require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname); const { BaseApplication } = require('lib/BaseApplication'); const { FoldersScreenUtils } = require('lib/folders-screen-utils.js'); const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js'); const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js'); const MasterKey = require('lib/models/MasterKey'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note'); const { _, setLocale } = require('lib/locale.js'); const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag.js'); const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js'); const { defaultState } = require('lib/reducer.js'); const packageInfo = require('./packageInfo.js'); const AlarmService = require('lib/services/AlarmService.js'); const AlarmServiceDriverNode = require('lib/services/AlarmServiceDriverNode'); const DecryptionWorker = require('lib/services/DecryptionWorker'); const InteropService = require('lib/services/InteropService'); const InteropServiceHelper = require('./InteropServiceHelper.js'); const ResourceService = require('lib/services/ResourceService'); const ClipperServer = require('lib/ClipperServer'); const ExternalEditWatcher = require('lib/services/ExternalEditWatcher'); const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge'); const { shell } = require('electron'); const Menu = bridge().Menu; const PluginManager = require('lib/services/PluginManager'); const RevisionService = require('lib/services/RevisionService'); const MigrationService = require('lib/services/MigrationService'); const TemplateUtils = require('lib/TemplateUtils'); const pluginClasses = [ require('./plugins/GotoAnything.min'), ]; const appDefaultState = Object.assign({}, defaultState, { route: { type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Main', props: {}, }, navHistory: [], fileToImport: null, windowCommand: null, noteVisiblePanes: ['editor', 'viewer'], sidebarVisibility: true, noteListVisibility: true, windowContentSize: bridge().windowContentSize(), watchedNoteFiles: [], lastEditorScrollPercents: {}, noteDevToolsVisible: false, }); class Application extends BaseApplication { constructor() { super(); this.lastMenuScreen_ = null; } hasGui() { return true; } checkForUpdateLoggerPath() { return `${Setting.value('profileDir')}/log-autoupdater.txt`; } reducer(state = appDefaultState, action) { let newState = state; try { switch (action.type) { case 'NAV_BACK': case 'NAV_GO': { const goingBack = action.type === 'NAV_BACK'; if (goingBack && !state.navHistory.length) break; const currentRoute = state.route; newState = Object.assign({}, state); let newNavHistory = state.navHistory.slice(); if (goingBack) { let newAction = null; while (newNavHistory.length) { newAction = newNavHistory.pop(); if (newAction.routeName !== state.route.routeName) break; } if (!newAction) break; action = newAction; } if (!goingBack) newNavHistory.push(currentRoute); newState.navHistory = newNavHistory; newState.route = action; } break; case 'WINDOW_CONTENT_SIZE_SET': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.windowContentSize = action.size; break; case 'WINDOW_COMMAND': { newState = Object.assign({}, state); let command = Object.assign({}, action); delete command.type; newState.windowCommand = command; } break; case 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_TOGGLE': { const getNextLayout = (currentLayout) => { currentLayout = panes.length === 2 ? 'both' : currentLayout[0]; let paneOptions; if (state.settings.layoutButtonSequence === Setting.LAYOUT_EDITOR_VIEWER) { paneOptions = ['editor', 'viewer']; } else if (state.settings.layoutButtonSequence === Setting.LAYOUT_EDITOR_SPLIT) { paneOptions = ['editor', 'both']; } else if (state.settings.layoutButtonSequence === Setting.LAYOUT_VIEWER_SPLIT) { paneOptions = ['viewer', 'both']; } else { paneOptions = ['editor', 'viewer', 'both']; } const currentLayoutIndex = paneOptions.indexOf(currentLayout); const nextLayoutIndex = currentLayoutIndex === paneOptions.length - 1 ? 