import fetch from 'node-fetch'; interface ApiConfig { baseUrl: string; key: string; username: string; newsCategoryId: number; } export enum HttpMethod { GET = 'GET', POST = 'POST', DELETE = 'DELETE', PUT = 'PUT', PATCH = 'PATCH', } interface ForumTopPost { id: number; raw: string; title: string; } interface ForumTopic { id: number; topic_id: string; } export const config: ApiConfig = { baseUrl: '', key: '', username: '', newsCategoryId: 9, }; export const execApi = async (method: HttpMethod, path: string, body: Record = null) => { interface Request { method: HttpMethod; headers: Record; body?: string; } const headers: Record = { 'Api-Key': config.key, 'Api-Username': config.username, }; if (method !== HttpMethod.GET) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json;'; const request: Request = { method, headers, }; if (body) request.body = JSON.stringify(body); const response = await fetch(`${config.baseUrl}/${path}`, request); if (!response.ok) { const errorText = await response.text(); const error = new Error(`On ${method} ${path}: ${errorText}`); let apiObject = null; try { apiObject = JSON.parse(errorText); } catch (error) { // Ignore - it just means that the error object is a plain string } (error as any).apiObject = apiObject; (error as any).status = response.status; throw error; } return response.json() as any; }; export const getForumTopPostByExternalId = async (externalId: string): Promise => { try { const existingForumTopic = await execApi(HttpMethod.GET, `t/external_id/${externalId}.json`); const existingForumPost = await execApi(HttpMethod.GET, `posts/${existingForumTopic.post_stream.posts[0].id}.json`); return { id:, title: existingForumTopic.title, raw: existingForumPost.raw, }; } catch (error) { if (error.status === 404) return null; if (error.apiObject && error.apiObject.error_type === 'not_found') return null; throw error; } }; export const getTopicByExternalId = async (externalId: string): Promise => { try { const existingForumTopic = await execApi(HttpMethod.GET, `t/external_id/${externalId}.json`); return existingForumTopic; } catch (error) { if (error.status === 404) return null; if (error.apiObject && error.apiObject.error_type === 'not_found') return null; throw error; } }; export const createTopic = async (topic: any): Promise => { return execApi(HttpMethod.POST, 'posts', topic); }; export const createPost = async (topicId: number, post: any): Promise => { return execApi(HttpMethod.POST, 'posts', { topic_id: topicId,, }); }; export const updatePost = async (postId: number, content: any): Promise => { await execApi(HttpMethod.PUT, `posts/${postId}.json`, content); };