const React = require('react'); const { TouchableOpacity, TouchableWithoutFeedback , Dimensions, Text, Modal, View } = require('react-native'); const { ItemList } = require('lib/components/ItemList.js'); class Dropdown extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.headerRef_ = null; } UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { this.setState({ headerSize: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, listVisible: false, }); } updateHeaderCoordinates() { // this.headerRef_.measure((fx, fy, width, height, px, py) => { this.setState({ headerSize: { x: px, y: py, width: width, height: height } }); }); } render() { const items = this.props.items; const itemHeight = 60; const windowHeight = Dimensions.get('window').height - 50; // Dimensions doesn't return quite the right dimensions so leave an extra gap to make // sure nothing is off screen. const listMaxHeight = windowHeight; const listHeight = Math.min(items.length * itemHeight, listMaxHeight); //Dimensions.get('window').height - this.state.headerSize.y - this.state.headerSize.height - 50; const maxListTop = windowHeight - listHeight; const listTop = Math.min(maxListTop, this.state.headerSize.y + this.state.headerSize.height); const wrapperStyle = { width: this.state.headerSize.width, height: listHeight + 2, // +2 for the border (otherwise it makes the scrollbar appear) marginTop: listTop, marginLeft: this.state.headerSize.x, }; const itemListStyle = Object.assign({}, this.props.itemListStyle ? this.props.itemListStyle : {}, { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#ccc', }); const itemWrapperStyle = Object.assign({}, this.props.itemWrapperStyle ? this.props.itemWrapperStyle : {}, { flex:1, justifyContent: 'center', height: itemHeight, paddingLeft: 20, paddingRight: 10, }); const headerWrapperStyle = Object.assign({}, this.props.headerWrapperStyle ? this.props.headerWrapperStyle : {}, { height: 35, // borderWidth: 1, // borderColor: '#ccc', //paddingLeft: 20, //paddingRight: 20, flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', }); const headerStyle = Object.assign({}, this.props.headerStyle ? this.props.headerStyle : {}, { flex: 1, }); const headerArrowStyle = Object.assign({}, this.props.headerStyle ? this.props.headerStyle : {}, { flex: 0, marginRight: 10, }); const itemStyle = Object.assign({}, this.props.itemStyle ? this.props.itemStyle : {}, { }); let headerLabel = '...'; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; if (item.value === this.props.selectedValue) { headerLabel = item.label; break; } } const closeList = () => { this.setState({ listVisible: false }); } const itemRenderer= (item) => { return ( <TouchableOpacity style={itemWrapperStyle} key={item.value} onPress={() => { closeList(); if (this.props.onValueChange) this.props.onValueChange(item.value); }}> <Text ellipsizeMode="tail" numberOfLines={1} style={itemStyle} key={item.value}>{item.label}</Text> </TouchableOpacity> ); } return ( <View style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column' }}> <TouchableOpacity style={headerWrapperStyle} ref={(ref) => this.headerRef_ = ref} onPress={() => { this.updateHeaderCoordinates(); this.setState({ listVisible: true }); }}> <Text ellipsizeMode="tail" numberOfLines={1} style={headerStyle}>{headerLabel}</Text> <Text style={headerArrowStyle}>{'▼'}</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <Modal transparent={true} visible={this.state.listVisible} onRequestClose={() => { closeList(); }} > <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPressOut={() => { closeList() }}> <View style={{flex:1}}> <View style={wrapperStyle}> <ItemList style={itemListStyle} items={this.props.items} itemHeight={itemHeight} itemRenderer={(item) => { return itemRenderer(item) }} /> </View> </View> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </Modal> </View> ); } } module.exports = { Dropdown };