import { net, protocol } from 'electron'; import { dirname, resolve, normalize } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'url'; import { contentProtocolName } from './constants'; import resolvePathWithinDir from '@joplin/lib/utils/resolvePathWithinDir'; import { LoggerWrapper } from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { createReadStream } from 'fs'; import { fromFilename } from '@joplin/lib/mime-utils'; export interface CustomProtocolHandler { allowReadAccessToDirectory(path: string): void; allowReadAccessToFile(path: string): { remove(): void }; } // In some cases, the NodeJS built-in adapter (Readable.toWeb) closes its controller twice, // leading to an error dialog. See: // - // - // We work around this by creating a more-error-tolerant custom adapter. const nodeStreamToWeb = (resultStream: fs.ReadStream) => { resultStream.pause(); let closed = false; return new ReadableStream({ start: (controller) => { resultStream.on('data', (chunk) => { if (closed) { return; } if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) { controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array(chunk)); } else { controller.enqueue(chunk); } if (controller.desiredSize <= 0) { resultStream.pause(); } }); resultStream.on('error', (error) => { controller.error(error); }); resultStream.on('end', () => { if (!closed) { closed = true; controller.close(); } }); }, pull: (_controller) => { if (closed) { return; } resultStream.resume(); }, cancel: () => { if (!closed) { closed = true; resultStream.close(); } }, }, { highWaterMark: resultStream.readableHighWaterMark }); }; // Allows seeking videos. // See for why this is necessary. const handleRangeRequest = async (request: Request, targetPath: string) => { const makeUnsupportedRangeResponse = () => { return new Response('unsupported range', { status: 416, // Range Not Satisfiable }); }; const rangeHeader = request.headers.get('Range'); if (!rangeHeader.startsWith('bytes=')) { return makeUnsupportedRangeResponse(); } const stat = await fs.stat(targetPath); // Ranges are requested using one of the following formats // bytes=1234-5679 // bytes=-5678 // bytes=1234- // See const startByte = Number(rangeHeader.match(/(\d+)-/)?.[1] || '0'); const endByte = Number(rangeHeader.match(/-(\d+)/)?.[1] || `${stat.size - 1}`); if (endByte > stat.size || startByte < 0) { return makeUnsupportedRangeResponse(); } // Note: end is inclusive. const resultStream = createReadStream(targetPath, { start: startByte, end: endByte }); // See the HTTP range requests guide: const headers = new Headers([ ['Accept-Ranges', 'bytes'], ['Content-Type', fromFilename(targetPath)], ['Content-Length', `${endByte + 1 - startByte}`], ['Content-Range', `bytes ${startByte}-${endByte}/${stat.size}`], ]); return new Response( nodeStreamToWeb(resultStream), { headers, status: 206 }, ); }; // Creating a custom protocol allows us to isolate iframes by giving them // different domain names from the main Joplin app. // // For example, an iframe with url joplin-content://note-viewer/path/to/iframe.html will run // in a different process from a parent frame with url file://path/to/iframe.html. // // See for why this is important. // // TODO: Use Logger.create (doesn't work for now because Logger is only initialized // in the main process.) const handleCustomProtocols = (logger: LoggerWrapper): CustomProtocolHandler => { logger = { ...logger, debug: () => {}, }; const readableDirectories: string[] = []; const readableFiles = new Map(); // See also the protocol.handle example: protocol.handle(contentProtocolName, async request => { const url = new URL(request.url); const host =; let pathname = normalize(fileURLToPath(`file://${url.pathname}`)); // See if (pathname.startsWith('..')) { throw new Error(`Invalid URL (not absolute), ${request.url}`); } pathname = resolve(appBundleDirectory, pathname); const allowedHosts = ['note-viewer']; let canRead = false; if (allowedHosts.includes(host)) { if (readableFiles.has(pathname)) { canRead = true; } else { for (const readableDirectory of readableDirectories) { if (resolvePathWithinDir(readableDirectory, pathname)) { canRead = true; break; } } } } else { throw new Error(`Invalid URL ${request.url}`); } if (!canRead) { throw new Error(`Read access not granted for URL ${request.url}`); } const asFileUrl = pathToFileURL(pathname).toString(); logger.debug('protocol handler: Fetch file URL', asFileUrl); const rangeHeader = request.headers.get('Range'); if (!rangeHeader) { const response = await net.fetch(asFileUrl); return response; } else { return handleRangeRequest(request, pathname); } }); const appBundleDirectory = dirname(dirname(__dirname)); return { allowReadAccessToDirectory: (path: string) => { path = resolve(appBundleDirectory, path); logger.debug('protocol handler: Allow read access to directory', path); readableDirectories.push(path); }, allowReadAccessToFile: (path: string) => { path = resolve(appBundleDirectory, path); logger.debug('protocol handler: Allow read access to file', path); if (readableFiles.has(path)) { readableFiles.set(path, readableFiles.get(path) + 1); } else { readableFiles.set(path, 1); } return { remove: () => { if ((readableFiles.get(path) ?? 0) <= 1) { logger.debug('protocol handler: Remove read access to file', path); readableFiles.delete(path); } else { readableFiles.set(path, readableFiles.get(path) - 1); } }, }; }, }; }; export default handleCustomProtocols;