const { Log } = require("lib/log.js"); const { Database } = require("lib/database.js"); const { uuid } = require("lib/uuid.js"); const { time } = require("lib/time-utils.js"); const Mutex = require("async-mutex").Mutex; class BaseModel { static modelType() { throw new Error("Must be overriden"); } static tableName() { throw new Error("Must be overriden"); } static addModelMd(model) { if (!model) return model; if (Array.isArray(model)) { let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < model.length; i++) { output.push(this.addModelMd(model[i])); } return output; } else { model = Object.assign({}, model); model.type_ = this.modelType(); return model; } } static logger() { return this.db().logger(); } static useUuid() { return false; } static byId(items, id) { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].id == id) return items[i]; } return null; } static modelTypeToName(type) { for (let i = 0; i < BaseModel.typeEnum_.length; i++) { const e = BaseModel.typeEnum_[i]; if (e[1] === type) return e[0].substr(5).toLowerCase(); } throw new Error("Unknown model type: " + type); } static hasField(name) { let fields = this.fieldNames(); return fields.indexOf(name) >= 0; } static fieldNames(withPrefix = false) { let output = this.db().tableFieldNames(this.tableName()); if (!withPrefix) return output; let p = withPrefix === true ? this.tableName() : withPrefix; let temp = []; for (let i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { temp.push(p + "." + output[i]); } return temp; } static fieldType(name, defaultValue = null) { let fields = this.fields(); for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].name == name) return fields[i].type; } if (defaultValue !== null) return defaultValue; throw new Error("Unknown field: " + name); } static fields() { return this.db().tableFields(this.tableName()); } static new() { let fields = this.fields(); let output = {}; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { let f = fields[i]; output[] = f.default; } return output; } static modOptions(options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } else { options = Object.assign({}, options); } if (!("isNew" in options)) options.isNew = "auto"; if (!("autoTimestamp" in options)) options.autoTimestamp = true; return options; } static count(options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; let sql = "SELECT count(*) as total FROM `" + this.tableName() + "`"; if (options.where) sql += " WHERE " + options.where; return this.db() .selectOne(sql) .then(r => { return r ? r["total"] : 0; }); } static load(id) { return this.loadByField("id", id); } static shortId(id) { return id.substr(0, 5); } // static minimalPartialId(id) { // let length = 2; // while (true) { // const partialId = id.substr(0, length); // const r = await this.db().selectOne('SELECT count(*) as total FROM `' + this.tableName() + '` WHERE `id` LIKE ?', [partialId + '%']); // if (r['total'] <= 1) return partialId; // } // } static loadByPartialId(partialId) { return this.modelSelectAll("SELECT * FROM `" + this.tableName() + "` WHERE `id` LIKE ?", [partialId + "%"]); } static applySqlOptions(options, sql, params = null) { if (!options) options = {}; if (options.order && options.order.length) { let items = []; for (let i = 0; i < options.order.length; i++) { const o = options.order[i]; let item =; if (options.caseInsensitive === true) item += " COLLATE NOCASE"; if (o.dir) item += " " + o.dir; items.push(item); } sql += " ORDER BY " + items.join(", "); } if (options.limit) sql += " LIMIT " + options.limit; return { sql: sql, params: params }; } static async allIds(options = null) { let q = this.applySqlOptions(options, "SELECT id FROM `" + this.tableName() + "`"); const rows = await this.db().selectAll(q.sql, q.params); return =>; } static async all(options = null) { let q = this.applySqlOptions(options, "SELECT * FROM `" + this.tableName() + "`"); return this.modelSelectAll(q.sql); } static async search(options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; if (!options.fields) options.fields = "*"; let conditions = options.conditions ? options.conditions.slice(0) : []; let params = options.conditionsParams ? options.conditionsParams.slice(0) : []; if (options.titlePattern) { let pattern = options.titlePattern.replace(/\*/g, "%"); conditions.push("title LIKE ?"); params.push(pattern); } if ("limit" in options && options.limit <= 0) return []; let sql = "SELECT " + this.db().escapeFields(options.fields) + " FROM `" + this.tableName() + "`"; if (conditions.length) sql += " WHERE " + conditions.join(" AND "); let query = this.applySqlOptions(options, sql, params); return this.modelSelectAll(query.sql, query.params); } static modelSelectOne(sql, params = null) { if (params === null) params = []; return this.db() .selectOne(sql, params) .then(model => { return this.filter(this.addModelMd(model)); }); } static modelSelectAll(sql, params = null) { if (params === null) params = []; return this.db() .selectAll(sql, params) .then(models => { return this.filterArray(this.addModelMd(models)); }); } static loadByField(fieldName, fieldValue, options = null) { if (!options) options = {}; if (!