/* eslint-disable multiline-comment-style */
import { Store } from 'redux';
import { registerRenderer } from '../../noteList/renderers';
import Plugin from '../Plugin';
import { ListRenderer } from './noteListType';
* This API allows you to customise how each note in the note list is rendered.
* The renderer you implement follows a unidirectional data flow.
* The app provides the required dependencies whenever a note is updated - you
* process these dependencies, and return some props, which are then passed to
* your template and rendered. See [[ListRenderer]] for a detailed description
* of each property of the renderer.
* ## Reference
* * [View the demo plugin](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/tree/dev/packages/app-cli/tests/support/plugins/note_list_renderer)
* * [Default list renderer](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/tree/dev/packages/lib/services/noteList/defaultListRenderer.ts)
* ## Screenshots:
* ### Top to bottom with title, date and body
* ### Left to right with thumbnails
* ### Top to bottom with editable title
export default class JoplinViewsNoteList {
private plugin_: Plugin;
private store_: Store;
public constructor(plugin: Plugin, store: Store) {
this.plugin_ = plugin;
this.store_ = store;
public async registerRenderer(renderer: ListRenderer) {
await registerRenderer(this.store_, {
id: `${this.plugin_.id}:${renderer.id}`,