import * as React from 'react';
import { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useRef, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle } from 'react';
import { ScrollOptions, ScrollOptionTypes, EditorCommand, NoteBodyEditorProps } from '../../utils/types';
import { resourcesStatus, commandAttachFileToBody, handlePasteEvent, processPastedHtml } from '../../utils/resourceHandling';
import useScroll from './utils/useScroll';
import styles_ from './styles';
import CommandService from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService';
import { ToolbarButtonInfo } from '@joplin/lib/services/commands/ToolbarButtonUtils';
import ToggleEditorsButton, { Value as ToggleEditorsButtonValue } from '../../../ToggleEditorsButton/ToggleEditorsButton';
import ToolbarButton from '../../../../gui/ToolbarButton/ToolbarButton';
import usePluginServiceRegistration from '../../utils/usePluginServiceRegistration';
import { utils as pluginUtils } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/reducer';
import { _, closestSupportedLocale } from '@joplin/lib/locale';
import useContextMenu from './utils/useContextMenu';
import { copyHtmlToClipboard } from '../../utils/clipboardUtils';
import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim';
const { MarkupToHtml } = require('@joplin/renderer');
const taboverride = require('taboverride');
import { reg } from '@joplin/lib/registry';
import BaseItem from '@joplin/lib/models/BaseItem';
import setupToolbarButtons from './utils/setupToolbarButtons';
const { themeStyle } = require('@joplin/lib/theme');
const { clipboard } = require('electron');
const supportedLocales = require('./supportedLocales');
function markupRenderOptions(override: any = null) {
return {
plugins: {
checkbox: {
checkboxRenderingType: 2,
link_open: {
linkRenderingType: 2,
replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks: true,
function findBlockSource(node: any) {
const sources = node.getElementsByClassName('joplin-source');
if (!sources.length) throw new Error('No source for node');
const source = sources[0];
return {
openCharacters: source.getAttribute('data-joplin-source-open'),
closeCharacters: source.getAttribute('data-joplin-source-close'),
content: source.textContent,
node: source,
language: source.getAttribute('data-joplin-language') || '',
function newBlockSource(language: string = '', content: string = ''): any {
const fence = language === 'katex' ? '$$' : '```';
const fenceLanguage = language === 'katex' ? '' : language;
return {
openCharacters: `\n${fence}${fenceLanguage}\n`,
closeCharacters: `\n${fence}\n`,
content: content,
node: null,
language: language,
// In TinyMCE 5.2, when setting the body to '
// it would end up as '
' once rendered
// (an additional
was inserted).
// This behaviour was "fixed" later on, possibly in 5.6, which has this change:
// - Fixed getContent with text format returning a new line when the editor is empty #TINY-6281
// The problem is that the list plugin was, unknown to me, relying on this
// being present. Without it, trying to add a bullet point or checkbox on an
// empty document, does nothing. The exact reason for this is unclear
// so as a workaround we manually add this
for empty documents,
// which fixes the issue.
// Perhaps upgrading the list plugin (which is a fork of TinyMCE own list plugin)
// would help?
function awfulBrHack(html: string): string {
return html === '' ? '
' : html;
function findEditableContainer(node: any): any {
while (node) {
if (node.classList && node.classList.contains('joplin-editable')) return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
function editableInnerHtml(html: string): string {
const temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = html;
const editable = temp.getElementsByClassName('joplin-editable');
if (!editable.length) throw new Error(`Invalid joplin-editable: ${html}`);
return editable[0].innerHTML;
function dialogTextArea_keyDown(event: any) {
if (event.key === 'Tab') {
window.requestAnimationFrame(() =>;
let markupToHtml_ = new MarkupToHtml();
function stripMarkup(markupLanguage: number, markup: string, options: any = null) {
if (!markupToHtml_) markupToHtml_ = new MarkupToHtml();
return markupToHtml_.stripMarkup(markupLanguage, markup, options);
// Allows pressing tab in a textarea to input an actual tab (instead of changing focus)
// taboverride will take care of actually inserting the tab character, while the keydown
// event listener will override the default behaviour, which is to focus the next field.
