import { utils as pluginUtils, PluginStates } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/reducer'; import CommandService from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService'; import eventManager from '@joplin/lib/eventManager'; import InteropService from '@joplin/lib/services/interop/InteropService'; import MenuUtils from '@joplin/lib/services/commands/MenuUtils'; import InteropServiceHelper from '../../InteropServiceHelper'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import { MenuItemLocation } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/api/types'; import { getNoteCallbackUrl } from '@joplin/lib/callbackUrlUtils'; import BaseModel from '@joplin/lib/BaseModel'; const bridge = require('@electron/remote').require('./bridge').default; const Menu = bridge().Menu; const MenuItem = bridge().MenuItem; import Note from '@joplin/lib/models/Note'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; const { clipboard } = require('electron'); interface ContextMenuProps { notes: any[]; dispatch: Function; watchedNoteFiles: string[]; plugins: PluginStates; inConflictFolder: boolean; customCss: string; } export default class NoteListUtils { public static makeContextMenu(noteIds: string[], props: ContextMenuProps) { const cmdService = CommandService.instance(); const menuUtils = new MenuUtils(cmdService); const notes = => BaseModel.byId(props.notes, id)); const singleNoteId = noteIds.length === 1 ? noteIds[0] : null; let hasEncrypted = false; for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { if (notes[i].encryption_applied) hasEncrypted = true; } const menu = new Menu(); if (!hasEncrypted) { menu.append( new MenuItem(menuUtils.commandToStatefulMenuItem('setTags', noteIds)) ); menu.append( new MenuItem(menuUtils.commandToStatefulMenuItem('moveToFolder', noteIds)) ); menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _('Duplicate'), click: async () => { for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) { const note = await Note.load(noteIds[i]); await Note.duplicate(noteIds[i], { uniqueTitle: _('%s - Copy', note.title), }); } }, }) ); if (singleNoteId) { const cmd = props.watchedNoteFiles.includes(singleNoteId) ? 'stopExternalEditing' : 'startExternalEditing'; menu.append(new MenuItem(menuUtils.commandToStatefulMenuItem(cmd, singleNoteId))); } if (noteIds.length <= 1) { menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _('Switch between note and to-do type'), click: async () => { for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) { const note = await Note.load(noteIds[i]); const newNote = await, { userSideValidation: true }); const eventNote = { id:, is_todo: newNote.is_todo, todo_due: newNote.todo_due, todo_completed: newNote.todo_completed, }; eventManager.emit('noteTypeToggle', { noteId:, note: eventNote }); } }, }) ); } else { const switchNoteType = async (noteIds: string[], type: string) => { for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) { const note = await Note.load(noteIds[i]); const newNote = Note.changeNoteType(note, type); if (newNote === note) continue; await, { userSideValidation: true }); eventManager.emit('noteTypeToggle', { noteId: }); } }; menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _('Switch to note type'), click: async () => { await switchNoteType(noteIds, 'note'); }, }) ); menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _('Switch to to-do type'), click: async () => { await switchNoteType(noteIds, 'todo'); }, }) ); } menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _('Copy Markdown link'), click: async () => { const links = []; for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) { const note = await Note.load(noteIds[i]); links.push(Note.markdownTag(note)); } clipboard.writeText(links.join(' ')); }, }) ); if (noteIds.length === 1) { menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _('Copy external link'), click: () => { clipboard.writeText(getNoteCallbackUrl(noteIds[0])); }, }) ); } if ([9, 10].includes(Setting.value(''))) { menu.append( new MenuItem( menuUtils.commandToStatefulMenuItem('showShareNoteDialog', noteIds.slice()) ) ); } const exportMenu = new Menu(); const ioService = InteropService.instance(); const ioModules = ioService.modules(); for (let i = 0; i < ioModules.length; i++) { const module = ioModules[i]; if (module.type !== 'exporter') continue; if (noteIds.length > 1 && module.isNoteArchive === false) continue; exportMenu.append( new MenuItem({ label: module.fullLabel(), click: async () => { await InteropServiceHelper.export(props.dispatch.bind(this), module, { sourceNoteIds: noteIds, includeConflicts: props.inConflictFolder, plugins: props.plugins, customCss: props.customCss, }); }, }) ); } exportMenu.append( new MenuItem( menuUtils.commandToStatefulMenuItem('exportPdf', noteIds) ) ); const exportMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: _('Export'), submenu: exportMenu }); menu.append(exportMenuItem); } menu.append( new MenuItem({ label: _('Delete'), click: async () => { await this.confirmDeleteNotes(noteIds); }, }) ); const pluginViewInfos = pluginUtils.viewInfosByType(props.plugins, 'menuItem'); for (const info of pluginViewInfos) { const location = info.view.location; if (location !== MenuItemLocation.Context && location !== MenuItemLocation.NoteListContextMenu) continue; if (cmdService.isEnabled(info.view.commandName)) { menu.append( new MenuItem(menuUtils.commandToStatefulMenuItem(info.view.commandName, noteIds)) ); } } return menu; } public static async confirmDeleteNotes(noteIds: string[]) { if (!noteIds.length) return; const msg = await Note.deleteMessage(noteIds); if (!msg) return; const ok = bridge().showConfirmMessageBox(msg, { buttons: [_('Delete'), _('Cancel')], defaultId: 1, }); if (!ok) return; await Note.batchDelete(noteIds); } }