import * as React from 'react'; import { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import TinyMCE from './NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE'; import AceEditor from './NoteBody/AceEditor/AceEditor'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import MultiNoteActions from '../MultiNoteActions'; import NoteToolbar from '../NoteToolbar/NoteToolbar'; import { htmlToMarkdown, formNoteToNote } from './utils'; import useSearchMarkers from './utils/useSearchMarkers'; import useNoteSearchBar from './utils/useNoteSearchBar'; import useMessageHandler from './utils/useMessageHandler'; import useWindowCommandHandler from './utils/useWindowCommandHandler'; import useDropHandler from './utils/useDropHandler'; import useMarkupToHtml from './utils/useMarkupToHtml'; import useFormNote, { OnLoadEvent } from './utils/useFormNote'; import styles_ from './styles'; import { NoteEditorProps, FormNote, ScrollOptions, ScrollOptionTypes, OnChangeEvent, NoteBodyEditorProps } from './utils/types'; import ResourceEditWatcher from '../../lib/services/ResourceEditWatcher'; const { themeStyle } = require('../../theme.js'); const NoteSearchBar = require('../NoteSearchBar.min.js'); const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js'); const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js'); const markupLanguageUtils = require('lib/markupLanguageUtils'); const usePrevious = require('lib/hooks/usePrevious').default; const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js'); const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge'); const ExternalEditWatcher = require('lib/services/ExternalEditWatcher'); const eventManager = require('../../eventManager'); const NoteRevisionViewer = require('../NoteRevisionViewer.min'); const TagList = require('../TagList.min.js'); function NoteEditor(props: NoteEditorProps) { const [showRevisions, setShowRevisions] = useState(false); const [titleHasBeenManuallyChanged, setTitleHasBeenManuallyChanged] = useState(false); const [scrollWhenReady, setScrollWhenReady] = useState(null); const editorRef = useRef(); const titleInputRef = useRef(); const isMountedRef = useRef(true); const noteSearchBarRef = useRef(null); const formNote_beforeLoad = useCallback(async (event:OnLoadEvent) => { await saveNoteIfWillChange(event.formNote); setShowRevisions(false); }, []); const formNote_afterLoad = useCallback(async () => { setTitleHasBeenManuallyChanged(false); }, []); const { formNote, setFormNote, isNewNote, resourceInfos } = useFormNote({ syncStarted: props.syncStarted, noteId: props.noteId, isProvisional: props.isProvisional, titleInputRef: titleInputRef, editorRef: editorRef, onBeforeLoad: formNote_beforeLoad, onAfterLoad: formNote_afterLoad, }); const formNoteRef = useRef(); formNoteRef.current = { ...formNote }; const { localSearch, onChange: localSearch_change, onNext: localSearch_next, onPrevious: localSearch_previous, onClose: localSearch_close, setResultCount: setLocalSearchResultCount, showLocalSearch, setShowLocalSearch, searchMarkers: localSearchMarkerOptions, } = useNoteSearchBar(); // If the note has been modified in another editor, wait for it to be saved // before loading it in this editor. // const waitingToSaveNote = props.noteId && !== props.noteId && props.editorNoteStatuses[props.noteId] === 'saving'; const styles = styles_(props); function scheduleSaveNote(formNote: FormNote) { if (!formNote.saveActionQueue) throw new Error('saveActionQueue is not set!!'); // Sanity check // reg.logger().debug('Scheduling...', formNote); const makeAction = (formNote: FormNote) => { return async function() { const note = await formNoteToNote(formNote); reg.logger().debug('Saving note...', note); const savedNote:any = await; setFormNote((prev: FormNote) => { return { ...prev, user_updated_time: savedNote.user_updated_time }; }); ExternalEditWatcher.instance().updateNoteFile(savedNote); props.dispatch({ type: 'EDITOR_NOTE_STATUS_REMOVE', id:, }); }; }; formNote.saveActionQueue.push(makeAction(formNote)); } async function saveNoteIfWillChange(formNote: FormNote) { if (! || !formNote.bodyWillChangeId) return; const body = await editorRef.current.content(); scheduleSaveNote({ ...formNote, body: body, bodyWillChangeId: 0, bodyChangeId: 0, }); } async function saveNoteAndWait(formNote: FormNote) { saveNoteIfWillChange(formNote); return formNote.saveActionQueue.waitForAllDone(); } const markupToHtml = useMarkupToHtml({ themeId: props.theme, customCss: props.customCss }); const