import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { View, Text, Button, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, Picker, Image } from 'react-native'; import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'; import { Log } from 'lib/log.js'; import { Menu, MenuOptions, MenuOption, MenuTrigger } from 'react-native-popup-menu'; import { _ } from 'lib/locale.js'; import { Setting } from 'lib/models/setting.js'; import { FileApi } from 'lib/file-api.js'; import { FileApiDriverOneDrive } from 'lib/file-api-driver-onedrive.js'; import { reg } from 'lib/registry.js' import { globalStyle } from 'lib/components/global-style.js'; // Rather than applying a padding to the whole bar, it is applied to each // individual component (button, picker, etc.) so that the touchable areas // are widder and to give more room to the picker component which has a larger // default height. const PADDING_V = 10; let styleObject = { container: { flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: globalStyle.raisedBackgroundColor, alignItems: 'center', shadowColor: '#000000', elevation: 5, }, folderPicker: { flex:1, color: globalStyle.raisedHighlightedColor, // Note: cannot set backgroundStyle as that would remove the arrow in the component }, divider: { borderBottomWidth: 1, borderColor: globalStyle.dividerColor, backgroundColor: "#0000ff" }, sideMenuButton: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: globalStyle.raisedBackgroundColor, paddingLeft: globalStyle.marginLeft, paddingRight: 5, marginRight: 2, paddingTop: PADDING_V, paddingBottom: PADDING_V, }, iconButton: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: globalStyle.raisedBackgroundColor, paddingLeft: 15, paddingRight: 15, paddingTop: PADDING_V, paddingBottom: PADDING_V, }, saveButton: { flex: 0, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', padding: 10, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: globalStyle.raisedHighlightedColor, borderRadius: 4, marginRight: 8, }, saveButtonText: { textAlignVertical: 'center', color: globalStyle.raisedHighlightedColor, fontWeight: 'bold', }, savedButtonIcon: { fontSize: 20, color: globalStyle.raisedHighlightedColor, width: 18, height: 18, }, saveButtonIcon: { width: 18, height: 18, }, contextMenuTrigger: { fontSize: 25, paddingRight: globalStyle.marginRight, color: globalStyle.raisedColor, fontWeight: 'bold', }, contextMenu: { backgroundColor: globalStyle.raisedBackgroundColor, }, contextMenuItem: { backgroundColor: globalStyle.backgroundColor, }, contextMenuItemText: { flex: 1, textAlignVertical: 'center', paddingLeft: globalStyle.marginLeft, paddingRight: globalStyle.marginRight, paddingTop: globalStyle.itemMarginTop, paddingBottom: globalStyle.itemMarginBottom, color: globalStyle.color, backgroundColor: globalStyle.backgroundColor, fontSize: globalStyle.fontSize, }, titleText: { flex: 1, marginLeft: 0, color: globalStyle.raisedHighlightedColor, fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: globalStyle.fontSize, } }; styleObject.topIcon = Object.assign({}, globalStyle.icon); styleObject.topIcon.flex = 1; styleObject.topIcon.textAlignVertical = 'center'; styleObject.topIcon.color = globalStyle.raisedColor; styleObject.backButton = Object.assign({}, styleObject.iconButton); styleObject.backButton.marginRight = 1; styleObject.backButtonDisabled = Object.assign({}, styleObject.backButton, { opacity: globalStyle.disabledOpacity }); styleObject.saveButtonDisabled = Object.assign({}, styleObject.saveButton, { opacity: globalStyle.disabledOpacity }); const styles = StyleSheet.create(styleObject); class ScreenHeaderComponent extends Component { sideMenuButton_press() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'SIDE_MENU_TOGGLE' }); } backButton_press() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_BACK' }); } searchButton_press() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Search', }); } menu_select(value) { if (typeof(value) == 'function') { value(); } } log_press() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Log', }); } status_press() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Status', }); } config_press() { this.props.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Config', }); } render() { function sideMenuButton(styles, onPress) { return ( ); } function backButton(styles, onPress, disabled) { return ( ); } function saveButton(styles, onPress, disabled, show) { if (!show) return null; const icon = disabled ? : ; return ( { icon } ); } function searchButton(styles, onPress) { return ( ); } let key = 0; let menuOptionComponents = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.props.menuOptions.length; i++) { let o = this.props.menuOptions[i]; menuOptionComponents.push( {o.title} ); } if (menuOptionComponents.length) { menuOptionComponents.push(); } menuOptionComponents.push( this.log_press()} key={'menuOption_' + key++} style={styles.contextMenuItem}> {_('Log')} ); menuOptionComponents.push( this.status_press()} key={'menuOption_' + key++} style={styles.contextMenuItem}> {_('Status')} ); if (menuOptionComponents.length) { menuOptionComponents.push(); } menuOptionComponents.push( this.config_press()} key={'menuOption_' + key++} style={styles.contextMenuItem}> {_('Configuration')} ); const createTitleComponent = () => { const p = this.props.titlePicker; if (p) { let items = []; for (let i = 0; i < p.items.length; i++) { let item = p.items[i]; items.push(); } return ( { if (p.onValueChange) p.onValueChange(itemValue, itemIndex); }}> { items } ); } else { let title = 'title' in this.props && this.props.title !== null ? this.props.title : ''; return {title} } } const titleComp = createTitleComponent(); return ( { sideMenuButton(styles, () => this.sideMenuButton_press()) } { backButton(styles, () => this.backButton_press(), !this.props.historyCanGoBack) } { saveButton(styles, () => { if (this.props.onSaveButtonPress) this.props.onSaveButtonPress() }, this.props.saveButtonDisabled === true, this.props.showSaveButton === true) } { titleComp } { searchButton(styles, () => this.searchButton_press()) } this.menu_select(value)} style={styles.contextMenu}> { menuOptionComponents } ); } } ScreenHeaderComponent.defaultProps = { menuOptions: [], }; const ScreenHeader = connect( (state) => { return { historyCanGoBack: state.historyCanGoBack, locale: state.settings.locale, }; } )(ScreenHeaderComponent) export { ScreenHeader };