("caseInsensitive" in options)) options.caseInsensitive = false; let sql = "SELECT * FROM `" + this.tableName() + "` WHERE `" + fieldName + "` = ?"; if (options.caseInsensitive) sql += " COLLATE NOCASE"; return this.modelSelectOne(sql, [fieldValue]); } static loadByTitle(fieldValue) { return this.modelSelectOne("SELECT * FROM `" + this.tableName() + "` WHERE `title` = ?", [fieldValue]); } static diffObjects(oldModel, newModel) { let output = {}; const fields = this.diffObjectsFields(oldModel, newModel); for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { output[fields[i]] = newModel[fields[i]]; } if ("type_" in newModel) output.type_ = newModel.type_; return output; // let output = {}; // let type = null; // for (let n in newModel) { // if (!newModel.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; // if (n == 'type_') { // type = newModel[n]; // continue; // } // if (!(n in oldModel) || newModel[n] !== oldModel[n]) { // output[n] = newModel[n]; // } // } // if (type !== null) output.type_ = type; // return output; } static diffObjectsFields(oldModel, newModel) { let output = []; for (let n in newModel) { if (!newModel.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; if (n == "type_") continue; if (!(n in oldModel) || newModel[n] !== oldModel[n]) { output.push(n); } } return output; } static modelsAreSame(oldModel, newModel) { const diff = this.diffObjects(oldModel, newModel); delete diff.type_; return !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diff).length; } static saveMutex(modelOrId) { const noLockMutex = { acquire: function() { return null; }, }; if (!modelOrId) return noLockMutex; let modelId = typeof modelOrId === "string" ? modelOrId :; if (!modelId) return noLockMutex; let mutex = BaseModel.saveMutexes_[modelId]; if (mutex) return mutex; mutex = new Mutex(); BaseModel.saveMutexes_[modelId] = mutex; return mutex; } static releaseSaveMutex(modelOrId, release) { if (!release) return; if (!modelOrId) return release(); let modelId = typeof modelOrId === "string" ? modelOrId :; if (!modelId) return release(); let mutex = BaseModel.saveMutexes_[modelId]; if (!mutex) return release(); delete BaseModel.saveMutexes_[modelId]; release(); } static saveQuery(o, options) { let temp = {}; let fieldNames = this.fieldNames(); for (let i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { let n = fieldNames[i]; if (n in o) temp[n] = o[n]; } // Remove fields that are not in the `fields` list, if provided. // Note that things like update_time, user_update_time will still // be part of the final list of fields if autoTimestamp is on. // id also will stay. if (!options.isNew && options.fields) { const filtered = {}; for (let k in temp) { if (!temp.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; if (k !== "id" && options.fields.indexOf(k) < 0) continue; filtered[k] = temp[k]; } temp = filtered; } o = temp; let modelId =; let query = {}; const timeNow = time.unixMs(); if (options.autoTimestamp && this.hasField("updated_time")) { o.updated_time = timeNow; } // The purpose of user_updated_time is to allow the user to manually set the time of a note (in which case // options.autoTimestamp will be `false`). However note that if the item is later changed, this timestamp // will be set again to the current time. if (options.autoTimestamp && this.hasField("user_updated_time")) { o.user_updated_time = timeNow; } if (options.isNew) { if (this.useUuid() && ! { modelId = uuid.create(); = modelId; } if (!o.created_time && this.hasField("created_time")) { o.created_time = timeNow; } if (!o.user_created_time && this.hasField("user_created_time")) { o.user_created_time = o.created_time ? o.created_time : timeNow; } if (!o.user_updated_time && this.hasField("user_updated_time")) { o.user_updated_time = o.updated_time ? o.updated_time : timeNow; } query = Database.insertQuery(this.tableName(), o); } else { let where = { id: }; let temp = Object.assign({}, o); delete; query = Database.updateQuery(this.tableName(), temp, where); } = modelId; query.modObject = o; return query; } static async save(o, options = null) { // When saving, there's a mutex per model ID. This is because the model returned from this function // is basically its input `o` (instead of being read from the database, for performance reasons). // This works well in general except if that model is saved simultaneously in two places. In that // case, the output won't be up-to-date and would cause for example display issues with out-dated // notes being displayed. This was an issue when notes were being synchronised while being decrypted // at the same time. const mutexRelease = await this.saveMutex(o).acquire(); options = this.modOptions(options); options.isNew = this.isNew(o, options); // Diff saving is an optimisation which takes a new version of the item and an old one, // do a diff and save only this diff. IMPORTANT: When using this make sure that both // models have been normalised using ItemClass.filter() const isDiffSaving = options && options.oldItem && !options.isNew; if (isDiffSaving) { const newObject = BaseModel.diffObjects(options.oldItem, o); newObject.type_ = o.type_; =; o = newObject; } o = this.filter(o); let queries = []; let saveQuery = this.saveQuery(o, options); let modelId =; queries.push(saveQuery); if (options.nextQueries && options.nextQueries.length) { queries = queries.concat(options.nextQueries); } let output = null; try { await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries); o = Object.assign({}, o); if (modelId) = modelId; if ("updated_time" in saveQuery.modObject) o.updated_time = saveQuery.modObject.updated_time; if ("created_time" in saveQuery.modObject) o.created_time = saveQuery.modObject.created_time; if ("user_updated_time" in saveQuery.modObject) o.user_updated_time = saveQuery.modObject.user_updated_time; if ("user_created_time" in saveQuery.modObject) o.user_created_time = saveQuery.modObject.user_created_time; o = this.addModelMd(o); if (isDiffSaving) { for (let n in options.oldItem) { if (!options.oldItem.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; if (n in o) continue; o[n] = options.oldItem[n]; } } output = this.filter(o); } catch (error) { Log.error("Cannot save model", error); } this.releaseSaveMutex(o, mutexRelease); return output; } static isNew(object, options) { if (options && "isNew" in options) { // options.isNew can be "auto" too if (options.isNew === true) return true; if (options.isNew === false) return false; } return !; } static filterArray(models) { let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < models.length; i++) { output.push(this.filter(models[i])); } return output; } static filter(model) { if (!model) return model; let output = Object.assign({}, model); for (let n in output) { if (!output.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue; // The SQLite database doesn't have booleans so cast everything to int if (output[n] === true) { output[n] = 1; } else if (output[n] === false) { output[n] = 0; } else { const t = this.fieldType(n, Database.TYPE_UNKNOWN); if (t === Database.TYPE_INT) { output[n] = !n ? 0 : parseInt(output[n], 10); } } } return output; } static delete(id, options = null) { if (!id) throw new Error("Cannot delete object without an ID"); options = this.modOptions(options); return this.db().exec("DELETE FROM " + this.tableName() + " WHERE id = ?", [id]); } static batchDelete(ids, options = null) { if (!ids.length) return; options = this.modOptions(options); return this.db().exec("DELETE FROM " + this.tableName() + ' WHERE id IN ("' + ids.join('","') + '")'); } static db() { if (!this.db_) throw new Error("Accessing database before it has been initialised"); return this.db_; } static isReady() { return !!this.db_; } } BaseModel.typeEnum_ = [ ["TYPE_NOTE", 1], ["TYPE_FOLDER", 2], ["TYPE_SETTING", 3], ["TYPE_RESOURCE", 4], ["TYPE_TAG", 5], ["TYPE_NOTE_TAG", 6], ["TYPE_SEARCH", 7], ["TYPE_ALARM", 8], ["TYPE_MASTER_KEY", 9], ]; for (let i = 0; i < BaseModel.typeEnum_.length; i++) { const e = BaseModel.typeEnum_[i]; BaseModel[e[0]] = e[1]; } // BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE = 1; // BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER = 2; // BaseModel.TYPE_SETTING = 3; // BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE = 4; // BaseModel.TYPE_TAG = 5; // BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_TAG = 6; // BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH = 7; // BaseModel.TYPE_ALARM = 8; // BaseModel.TYPE_MASTER_KEY = 9; BaseModel.db_ = null; BaseModel.dispatch = function(o) {}; BaseModel.saveMutexes_ = {}; module.exports = BaseModel;