0 : currentLayoutIndex + 1; let nextLayout = paneOptions[nextLayoutIndex]; return nextLayout === 'both' ? ['editor', 'viewer'] : [nextLayout]; }; newState = Object.assign({}, state); let panes = state.noteVisiblePanes.slice(); newState.noteVisiblePanes = getNextLayout(panes); } break; case 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_SET': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.noteVisiblePanes = action.panes; break; case 'SIDEBAR_VISIBILITY_TOGGLE': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.sidebarVisibility = !state.sidebarVisibility; break; case 'SIDEBAR_VISIBILITY_SET': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.sidebarVisibility = action.visibility; break; case 'NOTELIST_VISIBILITY_TOGGLE': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.noteListVisibility = !state.noteListVisibility; break; case 'NOTELIST_VISIBILITY_SET': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.noteListVisibility = action.visibility; break; case 'NOTE_FILE_WATCHER_ADD': if (newState.watchedNoteFiles.indexOf( < 0) { newState = Object.assign({}, state); const watchedNoteFiles = newState.watchedNoteFiles.slice(); watchedNoteFiles.push(; newState.watchedNoteFiles = watchedNoteFiles; } break; case 'NOTE_FILE_WATCHER_REMOVE': { newState = Object.assign({}, state); const idx = newState.watchedNoteFiles.indexOf(; if (idx >= 0) { const watchedNoteFiles = newState.watchedNoteFiles.slice(); watchedNoteFiles.splice(idx, 1); newState.watchedNoteFiles = watchedNoteFiles; } } break; case 'NOTE_FILE_WATCHER_CLEAR': if (state.watchedNoteFiles.length) { newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.watchedNoteFiles = []; } break; case 'EDITOR_SCROLL_PERCENT_SET': { newState = Object.assign({}, state); const newPercents = Object.assign({}, newState.lastEditorScrollPercents); newPercents[action.noteId] = action.percent; newState.lastEditorScrollPercents = newPercents; } break; case 'NOTE_DEVTOOLS_TOGGLE': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.noteDevToolsVisible = !newState.noteDevToolsVisible; break; } } catch (error) { error.message = `In reducer: ${error.message} Action: ${JSON.stringify(action)}`; throw error; } return super.reducer(newState, action); } async generalMiddleware(store, next, action) { if (action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key == 'locale' || action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') { setLocale(Setting.value('locale')); // The bridge runs within the main process, with its own instance of locale.js // so it needs to be set too here. bridge().setLocale(Setting.value('locale')); await this.refreshMenu(); } if (action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key == 'showTrayIcon' || action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') { this.updateTray(); } if (action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key == 'style.editor.fontFamily' || action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') { this.updateEditorFont(); } if (['EVENT_NOTE_ALARM_FIELD_CHANGE', 'NOTE_DELETE'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) { await AlarmService.updateNoteNotification(, action.type === 'NOTE_DELETE'); } const result = await super.generalMiddleware(store, next, action); const newState = store.getState(); if (action.type === 'NAV_GO' || action.type === 'NAV_BACK') { app().updateMenu(newState.route.routeName); } if (['NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_TOGGLE', 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_SET'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) { Setting.setValue('noteVisiblePanes', newState.noteVisiblePanes); } if (['SIDEBAR_VISIBILITY_TOGGLE', 'SIDEBAR_VISIBILITY_SET'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) { Setting.setValue('sidebarVisibility', newState.sidebarVisibility); } if (['NOTELIST_VISIBILITY_TOGGLE', 'NOTELIST_VISIBILITY_SET'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) { Setting.setValue('noteListVisibility', newState.noteListVisibility); } if (action.type.indexOf('NOTE_SELECT') === 0 || action.type.indexOf('FOLDER_SELECT') === 0) { this.updateMenuItemStates(); } if (action.type === 'NOTE_DEVTOOLS_TOGGLE') { const menuItem = Menu.getApplicationMenu().getMenuItemById('help:toggleDevTools'); menuItem.checked = newState.noteDevToolsVisible; } return result; } async refreshMenu() { const screen = this.lastMenuScreen_; this.lastMenuScreen_ = null; await this.updateMenu(screen); } focusElement_(target) { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'focusElement', target: target, }); } async updateMenu(screen) { if (this.lastMenuScreen_ === screen) return; const sortNoteFolderItems = (type) => { const sortItems = []; const sortOptions = Setting.enumOptions(`${type}.sortOrder.field`); for (let field in sortOptions) { if (!sortOptions.hasOwnProperty(field)) continue; sortItems.push({ label: sortOptions[field], screens: ['Main'], type: 'checkbox', checked: Setting.value(`${type}.sortOrder.field`) === field, click: () => { Setting.setValue(`${type}.sortOrder.field`, field); this.refreshMenu(); }, }); } sortItems.push({ type: 'separator' }); sortItems.push({ label: