const { dialog } = require("electron"); const { autoUpdater } = require("electron-updater"); const { Logger } = require("lib/logger.js"); const { _ } = require("lib/locale.js"); let autoUpdateLogger_ = new Logger(); let checkInBackground_ = false; let isCheckingForUpdate_ = false; let parentWindow_ = null; // Note: Electron Builder's autoUpdater is incredibly buggy so currently it's only used // to detect if a new version is present. If it is, the download link is simply opened // in a new browser window. autoUpdater.autoDownload = false; function htmlToText_(html) { let output = html.replace(/\n/g, ""); output = output.replace(/
/g, ""); output = output.replace(/<\/p>/g, "\n"); output = output.replace(/<\/li>/g, "\n"); output = output.replace(/
Still more fixes and im...' } if (!info) return null; if (!info.files) { // info.path seems to contain a default, though not a good one, // so the loop below if preferable to find the right file. return info.path; } for (let i = 0; i < info.files.length; i++) { const f = info.files[i].url; // Annoyingly this is called "url" but it's obviously not a url, so hopefully it won't change later on and become one. if (f.indexOf(".exe") >= 0) return f; if (f.indexOf(".dmg") >= 0) return f; } return info.path; } autoUpdater.on("update-available", info => { const filename = findDownloadFilename_(info); if (!info.version || !filename) { if (checkInBackground_) return onCheckEnded(); showErrorMessageBox("Could not get version info: " + JSON.stringify(info)); return onCheckEnded(); } const downloadUrl = "" + info.version + "/" + filename; let releaseNotes = info.releaseNotes + ""; if (releaseNotes) releaseNotes = "\n\n" + _("Release notes:\n\n%s", htmlToText_(releaseNotes)); const buttonIndex = dialog.showMessageBox(parentWindow_, { type: "info", message: _("An update is available, do you want to download it now?" + releaseNotes), buttons: [_("Yes"), _("No")], }); onCheckEnded(); if (buttonIndex === 0) require("electron").shell.openExternal(downloadUrl); }); autoUpdater.on("update-not-available", () => { if (checkInBackground_) return onCheckEnded(); dialog.showMessageBox({ message: _("Current version is up-to-date.") }); onCheckEnded(); }); function checkForUpdates(inBackground, window, logFilePath) { if (isCheckingForUpdate_) {"checkForUpdates: Skipping check because it is already running"); return; } parentWindow_ = window; onCheckStarted(); if (logFilePath && !autoUpdateLogger_.targets().length) { autoUpdateLogger_ = new Logger(); autoUpdateLogger_.addTarget("file", { path: logFilePath }); autoUpdateLogger_.setLevel(Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG);"checkForUpdates: Initializing..."); autoUpdater.logger = autoUpdateLogger_; } checkInBackground_ = inBackground; try { autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); } catch (error) { autoUpdateLogger_.error(error); if (!checkInBackground_) showErrorMessageBox(error.message); onCheckEnded(); } } module.exports.checkForUpdates = checkForUpdates;