const Logger = require('./Logger').default; const time = require('./time').default; const Mutex = require('async-mutex').Mutex; const shim = require('./shim').default; class Database { constructor(driver) { this.debugMode_ = false; this.sqlQueryLogEnabled_ = false; this.driver_ = driver; this.logger_ = new Logger(); this.logExcludedQueryTypes_ = []; this.batchTransactionMutex_ = new Mutex(); this.profilingEnabled_ = false; this.queryId_ = 1; } setLogExcludedQueryTypes(v) { this.logExcludedQueryTypes_ = v; } // Converts the SQLite error to a regular JS error // so that it prints a stacktrace when passed to // console.error() sqliteErrorToJsError(error, sql = null, params = null) { return this.driver().sqliteErrorToJsError(error, sql, params); } setLogger(l) { this.logger_ = l; } logger() { return this.logger_; } driver() { return this.driver_; } async open(options) { try { await this.driver().open(options); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Cannot open database: ${error.message}: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`); } this.logger().info('Database was open successfully'); } escapeField(field) { if (field == '*') return '*'; const p = field.split('.'); if (p.length == 1) return `\`${field}\``; if (p.length == 2) return `${p[0]}.\`${p[1]}\``; throw new Error(`Invalid field format: ${field}`); } escapeFields(fields) { if (fields == '*') return '*'; const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { output.push(this.escapeField(fields[i])); } return output; } async tryCall(callName, sql, params) { if (typeof sql === 'object') { params = sql.params; sql = sql.sql; } let waitTime = 50; let totalWaitTime = 0; const callStartTime =; let profilingTimeoutId = null; while (true) { try { this.logQuery(sql, params); const queryId = this.queryId_++; if (this.profilingEnabled_) {`SQL START ${queryId}`, sql, params); profilingTimeoutId = shim.setInterval(() => { console.warn(`SQL ${queryId} has been running for ${ - callStartTime}: ${sql}`); }, 3000); } const result = await this.driver()[callName](sql, params); if (this.profilingEnabled_) { shim.clearInterval(profilingTimeoutId); profilingTimeoutId = null; const elapsed = - callStartTime; if (elapsed > 10)`SQL END ${queryId}`, elapsed, sql, params); } return result; // No exception was thrown } catch (error) { if (error && (error.code == 'SQLITE_IOERR' || error.code == 'SQLITE_BUSY')) { if (totalWaitTime >= 20000) throw this.sqliteErrorToJsError(error, sql, params); // NOTE: don't put logger statements here because it might log to the database, which // could result in an error being thrown again. // this.logger().warn(sprintf('Error %s: will retry in %s milliseconds', error.code, waitTime)); // this.logger().warn('Error was: ' + error.toString()); await time.msleep(waitTime); totalWaitTime += waitTime; waitTime *= 1.5; } else { throw this.sqliteErrorToJsError(error, sql, params); } } finally { if (profilingTimeoutId) shim.clearInterval(profilingTimeoutId); } } } async selectOne(sql, params = null) { return this.tryCall('selectOne', sql, params); } async loadExtension(/* path */) { return; // Disabled for now as fuzzy search extension is not in use // let result = null; // try { // result = await this.driver().loadExtension(path); // return result; // } catch (e) { // throw new Error(`Could not load extension ${path}`); // } } async selectAll(sql, params = null) { return this.tryCall('selectAll', sql, params); } async selectAllFields(sql, params, field) { const rows = await this.tryCall('selectAll', sql, params); const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { const v = rows[i][field]; if (!v) throw new Error(`No such field: ${field}. Query was: ${sql}`); output.push(rows[i][field]); } return output; } async exec(sql, params = null) { return this.tryCall('exec', sql, params); } async transactionExecBatch(queries) { if (queries.length <= 0) return; if (queries.length == 1) { const q = this.wrapQuery(queries[0]); await this.exec(q.sql, q.params); return; } // There can be only one transaction running at a time so use a mutex const release = await this.batchTransactionMutex_.acquire(); try { await this.exec('BEGIN TRANSACTION'); for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { const query = this.wrapQuery(queries[i]); await this.exec(query.sql, query.params); } await this.exec('COMMIT'); } catch (error) { await this.exec('ROLLBACK'); throw error; } finally { release(); } } static enumId(type, s) { if (type == 'settings') { if (s == 'int') return 1; if (s == 'string') return 2; } if (type == 'fieldType') { if (s) s = s.toUpperCase(); if (s == 'INTEGER') s = 'INT'; if (!