allAssets = useCallback(async (markupLanguage: number): Promise => { const theme = themeStyle(props.theme); const markupToHtml = markupLanguageUtils.newMarkupToHtml({ resourceBaseUrl: `file://${Setting.value('resourceDir')}/`, }); return markupToHtml.allAssets(markupLanguage, theme); }, [props.theme]); const handleProvisionalFlag = useCallback(() => { if (props.isProvisional) { props.dispatch({ type: 'NOTE_PROVISIONAL_FLAG_CLEAR', id:, }); } }, [props.isProvisional,]); useEffect(() => { // This is not exactly a hack but a bit ugly. If the note was changed (willChangeId > 0) but not // yet saved, we need to save it now before the component is unmounted. However, we can't put // formNote in the dependency array or that effect will run every time the note changes. We only // want to run it once on unmount. So because of that we need to use that formNoteRef. return () => { isMountedRef.current = false; saveNoteIfWillChange(formNoteRef.current); }; }, []); const previousNoteId = usePrevious(; useEffect(() => { if ( === previousNoteId) return; if (editorRef.current) { editorRef.current.resetScroll(); } setScrollWhenReady({ type: props.selectedNoteHash ? ScrollOptionTypes.Hash : ScrollOptionTypes.Percent, value: props.selectedNoteHash ? props.selectedNoteHash : props.lastEditorScrollPercents[props.noteId] || 0, }); ResourceEditWatcher.instance().stopWatchingAll(); }, [, previousNoteId]); const onFieldChange = useCallback((field: string, value: any, changeId = 0) => { if (!isMountedRef.current) { // When the component is unmounted, various actions can happen which can // trigger onChange events, for example the textarea might be cleared. // We need to ignore these events, otherwise the note is going to be saved // with an invalid body. reg.logger().debug('Skipping change event because the component is unmounted'); return; } handleProvisionalFlag(); const change = field === 'body' ? { body: value, } : { title: value, }; const newNote = { ...formNote, ...change, bodyWillChangeId: 0, bodyChangeId: 0, hasChanged: true, }; if (field === 'title') { setTitleHasBeenManuallyChanged(true); } if (isNewNote && !titleHasBeenManuallyChanged && field === 'body') { // TODO: Handle HTML/Markdown format newNote.title = Note.defaultTitle(value); } if (changeId !== null && field === 'body' && formNote.bodyWillChangeId !== changeId) { // Note was changed, but another note was loaded before save - skipping // The previously loaded note, that was modified, will be saved via saveNoteIfWillChange() } else { setFormNote(newNote); scheduleSaveNote(newNote); } }, [handleProvisionalFlag, formNote, isNewNote, titleHasBeenManuallyChanged]); useWindowCommandHandler({ windowCommand: props.windowCommand, dispatch: props.dispatch, formNote, setShowLocalSearch, noteSearchBarRef, editorRef, titleInputRef, saveNoteAndWait }); const onDrop = useDropHandler({ editorRef }); const onBodyChange = useCallback((event: OnChangeEvent) => onFieldChange('body', event.content, event.changeId), [onFieldChange]); const onTitleChange = useCallback((event: any) => onFieldChange('title',, [onFieldChange]); const onTitleKeydown = useCallback((event:any) => { const keyCode = event.keyCode; if (keyCode === 9) { // TAB event.preventDefault(); if (event.shiftKey) { props.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'focusElement', target: 'noteList', }); } else { props.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'focusElement', target: 'noteBody', }); } } }, [props.dispatch]); const onBodyWillChange = useCallback((event: any) => { handleProvisionalFlag(); setFormNote(prev => { return { ...prev, bodyWillChangeId: event.changeId, hasChanged: true, }; }); props.dispatch({ type: 'EDITOR_NOTE_STATUS_SET', id:, status: 'saving', }); }, [formNote, handleProvisionalFlag]); const onMessage = useMessageHandler(scrollWhenReady, setScrollWhenReady, editorRef, setLocalSearchResultCount, props.dispatch, formNote); const introductionPostLinkClick = useCallback(() => { bridge().openExternal(''); }, []); const externalEditWatcher_noteChange = useCallback((event) => { if ( === { const newFormNote = { ...formNote, title: event.note.title, body: event.note.body, }; setFormNote(newFormNote); } }, [formNote]); const onNotePropertyChange = useCallback((event) => { setFormNote(formNote => { if ( !