import { ViewPlugin } from '@codemirror/view'; import createEditorControl from './testUtil/createEditorControl'; import { EditorCommandType } from '../types'; import pressReleaseKey from './testUtil/pressReleaseKey'; import { EditorSelection } from '@codemirror/state'; describe('CodeMirrorControl', () => { it('clearHistory should clear the undo/redo history', () => { const controls = createEditorControl(''); const insertedText = 'Testing... This is a test...'; controls.insertText(insertedText); const fullInsertedText = insertedText; expect(controls.getValue()).toBe(fullInsertedText); // Undo should work before clearing history controls.undo(); expect(controls.getValue()).toBe(''); controls.redo(); controls.clearHistory(); expect(controls.getValue()).toBe(fullInsertedText); // Should not be able to undo cleared changes controls.undo(); expect(controls.getValue()).toBe(fullInsertedText); // Should be able to undo new changes controls.insertText('!!!'); expect(controls.getValue()).toBe(`${fullInsertedText}!!!`); controls.undo(); expect(controls.getValue()).toBe(fullInsertedText); }); it('should support adding CodeMirror 6 extensions', () => { const control = createEditorControl(''); const updateFn = jest.fn(); control.addExtension([ ViewPlugin.fromClass(class { public update = updateFn; }), ]); // Verify that the extension has been loaded updateFn.mockReset(); control.insertText('Test...'); expect(updateFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should support adding custom editor commands', () => { const control = createEditorControl(''); const command = jest.fn(() => 'test'); control.registerCommand('myTestCommand', command); expect(control.supportsCommand('myTestCommand')).toBe(true); expect(control.execCommand('myTestCommand')).toBe('test'); expect(command).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it.each([ { before: 'Test', selection: EditorSelection.range(0, 4), shortcut: { key: 'i', code: 'KeyI', ctrlKey: true }, expected: '*Test*', }, { before: 'Test', selection: EditorSelection.range(0, 4), shortcut: { key: 'b', code: 'KeyB', ctrlKey: true }, expected: '**Test**', }, { before: 'Testing', selection: EditorSelection.range(0, 4), shortcut: { key: 'b', code: 'KeyB', ctrlKey: true }, expected: '**Test**ing', }, ])('markdown keyboard shortcuts should work (case %#)', ({ before, selection, shortcut, expected }) => { const control = createEditorControl(before);, selection.head); pressReleaseKey(control.editor, shortcut); expect(control.getValue()).toBe(expected); }); it('should support overriding default keybindings', () => { const control = createEditorControl('test'); control.execCommand(EditorCommandType.SelectAll); const testCommand = jest.fn(() => true); const keybindings = control.prependKeymap([ // Override the default binding for ctrl-d (search) { key: 'Ctrl-d', run: testCommand }, ]); // Should call the override command rather than the default handler const keyData = { key: 'd', code: 'KeyD', ctrlKey: true, }; pressReleaseKey(control.editor, keyData); expect(testCommand).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // Calling keybindings.remove should deregister the override. keybindings.remove(); pressReleaseKey(control.editor, keyData); expect(testCommand).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should toggle comments', () => { const control = createEditorControl('Hello\nWorld\n');, 5); control.execCommand('toggleComment'); expect(control.getValue()).toBe('\nWorld\n'); control.execCommand('toggleComment'); expect(control.getValue()).toBe('Hello\nWorld\n'); }); it('should delete line', () => { const control = createEditorControl('Hello\nWorld\n'); control.setCursor(1, 0); control.execCommand('deleteLine'); expect(control.getValue()).toBe('Hello\n'); }); it('should replace the editor body in a document with CRLF', () => { const initialContent = 'Hello\r\nWorld\r\na'; const control = createEditorControl(initialContent); control.setCursor(1, initialContent.length); control.updateBody('Hello\r\nWorld\r\n'); control.updateBody('Hello\r\nWorld\r\ntest'); control.updateBody('Hello\r\n'); }); it.each([ { initialText: 'Hello\nWorld', selection: EditorSelection.cursor(5), left: '[[', right: ']].', typeText: null, expected: 'Hello[[]].\nWorld', }, { initialText: 'Hello\nWorld', selection: EditorSelection.cursor(0), left: 'before', right: 'after.', typeText: ' cursor ', expected: 'before cursor after.Hello\nWorld', }, { initialText: 'Hello\nWorld', selection: EditorSelection.range(0, 5), left: '[', right: '](test)', typeText: null, expected: '[Hello](test)\nWorld', }, { initialText: 'Hello\nWorld', selection: EditorSelection.range(0, 5), left: '[', right: '](test)', typeText: 'replaced', expected: '[replaced](test)\nWorld', }, { initialText: 'Hello\nWorld', selection: EditorSelection.create([ EditorSelection.cursor(0), EditorSelection.cursor(5), ]), left: '[', right: '](test)', typeText: 'cursor', expected: '[cursor](test)Hello[cursor](test)\nWorld', }, { initialText: 'This is a\ntest', selection: EditorSelection.create([ EditorSelection.range(5, 9), EditorSelection.cursor(14), ]), left: '[', right: ']', typeText: 'cursor', expected: 'This [cursor]\ntest[cursor]', }, ])('wrapSelections should surround all selections with the given text (case %#)', ({ initialText, selection, typeText, left, right, expected }) => { const control = createEditorControl(initialText); control.editor.dispatch({ selection, }); control.wrapSelections(left, right); if (typeText) { control.insertText(typeText); } expect(control.editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe(expected); }); });