import { NoteEntity, ResourceEntity, TagEntity } from './services/database/types'; import shim from './shim'; const fs = require('fs-extra'); const os = require('os'); const { filename } = require('./path-utils'); import { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient, expectNotThrow, supportDir } from './testing/test-utils'; const { enexXmlToMd } = require('./import-enex-md-gen.js'); import importEnex from './import-enex'; import Note from './models/Note'; import Tag from './models/Tag'; import Resource from './models/Resource'; const enexSampleBaseDir = `${supportDir}/../enex_to_md`; describe('import-enex-md-gen', function() { beforeEach(async () => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); }); it('should convert ENEX content to Markdown', async () => { const files = await shim.fsDriver().readDirStats(enexSampleBaseDir); for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const htmlFilename = files[i].path; if (htmlFilename.indexOf('.html') < 0) continue; const htmlPath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/${htmlFilename}`; const mdPath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/${filename(htmlFilename)}.md`; // if (htmlFilename !== 'highlight.html') continue; const html = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(htmlPath); let expectedMd = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(mdPath); let actualMd = await enexXmlToMd(`
`, []); if (os.EOL === '\r\n') { expectedMd = expectedMd.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); actualMd = actualMd.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); } if (actualMd !== expectedMd) { const result = []; result.push(''); result.push(`Error converting file: ${htmlFilename}`); result.push('--------------------------------- Got:'); result.push(actualMd.split('\n').map((l: string) => `"${l}"`).join('\n')); result.push('--------------------------------- Expected:'); result.push(expectedMd.split('\n').map((l: string) => `"${l}"`).join('\n')); result.push('--------------------------------------------'); result.push(''); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console'\n')); expect(false).toBe(true); // return; } else { expect(true).toBe(true); } } }); it('should import ENEX metadata', async () => { const filePath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/sample-enex.xml`; await importEnex('', filePath); const note: NoteEntity = (await Note.all())[0]; expect(note.title).toBe('Test Note for Export'); expect(note.body).toBe([ ' Hello, World.', '', '![snapshot-DAE9FC15-88E3-46CF-B744-DA9B1B56EB57.jpg](:/3d0f4d01abc02cf8c4dc1c796df8c4b2)', ].join('\n')); expect(note.created_time).toBe(1375217524000); expect(note.updated_time).toBe(1376560800000); expect(note.latitude).toBe('33.88394692'); expect(note.longitude).toBe('-117.91913551'); expect(note.altitude).toBe('96.0000'); expect('Brett Kelly'); const tag: TagEntity = (await Tag.tagsByNoteId([0]; expect(tag.title).toBe('fake-tag'); const resource: ResourceEntity = (await Resource.all())[0]; expect('3d0f4d01abc02cf8c4dc1c796df8c4b2'); const stat = await fs.stat(Resource.fullPath(resource)); expect(stat.size).toBe(277); }); it('should handle invalid dates', async () => { const filePath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/invalid_date.enex`; await importEnex('', filePath); const note: NoteEntity = (await Note.all())[0]; expect(note.created_time).toBe(1521822724000); // 20180323T163204Z expect(note.updated_time).toBe(1521822724000); // Because this date was invalid, it is set to the created time instead }); it('should handle empty resources', async () => { const filePath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/empty_resource.enex`; await expectNotThrow(() => importEnex('', filePath)); const all = await Resource.all(); expect(all.length).toBe(1); expect(all[0].size).toBe(0); }); it('should handle empty note content', async () => { const filePath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/empty_content.enex`; await expectNotThrow(() => importEnex('', filePath)); const all = await Note.all(); expect(all.length).toBe(1); expect(all[0].title).toBe('China and the case for stimulus.'); expect(all[0].body).toBe(''); }); it('should handle invalid mime types', async () => { // This is to handle the case where a resource has an invalid mime type, // but that type can be determined from the filename. For example, in // this thread, the ENEX file contains a "" file with a mime // type "application/octet-stream", which can later cause problems to // open the file. // const filePath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/WithInvalidMime.enex`; await importEnex('', filePath); const all = await Resource.all(); expect(all.length).toBe(1); expect(all[0].mime).toBe('application/zip'); }); it('should keep importing notes when one of them is corrupted', async () => { const filePath = `${enexSampleBaseDir}/ImportTestCorrupt.enex`; const errors: any[] = []; await importEnex('', filePath, { onError: (error: any) => errors.push(error), }); const notes = await Note.all(); expect(notes.length).toBe(2); // Check that an error was recorded and that it includes the title // of the note, so that it can be found back by the user expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].message.includes('Note 2')).toBe(true); }); });