Setting.settingMetadata(`${type}.sortOrder.reverse`).label(), type: 'checkbox', checked: Setting.value(`${type}.sortOrder.reverse`), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { Setting.setValue(`${type}.sortOrder.reverse`, !Setting.value(`${type}.sortOrder.reverse`)); }, }); return sortItems; }; const sortNoteItems = sortNoteFolderItems('notes'); const sortFolderItems = sortNoteFolderItems('folders'); const focusItems = []; focusItems.push({ label: _('Sidebar'), click: () => { this.focusElement_('sideBar'); }, accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Shift+S', }); focusItems.push({ label: _('Note list'), click: () => { this.focusElement_('noteList'); }, accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Shift+L', }); focusItems.push({ label: _('Note title'), click: () => { this.focusElement_('noteTitle'); }, accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Shift+N', }); focusItems.push({ label: _('Note body'), click: () => { this.focusElement_('noteBody'); }, accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Shift+B', }); const importItems = []; const exportItems = []; const toolsItemsFirst = []; const templateItems = []; const ioService = new InteropService(); const ioModules = ioService.modules(); for (let i = 0; i < ioModules.length; i++) { const module = ioModules[i]; if (module.type === 'exporter') { exportItems.push({ label: module.fullLabel(), screens: ['Main'], click: async () => { await InteropServiceHelper.export(this.dispatch.bind(this), module); }, }); } else { for (let j = 0; j < module.sources.length; j++) { const moduleSource = module.sources[j]; importItems.push({ label: module.fullLabel(moduleSource), screens: ['Main'], click: async () => { let path = null; const selectedFolderId =; if (moduleSource === 'file') { path = bridge().showOpenDialog({ filters: [{ name: module.description, extensions: module.fileExtensions}], }); } else { path = bridge().showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openDirectory', 'createDirectory'], }); } if (!path || (Array.isArray(path) && !path.length)) return; if (Array.isArray(path)) path = path[0]; this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'showModalMessage', message: _('Importing from "%s" as "%s" format. Please wait...', path, module.format), }); const importOptions = { path, format: module.format, modulePath: module.path, onError: console.warn, destinationFolderId: !module.isNoteArchive && moduleSource === 'file' ? selectedFolderId : null, }; const service = new InteropService(); try { const result = await service.import(importOptions);'Import result: ', result); } catch (error) { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(error.message); } this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'hideModalMessage', }); }, }); } } } exportItems.push({ label: `PDF - ${_('PDF File')}`, screens: ['Main'], click: async () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'exportPdf', }); }, }); // We need a dummy entry, otherwise the ternary operator to show a // menu item only on a specific OS does not work. const noItem = { type: 'separator', visible: false, }; const syncStatusItem = { label: _('Synchronisation Status'), click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Status', }); }, }; const newNoteItem = { label: _('New note'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+N', screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'newNote', }); }, }; const newTodoItem = { label: _('New to-do'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+T', screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'newTodo', }); }, }; const newNotebookItem = { label: _('New notebook'), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'newNotebook', }); }, }; const newSubNotebookItem = { label: _('New sub-notebook'), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'newSubNotebook', activeFolderId: Setting.value('activeFolderId'), }); }, }; const printItem = { label: _('Print'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+P', screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'print', }); }, }; toolsItemsFirst.push(syncStatusItem, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }); const templateDirExists = await shim.fsDriver().exists(Setting.value('templateDir')); templateItems.push({ label: _('Create note from template'), visible: templateDirExists, click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'selectTemplate', noteType: 'note', }); }, }, { label: _('Create to-do from template'), visible: