import { test, expect } from './util/test'; import MainScreen from './models/MainScreen'; import { join } from 'path'; import getImageSourceSize from './util/getImageSourceSize'; import setFilePickerResponse from './util/setFilePickerResponse'; test.describe('markdownEditor', () => { test('preview pane should render images in HTML notes', async ({ mainWindow, electronApp }) => { const mainScreen = new MainScreen(mainWindow); await mainScreen.waitFor(); await mainScreen.importHtmlDirectory(electronApp, join(__dirname, 'resources', 'html-import')); const importedFolder = mainScreen.sidebar.container.getByText('html-import'); await importedFolder.waitFor(); // Retry -- focusing the imported-folder may fail in some cases await expect(async () => { await; await mainScreen.noteList.focusContent(electronApp); const importedHtmlFileItem = mainScreen.noteList.getNoteItemByTitle('test-html-file-with-image'); await{ timeout: 300 }); }).toPass(); const viewerFrame = mainScreen.noteEditor.getNoteViewerIframe(); // Should render headers await expect(viewerFrame.locator('h1')).toHaveText('Test HTML file!'); // Should render images const image = viewerFrame.getByAltText('An SVG image.'); await expect(image).toBeAttached(); await expect(await getImageSourceSize(image)).toMatchObject([117, 30]); }); test('preview pane should render PDFs', async ({ mainWindow, electronApp }) => { const mainScreen = new MainScreen(mainWindow); await mainScreen.createNewNote('PDF attachments'); const editor = mainScreen.noteEditor; await editor.focusCodeMirrorEditor(); await setFilePickerResponse(electronApp, [join(__dirname, 'resources', 'small-pdf.pdf')]); await; const viewerFrame = mainScreen.noteEditor.getNoteViewerIframe(); const pdfLink = viewerFrame.getByText('small-pdf.pdf'); await expect(pdfLink).toBeVisible(); const expectToBeRendered = async () => { // PDF preview should render const pdfViewer = viewerFrame.locator('object[data$=".pdf"]'); // Should create the PDF viewer. Note: This is not sufficient to determine that the PDF viewer // has rendered. await expect(pdfViewer).toBeAttached(); // Verify that the PDF viewer has rendered. This relies on how Chrome/Electron loads custom PDFs // in an object. // If this breaks due to an Electron upgrade, // 1. manually verify that the PDF viewer has loaded and // 2. replace this test with a screenshot comparison ( await expect.poll( () => pdfViewer.evaluate((handle) => { const embed = (handle as HTMLObjectElement).contentDocument.querySelector('embed'); return !!embed; }), ).toBe(true); }; await expectToBeRendered(); // Should still render after switching editors await; await mainScreen.noteEditor.richTextEditor.waitFor(); await; await expectToBeRendered(); // Clicking on the PDF link should attempt to open it in a viewer await expect(pdfLink).toBeVisible(); const nextOpenFilePromise = electronApp.evaluate(({ shell }) => { return new Promise(resolve => { const openPath = async (url: string) => { resolve(url); return ''; }; shell.openPath = openPath; }); }); await; expect(await nextOpenFilePromise).toMatch(/\.pdf$/); // Should not have rendered something else in the viewer frame await expectToBeRendered(); }); test('preview pane should render video attachments', async ({ mainWindow, electronApp }) => { const mainScreen = new MainScreen(mainWindow); await mainScreen.createNewNote('Media attachments'); const editor = mainScreen.noteEditor; await editor.focusCodeMirrorEditor(); await setFilePickerResponse(electronApp, [join(__dirname, 'resources', 'video.mp4')]); await; const videoLocator = editor.getNoteViewerIframe().locator('video'); const expectVideoToRender = async () => { await expect(videoLocator).toBeSeekableMediaElement(6.9, 7); }; await expectVideoToRender(); // Should be able to render again if the editor is closed and re-opened. await; await mainScreen.noteEditor.richTextEditor.waitFor(); await; await expectVideoToRender(); }); test('arrow keys should navigate the toolbar', async ({ mainWindow }) => { const mainScreen = new MainScreen(mainWindow); await mainScreen.waitFor(); await mainScreen.createNewNote('Note 1'); await mainScreen.createNewNote('Note 2'); const noteEditor = mainScreen.noteEditor; await noteEditor.focusCodeMirrorEditor(); // Escape, then Shift+Tab should focus the toolbar await'Escape'); await'Shift+Tab'); // Should focus the first item by default, the "back" arrow (back to "Note 1") const firstItemLocator = noteEditor.toolbarButtonLocator('Back'); await expect(firstItemLocator).toBeFocused(); // Left arrow should wrap to the end await'ArrowLeft'); const lastItemLocator = noteEditor.toolbarButtonLocator('Toggle editors'); await expect(lastItemLocator).toBeFocused(); await'ArrowRight'); await expect(firstItemLocator).toBeFocused(); // ArrowRight should skip disabled items (Forward). await'ArrowRight'); await expect(noteEditor.toolbarButtonLocator('Toggle external editing')).toBeFocused(); // Home/end should navigate to the first/last items await'End'); await expect(lastItemLocator).toBeFocused(); await'Home'); await expect(firstItemLocator).toBeFocused(); }); test('should sync local search between the viewer and editor', async ({ mainWindow }) => { const mainScreen = new MainScreen(mainWindow); await mainScreen.waitFor(); const noteEditor = mainScreen.noteEditor; await mainScreen.createNewNote('Note'); await noteEditor.focusCodeMirrorEditor(); await mainWindow.keyboard.type('# Testing'); await'Enter'); await'Enter'); await mainWindow.keyboard.type('This is a test of search. `Test inline code`'); const viewer = noteEditor.getNoteViewerIframe(); await expect(viewer.locator('h1')).toHaveText('Testing'); const matches = viewer.locator('mark'); await expect(matches).toHaveCount(0); await === 'darwin' ? 'Meta+f' : 'Control+f'); await expect(noteEditor.editorSearchInput).toBeVisible(); await; await noteEditor.editorSearchInput.fill('test'); await'Enter'); // Should show at least one match in the viewer await expect(matches).toHaveCount(3); await expect(matches.first()).toBeAttached(); // Should show matches in code regions await noteEditor.editorSearchInput.fill('inline code'); await'Enter'); await expect(matches).toHaveCount(1); // Should continue searching after switching to view-only mode await; await; await expect(noteEditor.codeMirrorEditor).not.toBeVisible(); await expect(noteEditor.editorSearchInput).not.toBeVisible(); await expect(noteEditor.viewerSearchInput).toBeVisible(); // Should stop searching after closing the search input await; await expect(matches).toHaveCount(1); await'Escape'); await expect(noteEditor.viewerSearchInput).not.toBeVisible(); await expect(matches).toHaveCount(0); // After showing the viewer again, search should still be hidden await; await expect(noteEditor.codeMirrorEditor).toBeVisible(); await expect(noteEditor.editorSearchInput).not.toBeVisible(); }); });