== return formNote; const newFormNote: FormNote = { ...formNote }; for (const key in event.note) { if (key === 'id') continue; (newFormNote as any)[key] = event.note[key]; } return newFormNote; }); }, []); useEffect(() => { eventManager.on('alarmChange', onNotePropertyChange); ExternalEditWatcher.instance().on('noteChange', externalEditWatcher_noteChange); return () => {'alarmChange', onNotePropertyChange); ExternalEditWatcher.instance().off('noteChange', externalEditWatcher_noteChange); }; }, [externalEditWatcher_noteChange, onNotePropertyChange]); const noteToolbar_buttonClick = useCallback((event: any) => { const cases: any = { 'startExternalEditing': async () => { props.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'commandStartExternalEditing', }); }, 'stopExternalEditing': () => { props.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'commandStopExternalEditing', }); }, 'setTags': async () => { await saveNoteAndWait(formNote); props.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'setTags', noteIds: [], }); }, 'setAlarm': async () => { await saveNoteAndWait(formNote); props.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'editAlarm', noteId:, }); }, 'showRevisions': () => { setShowRevisions(true); }, }; if (!cases[]) throw new Error(`Unsupported event: ${}`); cases[](); }, [formNote]); const onScroll = useCallback((event: any) => { props.dispatch({ type: 'EDITOR_SCROLL_PERCENT_SET', noteId:, percent: event.percent, }); }, [props.dispatch, formNote]); function renderNoNotes(rootStyle:any) { const emptyDivStyle = Object.assign( { backgroundColor: 'black', opacity: 0.1, }, rootStyle ); return
; } function renderNoteToolbar() { const toolbarStyle = { marginBottom: 0, }; return ; } function renderTagBar() { return props.selectedNoteTags.length ? : null; } function renderTitleBar() { const titleBarDate = {time.formatMsToLocal(formNote.user_updated_time)}; return (
); } const searchMarkers = useSearchMarkers(showLocalSearch, localSearchMarkerOptions, props.searches, props.selectedSearchId); const editorProps:NoteBodyEditorProps = { ref: editorRef, contentKey:, style: styles.tinyMCE, onChange: onBodyChange, onWillChange: onBodyWillChange, onMessage: onMessage, content: formNote.body, contentMarkupLanguage: formNote.markup_language, contentOriginalCss: formNote.originalCss, resourceInfos: resourceInfos, htmlToMarkdown: htmlToMarkdown, markupToHtml: markupToHtml, allAssets: allAssets, disabled: false, theme: props.theme, dispatch: props.dispatch, noteToolbar: null,// renderNoteToolbar(), onScroll: onScroll, searchMarkers: searchMarkers, visiblePanes: props.noteVisiblePanes || ['editor', 'viewer'], keyboardMode: Setting.value('editor.keyboardMode'), locale: Setting.value('locale'), onDrop: onDrop, }; let editor = null; if (props.bodyEditor === 'TinyMCE') { editor = ; } else if (props.bodyEditor === 'AceEditor') { editor = ; } else { throw new Error(`Invalid editor: ${props.bodyEditor}`); } const wysiwygBanner = props.bodyEditor !== 'TinyMCE' ? null : (
This is an experimental WYSIWYG editor for evaluation only. Please do not use with important notes as you may lose some data! See the introduction post for more information. TO SWITCH TO THE MARKDOWN EDITOR PLEASE PRESS "Code View".
); const noteRevisionViewer_onBack = useCallback(() => { setShowRevisions(false); }, []); if (showRevisions) { const theme = themeStyle(props.theme); const revStyle = {, display: 'inline-flex', padding: theme.margin, verticalAlign: 'top', boxSizing: 'border-box', }; return (
); } if (props.selectedNoteIds.length > 1) { return ; } function renderSearchBar() { if (!showLocalSearch) return false; const theme = themeStyle(props.theme); return ( ); } if (formNote.encryption_applied || ! || !props.noteId) { return renderNoNotes(styles.root); } return (
); } export { NoteEditor as NoteEditorComponent, }; const mapStateToProps = (state: any) => { const noteId = state.selectedNoteIds.length === 1 ? state.selectedNoteIds[0] : null; return { noteId: noteId, notes: state.notes, folders: state.folders, selectedNoteIds: state.selectedNoteIds, isProvisional: state.provisionalNoteIds.includes(noteId), editorNoteStatuses: state.editorNoteStatuses, syncStarted: state.syncStarted, theme: state.settings.theme, watchedNoteFiles: state.watchedNoteFiles, windowCommand: state.windowCommand, notesParentType: state.notesParentType, selectedNoteTags: state.selectedNoteTags, lastEditorScrollPercents: state.lastEditorScrollPercents, selectedNoteHash: state.selectedNoteHash, searches: state.searches, selectedSearchId: state.selectedSearchId, customCss: state.customCss, noteVisiblePanes: state.noteVisiblePanes, }; }; export default connect(mapStateToProps)(NoteEditor);