templateDirExists, click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'selectTemplate', noteType: 'todo', }); }, }, { label: _('Insert template'), visible: templateDirExists, accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Alt+I', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'selectTemplate', }); }, }, { label: _('Open template directory'), click: () => { const templateDir = Setting.value('templateDir'); if (!templateDirExists) shim.fsDriver().mkdir(templateDir); shell.openItem(templateDir); }, }, { label: _('Refresh templates'), click: async () => { const templates = await TemplateUtils.loadTemplates(Setting.value('templateDir'));{ type: 'TEMPLATE_UPDATE_ALL', templates: templates, }); }, }); const toolsItems = toolsItemsFirst.concat([{ label: _('Options'), visible: !shim.isMac(), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+,', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Config', }); }, }]); function _checkForUpdates(ctx) { bridge().checkForUpdates(false, bridge().window(), ctx.checkForUpdateLoggerPath(), { includePreReleases: Setting.value('autoUpdate.includePreReleases') }); } function _showAbout() { const p = packageInfo; let gitInfo = ''; if ('git' in p) { gitInfo = _('Revision: %s (%s)', p.git.hash, p.git.branch); } let message = [ p.description, '', 'Copyright © 2016-2019 Laurent Cozic', _('%s %s (%s, %s)',, p.version, Setting.value('env'), process.platform), '', _('Client ID: %s', Setting.value('clientId')), _('Sync Version: %s', Setting.value('syncVersion')), ]; if (gitInfo) { message.push(`\n${gitInfo}`);; } bridge().showInfoMessageBox(message.join('\n'), { icon: `${bridge().electronApp().buildDir()}/icons/32x32.png`, }); } const rootMenuFile = { // Using a dummy entry for macOS here, because first menu // becomes 'Joplin' and we need a nenu called 'File' later. label: shim.isMac() ? '&JoplinMainMenu' : _('&File'), // `&` before one of the char in the label name mean, that // will open this menu. It's needed becase electron // opens the first menu on Alt press if no hotkey assigned. // Issue: submenu: [{ label: _('About Joplin'), visible: shim.isMac() ? true : false, click: () => _showAbout(), }, { type: 'separator', visible: shim.isMac() ? true : false, }, { label: _('Preferences...'), visible: shim.isMac() ? true : false, accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+,', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Config', }); }, }, { label: _('Check for updates...'), visible: shim.isMac() ? true : false, click: () => _checkForUpdates(this), }, { type: 'separator', visible: shim.isMac() ? true : false, }, shim.isMac() ? noItem : newNoteItem, shim.isMac() ? noItem : newTodoItem, shim.isMac() ? noItem : newNotebookItem, shim.isMac() ? noItem : newSubNotebookItem, { type: 'separator', visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, }, { label: _('Templates'), visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, submenu: templateItems, }, { type: 'separator', visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, }, { label: _('Import'), visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, submenu: importItems, }, { label: _('Export'), visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, submenu: exportItems, }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: _('Synchronise'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+S', screens: ['Main'], click: async () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'synchronize', }); }, }, shim.isMac() ? syncStatusItem : noItem, { type: 'separator', }, shim.isMac() ? noItem : printItem, { type: 'separator', platforms: ['darwin'], }, { label: _('Hide %s', 'Joplin'), platforms: ['darwin'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+H', click: () => { bridge().electronApp().hide(); }, }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: _('Quit'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Q', click: () => { bridge().electronApp().quit(); }, }], }; const rootMenuFileMacOs = { label: _('&File'), visible: shim.isMac() ? true : false, submenu: [ newNoteItem, newTodoItem, newNotebookItem, newSubNotebookItem, { label: _('Close Window'), platforms: ['darwin'], accelerator: 'Command+W', selector: 'performClose:', }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: _('Templates'), submenu: templateItems, }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: _('Import'), submenu: importItems, }, { label: _('Export'), submenu: exportItems, }, { type: 'separator', }, printItem, ], }; const layoutButtonSequenceOptions = Object.entries(Setting.enumOptions('layoutButtonSequence')).map(([layoutKey, layout]) => ({ label: layout, screens: ['Main'], type: 'checkbox', checked: Setting.value('layoutButtonSequence') == layoutKey, click: () => { Setting.setValue('layoutButtonSequence', layoutKey); this.refreshMenu(); }, })); const rootMenus = { edit: { id: 'edit', label: _('&Edit'), submenu: [{ id: 'edit:copy', label: _('Copy'), role: 'copy', accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+C', }, { id: 'edit:cut', label: _('Cut'), role: 'cut', accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+X', }, { id: 'edit:paste', label: _('Paste'), role: 'paste', accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+V', }, { id: 'edit:selectAll', label: _('Select all'), role: 'selectall', accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+A', }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { id: 'edit:bold', label: _('Bold'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+B', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'textBold', }); }, }, { id: 'edit:italic', label: _('Italic'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+I', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'textItalic', }); }, }, { id: 'edit:link', label: _('Link'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+K', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'textLink', }); }, }, { id: 'edit:code', label: _('Code'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+`', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'textCode', }); }, }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { id: 'edit:insertDateTime', label: _('Insert Date Time'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Shift+T', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'insertDateTime', }); }, }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { id: 'edit:commandStartExternalEditing', label: _('Edit in external editor'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+E', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'commandStartExternalEditing', }); }, }, { id: 'edit:setTags', label: _('Tags'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Alt+T', click: () => { const selectedNoteIds =; if (selectedNoteIds.length !== 1) return; this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'setTags', noteId: selectedNoteIds[0], }); }, }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { id: 'edit:focusSearch', label: _('Search in all the notes'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: shim.isMac() ? 'Shift+Command+F' : 'F6', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'focusSearch', }); }, }, { id: 'edit:showLocalSearch', label: _('Search in current note'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+F', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'showLocalSearch', }); }, }], }, view: { label: _('&View'), submenu: [{ label: _('Toggle sidebar'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: shim.isMac() ? 'Option+Command+S' : 'F10', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'toggleSidebar', }); }, }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { label: _('Layout button sequence'), screens: ['Main'], submenu: layoutButtonSequenceOptions, }, { label: _('Toggle note list'), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'toggleNoteList', }); }, }, { label: _('Toggle editor layout'), screens: ['Main'], accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+L', click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'toggleVisiblePanes', }); }, }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { label: Setting.settingMetadata('notes.sortOrder.field').label(), screens: ['Main'], submenu: sortNoteItems, }, { label: Setting.settingMetadata('folders.sortOrder.field').label(), screens: ['Main'], submenu: sortFolderItems, }, { label: Setting.settingMetadata('showNoteCounts').label(), type: 'checkbox', checked: Setting.value('showNoteCounts'), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { Setting.setValue('showNoteCounts', !Setting.value('showNoteCounts')); }, }, { label: Setting.settingMetadata('uncompletedTodosOnTop').label(), type: 'checkbox', checked: Setting.value('uncompletedTodosOnTop'), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { Setting.setValue('uncompletedTodosOnTop', !Setting.value('uncompletedTodosOnTop')); }, }, { label: Setting.settingMetadata('showCompletedTodos').label(), type: 'checkbox', checked: Setting.value('showCompletedTodos'), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { Setting.setValue('showCompletedTodos', !Setting.value('showCompletedTodos')); }, }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { