const React = require('react'); import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim'; import { themeStyle } from '@joplin/lib/theme'; import { Theme } from '@joplin/lib/themes/type'; import { MutableRefObject, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { Alert, BackHandler } from 'react-native'; import { WebViewMessageEvent } from 'react-native-webview'; import ExtendedWebView, { WebViewControl } from '../../ExtendedWebView'; import { clearAutosave, writeAutosave } from './autosave'; import { LocalizedStrings } from './js-draw/types'; import VersionInfo from 'react-native-version-info'; const logger = Logger.create('ImageEditor'); type OnSaveCallback = (svgData: string)=> void; type OnCancelCallback = ()=> void; // Returns the empty string to load from a template. type LoadInitialSVGCallback = ()=> Promise; interface Props { themeId: number; loadInitialSVGData: LoadInitialSVGCallback; onSave: OnSaveCallback; onExit: OnCancelCallback; } const useCss = (editorTheme: Theme) => { return useMemo(() => { // Ensure we have contrast between the background and selection. Some themes // have the same backgroundColor and selectionColor2. (E.g. Aritim Dark) let selectionBackgroundColor = editorTheme.selectedColor2; if (selectionBackgroundColor === editorTheme.backgroundColor) { selectionBackgroundColor = editorTheme.selectedColor; } return ` :root .imageEditorContainer { --background-color-1: ${editorTheme.backgroundColor}; --foreground-color-1: ${editorTheme.color}; --background-color-2: ${editorTheme.backgroundColor3}; --foreground-color-2: ${editorTheme.color3}; --background-color-3: ${editorTheme.raisedBackgroundColor}; --foreground-color-3: ${editorTheme.raisedColor}; --selection-background-color: ${editorTheme.backgroundColorHover3}; --selection-foreground-color: ${editorTheme.color3}; --primary-action-foreground-color: ${editorTheme.color4}; --primary-shadow-color: ${editorTheme.colorFaded}; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; box-sizing: border-box; } body, html { padding: 0; margin: 0; } /* Hide the scrollbar. See scrollbar accessibility concerns ( for why this isn't done in js-draw itself. */ .toolbar-tool-row::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; height: 0; } /* Hide the save/close icons on small screens. This isn't done in the upstream js-draw repository partially beause it isn't as well localized as Joplin (icons can be used to suggest the meaning of a button when a translation is unavailable). */ .toolbar-edge-toolbar:not(.one-row) .toolwidget-tag--save .toolbar-icon, .toolbar-edge-toolbar:not(.one-row) .toolwidget-tag--exit .toolbar-icon { display: none; } `; }, [editorTheme]); }; const ImageEditor = (props: Props) => { const editorTheme: Theme = themeStyle(props.themeId); const webviewRef: MutableRefObject|null = useRef(null); const [imageChanged, setImageChanged] = useState(false); const onRequestCloseEditor = useCallback((promptIfUnsaved: boolean) => { const discardChangesAndClose = async () => { await clearAutosave(); props.onExit(); }; if (!imageChanged || !promptIfUnsaved) { void discardChangesAndClose(); return true; } Alert.alert( _('Save changes?'), _('This drawing may have unsaved changes.'), [ { text: _('Discard changes'), onPress: discardChangesAndClose, style: 'destructive', }, { text: _('Save changes'), onPress: () => { // saveDrawing calls props.onSave(...) which may close the // editor. webviewRef.current.injectJS('window.editorControl.saveThenExit()'); }, }, ], ); return true; }, [webviewRef, props.onExit, imageChanged]); useEffect(() => { const hardwareBackPressListener = () => { onRequestCloseEditor(true); return true; }; BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', hardwareBackPressListener); return () => { BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', hardwareBackPressListener); }; }, [onRequestCloseEditor]); const css = useCss(editorTheme); const [html, setHtml] = useState(''); useEffect(() => { setHtml(` `); // Only set HTML initially (and don't reset). Changing the HTML reloads // the page. // // We need the HTML to initially have the correct CSS to prevent color // changes on load. // eslint-disable-next-line @seiyab/react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); // A set of localization overrides (Joplin is better localized than js-draw). // All localizable strings (some unused?) can be found at // const localizedStrings: LocalizedStrings = useMemo(() => ({ save: _('Save'), close: _('Close'), undo: _('Undo'), redo: _('Redo'), }), []); const appInfo = useMemo(() => { return { name: 'Joplin', description: `v${VersionInfo.appVersion}`, }; }, []); const injectedJavaScript = useMemo(() => ` window.onerror = (message, source, lineno) => { window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage( "error: " + message + " in file://" + source + ", line " + lineno ); }; const setImageHasChanges = (hasChanges) => { window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ action: 'set-image-has-changes', data: hasChanges, }), ); }; window.updateEditorTemplate = (templateData) => { window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ action: 'set-image-template-data', data: templateData, }), ); }; const notifyReadyToLoadSVG = () => { window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ action: 'ready-to-load-data', }) ); }; const saveDrawing = async (drawing, isAutosave) => { window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ action: isAutosave ? 'autosave' : 'save', data: drawing.outerHTML, }), ); }; const closeEditor = (promptIfUnsaved) => { window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ action: 'close', promptIfUnsaved, })); }; try { if (window.editorControl === undefined) { ${shim.injectedJs('svgEditorBundle')} window.editorControl = svgEditorBundle.createJsDrawEditor( { saveDrawing, closeEditor, updateEditorTemplate, setImageHasChanges, }, ${JSON.stringify(Setting.value('imageeditor.jsdrawToolbar'))}, ${JSON.stringify(Setting.value('locale'))}, ${JSON.stringify(localizedStrings)}, ${JSON.stringify({ appInfo })}, ); // Start loading the SVG file (if present) after loading the editor. // This shows the user that progress is being made (loading large SVGs // from disk into memory can take several seconds). notifyReadyToLoadSVG(); } } catch(e) { window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage( 'error: ' + e.message + ': ' + JSON.stringify(e) ); } true; `, [localizedStrings, appInfo]); useEffect(() => { webviewRef.current?.injectJS(` document.querySelector('#main-style').innerText = ${JSON.stringify(css)}; if (window.editorControl) { window.editorControl.onThemeUpdate(); } `); }, [css]); const onReadyToLoadData = useCallback(async () => { const initialSVGData = await props.loadInitialSVGData?.() ?? ''; // It can take some time for initialSVGData to be transferred to the WebView. // Thus, do so after the main content has been loaded. webviewRef.current.injectJS(`(async () => { if (window.editorControl) { const initialSVGData = ${JSON.stringify(initialSVGData)}; const initialTemplateData = ${JSON.stringify(Setting.value('imageeditor.imageTemplate'))}; editorControl.loadImageOrTemplate(initialSVGData, initialTemplateData); } })();`); }, [webviewRef, props.loadInitialSVGData]); const onMessage = useCallback(async (event: WebViewMessageEvent) => { const data =; if (data.startsWith('error:')) { logger.error('ImageEditor:', data); return; } const json = JSON.parse(data); if (json.action === 'save') { await clearAutosave(); props.onSave(; } else if (json.action === 'autosave') { await writeAutosave(; } else if (json.action === 'save-toolbar') { Setting.setValue('imageeditor.jsdrawToolbar',; } else if (json.action === 'close') { onRequestCloseEditor(json.promptIfUnsaved); } else if (json.action === 'ready-to-load-data') { void onReadyToLoadData(); } else if (json.action === 'set-image-has-changes') { setImageChanged(; } else if (json.action === 'set-image-template-data') { Setting.setValue('imageeditor.imageTemplate',; } else { logger.error('Unknown action,', json.action); } }, [props.onSave, onRequestCloseEditor, onReadyToLoadData]); const onError = useCallback((event: any) => { logger.error('ImageEditor: WebView error: ', event); }, []); return ( ); }; export default ImageEditor;