(`TYPE_${s}` in this)) throw new Error(`Unkonwn fieldType: ${s}`); return this[`TYPE_${s}`]; } if (type == 'syncTarget') { if (s == 'memory') return 1; if (s == 'filesystem') return 2; if (s == 'onedrive') return 3; } throw new Error(`Unknown enum type or value: ${type}, ${s}`); } static enumName(type, id) { if (type === 'fieldType') { if (id === Database.TYPE_UNKNOWN) return 'unknown'; if (id === Database.TYPE_INT) return 'int'; if (id === Database.TYPE_TEXT) return 'text'; if (id === Database.TYPE_NUMERIC) return 'numeric'; throw new Error(`Invalid type id: ${id}`); } } static formatValue(type, value) { if (value === null || value === undefined) return null; if (type == this.TYPE_INT) return Number(value); if (type == this.TYPE_TEXT) return value; if (type == this.TYPE_NUMERIC) return Number(value); throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`); } sqlStringToLines(sql) { const output = []; const lines = sql.split('\n'); let statement = ''; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; if (line == '') continue; if (line.substr(0, 2) == '--') continue; statement += line.trim(); if (line[line.length - 1] == ',') statement += ' '; if (line[line.length - 1] == ';') { output.push(statement); statement = ''; } } return output; } logQuery(sql, params = null) { if (!this.sqlQueryLogEnabled_) return; if (this.logExcludedQueryTypes_.length) { const temp = sql.toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < this.logExcludedQueryTypes_.length; i++) { if (temp.indexOf(this.logExcludedQueryTypes_[i].toLowerCase()) === 0) return; } } this.logger().debug(sql); if (params !== null && params.length) this.logger().debug(JSON.stringify(params)); } static insertQuery(tableName, data) { if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) throw new Error('Data is empty'); let keySql = ''; let valueSql = ''; const params = []; for (const key in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; if (key[key.length - 1] == '_') continue; if (keySql != '') keySql += ', '; if (valueSql != '') valueSql += ', '; keySql += `\`${key}\``; valueSql += '?'; params.push(data[key]); } return { sql: `INSERT INTO \`${tableName}\` (${keySql}) VALUES (${valueSql})`, params: params, }; } static updateQuery(tableName, data, where) { if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) throw new Error('Data is empty'); let sql = ''; const params = []; for (const key in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; if (key[key.length - 1] == '_') continue; if (sql != '') sql += ', '; sql += `\`${key}\`=?`; params.push(data[key]); } if (typeof where != 'string') { const s = []; for (const n in where) { if (!where.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; params.push(where[n]); s.push(`\`${n}\`=?`); } where = s.join(' AND '); } return { sql: `UPDATE \`${tableName}\` SET ${sql} WHERE ${where}`, params: params, }; } alterColumnQueries(tableName, fields) { const fieldsNoType = []; for (const n in fields) { if (!fields.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; fieldsNoType.push(n); } const fieldsWithType = []; for (const n in fields) { if (!fields.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; fieldsWithType.push(`${this.escapeField(n)} ${fields[n]}`); } let sql = ` CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _BACKUP_TABLE_NAME_(_FIELDS_TYPE_); INSERT INTO _BACKUP_TABLE_NAME_ SELECT _FIELDS_NO_TYPE_ FROM _TABLE_NAME_; DROP TABLE _TABLE_NAME_; CREATE TABLE _TABLE_NAME_(_FIELDS_TYPE_); INSERT INTO _TABLE_NAME_ SELECT _FIELDS_NO_TYPE_ FROM _BACKUP_TABLE_NAME_; DROP TABLE _BACKUP_TABLE_NAME_; `; sql = sql.replace(/_BACKUP_TABLE_NAME_/g, this.escapeField(`${tableName}_backup`)); sql = sql.replace(/_TABLE_NAME_/g, this.escapeField(tableName)); sql = sql.replace(/_FIELDS_NO_TYPE_/g, this.escapeFields(fieldsNoType).join(',')); sql = sql.replace(/_FIELDS_TYPE_/g, fieldsWithType.join(',')); return sql.trim().split('\n'); } wrapQueries(queries) { const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { output.push(this.wrapQuery(queries[i])); } return output; } wrapQuery(sql, params = null) { if (!sql) throw new Error(`Cannot wrap empty string: ${sql}`); if (sql.constructor === Array) { const output = {}; output.sql = sql[0]; output.params = sql.length >= 2 ? sql[1] : null; return output; } else if (typeof sql === 'string') { return { sql: sql, params: params }; } else { return sql; // Already wrapped } } } Database.TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; Database.TYPE_INT = 1; Database.TYPE_TEXT = 2; Database.TYPE_NUMERIC = 3; module.exports = { Database };