label: _('Focus'), screens: ['Main'], submenu: focusItems, }], }, tools: { label: _('&Tools'), submenu: shim.isMac() ? [] : toolsItems, }, help: { label: _('&Help'), submenu: [{ label: _('Website and documentation'), accelerator: 'F1', click() { bridge().openExternal(''); }, }, { label: _('Joplin Forum'), click() { bridge().openExternal(''); }, }, { label: _('Make a donation'), click() { bridge().openExternal(''); }, }, { label: _('Check for updates...'), visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, click: () => _checkForUpdates(this), }, { type: 'separator', screens: ['Main'], }, { id: 'help:toggleDevTools', type: 'checkbox', label: _('Toggle development tools'), visible: true, click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'NOTE_DEVTOOLS_TOGGLE', }); }, }, { type: 'separator', visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, screens: ['Main'], }, { label: _('About Joplin'), visible: shim.isMac() ? false : true, click: () => _showAbout(), }], }, }; if (shim.isMac()) { rootMenus.macOsApp = rootMenuFile; rootMenus.file = rootMenuFileMacOs; } else { rootMenus.file = rootMenuFile; } // It seems the "visible" property of separators is ignored by Electron, making // it display separators that we want hidden. So this function iterates through // them and remove them completely. const cleanUpSeparators = items => { const output = []; for (const item of items) { if ('visible' in item && item.type === 'separator' && !item.visible) continue; output.push(item); } return output; }; for (const key in rootMenus) { if (!rootMenus.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; if (!rootMenus[key].submenu) continue; rootMenus[key].submenu = cleanUpSeparators(rootMenus[key].submenu); } const pluginMenuItems = PluginManager.instance().menuItems(); for (const item of pluginMenuItems) { let itemParent = rootMenus[item.parent] ? rootMenus[item.parent] : 'tools'; itemParent.submenu.push(item); } const template = [ rootMenus.file, rootMenus.edit, rootMenus.view,,, ]; if (shim.isMac()) template.splice(0, 0, rootMenus.macOsApp); function isEmptyMenu(template) { for (let i = 0; i < template.length; i++) { const t = template[i]; if (t.type !== 'separator') return false; } return true; } function removeUnwantedItems(template, screen) { const platform = shim.platformName(); let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < template.length; i++) { const t = Object.assign({}, template[i]); if (t.screens && t.screens.indexOf(screen) < 0) continue; if (t.platforms && t.platforms.indexOf(platform) < 0) continue; if (t.submenu) t.submenu = removeUnwantedItems(t.submenu, screen); if (('submenu' in t) && isEmptyMenu(t.submenu)) continue; output.push(t); } // Remove empty separator for now empty sections let temp = []; let previous = null; for (let i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { const t = Object.assign({}, output[i]); if (t.type === 'separator') { if (!previous) continue; if (previous.type === 'separator') continue; } temp.push(t); previous = t; } output = temp; return output; } let screenTemplate = removeUnwantedItems(template, screen); const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(screenTemplate); Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); this.lastMenuScreen_ = screen; } async updateMenuItemStates() { if (!this.lastMenuScreen_) return; if (! return; const selectedNoteIds =; const note = selectedNoteIds.length === 1 ? await Note.load(selectedNoteIds[0]) : null; for (const itemId of ['copy', 'paste', 'cut', 'selectAll', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'code', 'insertDateTime', 'commandStartExternalEditing', 'setTags', 'showLocalSearch']) { const menuItem = Menu.getApplicationMenu().getMenuItemById(`edit:${itemId}`); if (!menuItem) continue; menuItem.enabled = !!note && note.markup_language === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN; } } updateTray() { const app = bridge().electronApp(); if (app.trayShown() === Setting.value('showTrayIcon')) return; if (!Setting.value('showTrayIcon')) { app.destroyTray(); } else { const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: _('Open %s', app.electronApp().getName()), click: () => { app.window().show(); } }, { type: 'separator' }, { label: _('Exit'), click: () => { app.quit(); } }, ]); app.createTray(contextMenu); } } updateEditorFont() { const fontFamilies = []; if (Setting.value('style.editor.fontFamily')) fontFamilies.push(`"${Setting.value('style.editor.fontFamily')}"`); fontFamilies.push('monospace'); // The '*' and '!important' parts are necessary