; // The tag may have a style in the CSS stylesheets. This // style can be overriden by setting the `style` attribute on the // BODY tag. Since we don't keep the body tag, it means we may be // missing some styling, which may break the page. // // For example, on this page: // https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20180529-00/?p=98855 // The BODY tag has visibility set to hidden in the stylesheet, and // made visible by setting the style attribute. Because of that, // previously that imported note would show blank content, while now // it will be visible. // // Fixes https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/7925 if (document.body.getAttribute('style')) { stylesheets.push({ type: 'text', value: `body { ${document.body.getAttribute('style')} }`, }); } return clippedContentResponse(pageTitle(), cleanDocument.innerHTML, imageSizes, getAnchorNames(document), stylesheets); } else if (command.name === 'selectedHtml') { hardcodePreStyles(document); addSvgClass(document); preProcessDocument(document); const container = document.createElement('div'); const rangeCount = window.getSelection().rangeCount; // Even when the user makes only one selection, Firefox might report multiple selections // so we need to process them all. // Fixes https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/2294 for (let i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) { const range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(i); container.appendChild(range.cloneContents()); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const imageSizes = getImageSizes(document, true); const imageIndexes = {}; cleanUpElement(convertToMarkup, container, imageSizes, imageIndexes); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return clippedContentResponse(pageTitle(), container.innerHTML, getImageSizes(document), getAnchorNames(document)); } else if (command.name === 'screenshot') { const overlay = document.createElement('div'); overlay.style.opacity = '0.6'; overlay.style.background = 'black'; overlay.style.width = '100%'; overlay.style.height = '100%'; overlay.style.zIndex = 99999999; overlay.style.top = 0; overlay.style.left = 0; overlay.style.position = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(overlay); const messageComp = document.createElement('div'); const messageCompWidth = 300; messageComp.style.position = 'fixed'; messageComp.style.opacity = '0.95'; messageComp.style.fontSize = '14px'; messageComp.style.width = `${messageCompWidth}px`; messageComp.style.maxWidth = `${messageCompWidth}px`; messageComp.style.border = '1px solid black'; messageComp.style.background = 'white'; messageComp.style.color = 'black'; messageComp.style.top = '10px'; messageComp.style.textAlign = 'center'; messageComp.style.padding = '10px'; messageComp.style.left = `${Math.round(document.body.clientWidth / 2 - messageCompWidth / 2)}px`; messageComp.style.zIndex = overlay.style.zIndex + 1; messageComp.textContent = 'Drag and release to capture a screenshot'; document.body.appendChild(messageComp); const selection = document.createElement('div'); selection.style.opacity = '0.4'; selection.style.border = '1px solid red'; selection.style.background = 'white'; selection.style.border = '2px solid black'; selection.style.zIndex = overlay.style.zIndex - 1; selection.style.top = 0; selection.style.left = 0; selection.style.position = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(selection); let isDragging = false; let draggingStartPos = null; let selectionArea = {}; const updateSelection = function() { selection.style.left = `${selectionArea.x}px`; selection.style.top = `${selectionArea.y}px`; selection.style.width = `${selectionArea.width}px`; selection.style.height = `${selectionArea.height}px`; }; const setSelectionSizeFromMouse = function(event) { selectionArea.width = Math.max(1, event.clientX - draggingStartPos.x); selectionArea.height = Math.max(1, event.clientY - draggingStartPos.y); updateSelection(); }; const selection_mouseDown = function(event) { selectionArea = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY, width: 0, height: 0 }; draggingStartPos = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }; isDragging = true; updateSelection(); }; const selection_mouseMove = function(event) { if (!isDragging) return; setSelectionSizeFromMouse(event); }; const selection_mouseUp = function(event) { setSelectionSizeFromMouse(event); isDragging = false; overlay.removeEventListener('mousedown', selection_mouseDown); overlay.removeEventListener('mousemove', selection_mouseMove); overlay.removeEventListener('mouseup', selection_mouseUp); document.body.removeChild(overlay); document.body.removeChild(selection); document.body.removeChild(messageComp); console.info('jopext: selectionArea:', selectionArea); if (!selectionArea || !selectionArea.width || !selectionArea.height) return; // Need to wait a bit before taking the screenshot to make sure // the overlays have been removed and don't appear in the // screenshot. 10ms is not enough. setTimeout(() => { const content = { title: pageTitle(), crop_rect: selectionArea, // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef url: pageLocationOrigin() + location.pathname + location.search, parent_id: command.parent_id, tags: command.tags, windowInnerWidth: window.innerWidth, windowInnerHeight: window.innerHeight, devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio, }; browser_.runtime.sendMessage({ name: 'screenshotArea', content: content, api_base_url: command.api_base_url, token: command.token, }); }, 100); }; overlay.addEventListener('mousedown', selection_mouseDown); overlay.addEventListener('mousemove', selection_mouseMove); overlay.addEventListener('mouseup', selection_mouseUp); return {}; } else if (command.name === 'pageUrl') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const url = pageLocationOrigin() + location.pathname + location.search; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return clippedContentResponse(pageTitle(), url, getImageSizes(document), getAnchorNames(document)); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown command: ${JSON.stringify(command)}`); } } async function execCommand(command) { const response = await prepareCommandResponse(command); browser_.runtime.sendMessage(response); } browser_.runtime.onMessage.addListener((command) => { console.info('jopext: Got command:', command); execCommand(command); }); })();