function enableTextAreaTab(enable: boolean) {
const textAreas = document.getElementsByClassName('tox-textarea');
for (const textArea of textAreas) {
taboverride.set(textArea, enable);
if (enable) {
textArea.addEventListener('keydown', dialogTextArea_keyDown);
} else {
textArea.removeEventListener('keydown', dialogTextArea_keyDown);
interface TinyMceCommand {
name: string;
value?: any;
ui?: boolean;
interface JoplinCommandToTinyMceCommands {
[key: string]: TinyMceCommand;
const joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands: JoplinCommandToTinyMceCommands = {
'textBold': { name: 'mceToggleFormat', value: 'bold' },
'textItalic': { name: 'mceToggleFormat', value: 'italic' },
'textLink': { name: 'mceLink' },
'search': { name: 'SearchReplace' },
let loadedCssFiles_: string[] = [];
let loadedJsFiles_: string[] = [];
let dispatchDidUpdateIID_: any = null;
let changeId_: number = 1;
const TinyMCE = (props: NoteBodyEditorProps, ref: any) => {
const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null);
const [scriptLoaded, setScriptLoaded] = useState(false);
const [editorReady, setEditorReady] = useState(false);
const [draggingStarted, setDraggingStarted] = useState(false);
const props_onMessage = useRef(null);
props_onMessage.current = props.onMessage;
const props_onDrop = useRef(null);
props_onDrop.current = props.onDrop;
const markupToHtml = useRef(null);
markupToHtml.current = props.markupToHtml;
const lastOnChangeEventInfo = useRef({
content: null,
resourceInfos: null,
contentKey: null,
const rootIdRef = useRef(`tinymce-${}${Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)}`);
const editorRef = useRef(null);
editorRef.current = editor;
const styles = styles_(props);
// const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId);
const { scrollToPercent } = useScroll({ editor, onScroll: props.onScroll });
useContextMenu(editor, props.plugins, props.dispatch);
const dispatchDidUpdate = (editor: any) => {
if (dispatchDidUpdateIID_) shim.clearTimeout(dispatchDidUpdateIID_);
dispatchDidUpdateIID_ = shim.setTimeout(() => {
dispatchDidUpdateIID_ = null;
if (editor && editor.getDoc()) editor.getDoc().dispatchEvent(new Event('joplin-noteDidUpdate'));
}, 10);
const insertResourcesIntoContent = useCallback(async (filePaths: string[] = null, options: any = null) => {
const resourceMd = await commandAttachFileToBody('', filePaths, options);
if (!resourceMd) return;
const result = await props.markupToHtml(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, resourceMd, markupRenderOptions({ bodyOnly: true }));
// dispatchDidUpdate(editor);
}, [props.markupToHtml, editor]);
const insertResourcesIntoContentRef = useRef(null);
insertResourcesIntoContentRef.current = insertResourcesIntoContent;
const onEditorContentClick = useCallback((event: any) => {
const nodeName = ? : '';
if (nodeName === 'INPUT' &&'type') === 'checkbox') {'joplinChange');
if (nodeName === 'A' && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
const href ='href');
if (href.indexOf('#') === 0) {
const anchorName = href.substr(1);
const anchor = editor.getDoc().getElementById(anchorName);
if (anchor) {
} else {
reg.logger().warn('TinyMce: could not find anchor with ID ', anchorName);
} else {
props.onMessage({ channel: href });
}, [editor, props.onMessage]);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => {
return {
content: async () => {
if (!editorRef.current) return '';
return prop_htmlToMarkdownRef.current(props.contentMarkupLanguage, editorRef.current.getContent(), props.contentOriginalCss);
resetScroll: () => {
if (editor) editor.getWin().scrollTo(0,0);
scrollTo: (options: ScrollOptions) => {
if (!editor) return;
if (options.type === ScrollOptionTypes.Hash) {
const anchor = editor.getDoc().getElementById(options.value);
if (!anchor) {
console.warn('Cannot find hash', options);
} else if (options.type === ScrollOptionTypes.Percent) {
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported scroll options: ${options.type}`);
supportsCommand: (name: string) => {
// TODO: should also handle commands that are not in this map (insertText, focus, etc);
return !!joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands[name];
execCommand: async (cmd: EditorCommand) => {
if (!editor) return false;
reg.logger().debug('TinyMce: execCommand', cmd);
let commandProcessed = true;
if ( === 'insertText') {
const result = await markupToHtml.current(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, cmd.value, { bodyOnly: true });
} else if ( === 'editor.focus') {
} else if ( === 'editor.execCommand') {
if (!('ui' in cmd.value)) cmd.value.ui = false;
if (!('value' in cmd.value)) cmd.value.value = null;
if (!('args' in cmd.value)) cmd.value.args = {};
editor.execCommand(, cmd.value.ui, cmd.value.value, cmd.value.args);
} else if ( === 'dropItems') {
if (cmd.value.type === 'notes') {
const result = await markupToHtml.current(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, cmd.value.markdownTags.join('\n'), markupRenderOptions({ bodyOnly: true }));
} else if (cmd.value.type === 'files') {
insertResourcesIntoContentRef.current(cmd.value.paths, { createFileURL: !!cmd.value.createFileURL });
} else {
reg.logger().warn('TinyMCE: unsupported drop item: ', cmd);
} else {
commandProcessed = false;
if (commandProcessed) return true;
const additionalCommands: any = {
selectedText: () => {
return stripMarkup(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML, editor.selection.getContent());
selectedHtml: () => {
return editor.selection.getContent();
replaceSelection: (value: any) => {
// It doesn't make sense but it seems calling setContent
// doesn't create an undo step so we need to call it
// manually.
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => editor.undoManager.add());
if (additionalCommands[]) {
return additionalCommands[](cmd.value);
if (!joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands[]) {
reg.logger().warn('TinyMCE: unsupported Joplin command: ', cmd);
return false;
const tinyMceCmd: TinyMceCommand = { ...joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands[] };
if (!('ui' in tinyMceCmd)) tinyMceCmd.ui = false;
if (!('value' in tinyMceCmd)) tinyMceCmd.value = null;
editor.execCommand(, tinyMceCmd.ui, tinyMceCmd.value);
return true;
}, [editor, props.contentMarkupLanguage, props.contentOriginalCss]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load the TinyMCE library. The lib loads additional JS and CSS files on startup
// (for themes), and so it needs to be loaded via