to make sure Russian text is displayed properly // const css = `.ace_editor * { font-family: ${fontFamilies.join(', ')} !important; }`; const styleTag = document.createElement('style'); styleTag.type = 'text/css'; styleTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); document.head.appendChild(styleTag); } async loadCustomCss(filePath) { let cssString = ''; if (await fs.pathExists(filePath)) { try { cssString = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8'); } catch (error) { let msg = error.message ? error.message : ''; msg = `Could not load custom css from ${filePath}\n${msg}`; error.message = msg; throw error; } } return cssString; } async start(argv) { const electronIsDev = require('electron-is-dev'); // If running inside a package, the command line, instead of being "node.exe " is "joplin.exe " so // insert an extra argument so that they can be processed in a consistent way everywhere. if (!electronIsDev) argv.splice(1, 0, '.'); argv = await super.start(argv); AlarmService.setDriver(new AlarmServiceDriverNode({ appName: })); AlarmService.setLogger(reg.logger()); reg.setShowErrorMessageBoxHandler((message) => { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(message); }); if (Setting.value('openDevTools')) { bridge().window().webContents.openDevTools(); } PluginManager.instance().dispatch_ = this.dispatch.bind(this); PluginManager.instance().setLogger(reg.logger()); PluginManager.instance().register(pluginClasses); this.updateMenu('Main'); this.initRedux(); // Since the settings need to be loaded before the store is created, it will never // receive the SETTING_UPDATE_ALL even, which mean state.settings will not be // initialised. So we manually call dispatchUpdateAll() to force an update. Setting.dispatchUpdateAll(); await FoldersScreenUtils.refreshFolders(); const tags = await Tag.allWithNotes(); this.dispatch({ type: 'TAG_UPDATE_ALL', items: tags, }); const masterKeys = await MasterKey.all(); this.dispatch({ type: 'MASTERKEY_UPDATE_ALL', items: masterKeys, });{ type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: Setting.value('activeFolderId'), });{ type: 'FOLDER_SET_COLLAPSED_ALL', ids: Setting.value('collapsedFolderIds'), }); const cssString = await this.loadCustomCss(`${Setting.value('profileDir')}/userstyle.css`);{ type: 'LOAD_CUSTOM_CSS', css: cssString, }); const templates = await TemplateUtils.loadTemplates(Setting.value('templateDir'));{ type: 'TEMPLATE_UPDATE_ALL', templates: templates, }); // Note: Auto-update currently doesn't work in Linux: it downloads the update // but then doesn't install it on exit. if (shim.isWindows() || shim.isMac()) { const runAutoUpdateCheck = () => { if (Setting.value('autoUpdateEnabled')) { bridge().checkForUpdates(true, bridge().window(), this.checkForUpdateLoggerPath(), { includePreReleases: Setting.value('autoUpdate.includePreReleases') }); } }; // Initial check on startup setTimeout(() => { runAutoUpdateCheck(); }, 5000); // Then every x hours setInterval(() => { runAutoUpdateCheck(); }, 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } this.updateTray(); setTimeout(() => { AlarmService.garbageCollect(); }, 1000 * 60 * 60); if (Setting.value('startMinimized') && Setting.value('showTrayIcon')) { // Keep it hidden } else { bridge().window().show(); } ResourceService.runInBackground(); if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev') { AlarmService.updateAllNotifications(); } else { reg.scheduleSync().then(() => { // Wait for the first sync before updating the notifications, since synchronisation // might change the notifications. AlarmService.updateAllNotifications(); DecryptionWorker.instance().scheduleStart(); }); } const clipperLogger = new Logger(); clipperLogger.addTarget('file', { path: `${Setting.value('profileDir')}/log-clipper.txt` }); clipperLogger.addTarget('console'); ClipperServer.instance().setLogger(clipperLogger); ClipperServer.instance().setDispatch(; if (Setting.value('clipperServer.autoStart')) { ClipperServer.instance().start(); } ExternalEditWatcher.instance().setLogger(reg.logger()); ExternalEditWatcher.instance().dispatch =; RevisionService.instance().runInBackground(); this.updateMenuItemStates(); // Make it available to the console window - useful to call revisionService.collectRevisions() window.revisionService = RevisionService.instance(); window.migrationService = MigrationService.instance(); window.decryptionWorker = DecryptionWorker.instance(); } } let application_ = null; function app() { if (!application_) application_ = new Application(); return application_; } module.exports = { app };