/* eslint-disable require-atomic-updates */ const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const { writeFile, readFile, pathExists } = require('fs-extra'); const { dirname } = require('@joplin/lib/path-utils'); const markdownUtils = require('@joplin/lib/markdownUtils').default; const yargParser = require('yargs-parser'); const { stripOffFrontMatter } = require('./website/utils/frontMatter'); const dayjs = require('dayjs'); dayjs.extend(require('dayjs/plugin/utc')); const rootDir = dirname(dirname(__dirname)); const statsFilePath = `${rootDir}/readme/stats.md`; function endsWith(str, suffix) { return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1; } function downloadCounts(release) { const output = { mac_count: 0, windows_count: 0, linux_count: 0, }; for (let i = 0; i < release.assets.length; i++) { const asset = release.assets[i]; const n = asset.name; if (endsWith(n, '-mac.zip') || endsWith(n, '.dmg')) { output.mac_count += asset.download_count; } else if (endsWith(n, '.AppImage') || endsWith(n, '.snap')) { output.linux_count += asset.download_count; } else if (endsWith(n, '.exe')) { output.windows_count += asset.download_count; } } output.total_count = output.mac_count + output.linux_count + output.windows_count; return output; } function createChangeLog(releases) { const output = []; output.push('# Joplin changelog'); for (let i = 0; i < releases.length; i++) { const r = releases[i]; const s = []; const preReleaseString = r.prerelease ? ' (Pre-release)' : ''; s.push(`## ${r.tag_name}${preReleaseString} - ${r.published_at}`); s.push(''); const body = r.body.replace(/#(\d+)/g, '[#$1](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/$1)'); s.push(body); output.push(s.join('\n')); } return output.join('\n\n'); } async function main() { const argv = yargParser(process.argv); const types = argv.types ? argv.types.split(',') : ['stats', 'changelog']; const updateIntervalDays = argv.updateInterval ? argv.updateInterval : 0; // in days const updateInterval = updateIntervalDays * 86400000; // in days let updateStats = types.includes('stats'); const updateChangelog = types.includes('changelog'); if (updateStats && await pathExists(statsFilePath)) { const md = await readFile(statsFilePath, 'utf8'); const info = stripOffFrontMatter(md); if (!info.updated) throw new Error('Missing front matter property: updated'); if (info.updated.getTime() + updateInterval > Date.now()) { console.info(`Skipping stat update because the file (from ${info.updated.toString()}) is not older than ${updateIntervalDays} days`); updateStats = false; } else { console.info(`Proceeding with stat update because the file (from ${info.updated.toString()}) is older than ${updateIntervalDays} days`); } } console.info(`Building docs: updateChangelog: ${updateChangelog}; updateStats: ${updateStats}`); if (!updateStats && !updateChangelog) { console.info('Nothing to do.'); return; } const rows = []; const totals = { windows_count: 0, mac_count: 0, linux_count: 0, }; const processReleases = (releases) => { for (let i = 0; i < releases.length; i++) { const release = releases[i]; if (!release.tag_name.match(/^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)) continue; if (release.draft) continue; let row = {}; row = Object.assign(row, downloadCounts(release)); row.tag_name = `[${release.tag_name}](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/releases/tag/${release.tag_name})`; row.published_at = release.published_at; row.body = release.body; row.prerelease = release.prerelease; totals.windows_count += row.windows_count; totals.mac_count += row.mac_count; totals.linux_count += row.linux_count; rows.push(row); } }; console.info('Build stats: Downloading releases info...'); const baseUrl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/laurent22/joplin/releases?page='; let pageNum = 1; while (true) { console.info(`Build stats: Page ${pageNum}`); const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}${pageNum}`); const releases = await response.json(); if (!releases || !releases.length) break; processReleases(releases); pageNum++; } if (updateChangelog) { console.info('Build stats: Updating changelog...'); const changelogText = createChangeLog(rows); await writeFile(`${rootDir}/readme/changelog.md`, changelogText); } if (!updateStats) return; console.info('Build stats: Updating stats...'); const grandTotal = totals.windows_count + totals.mac_count + totals.linux_count; totals.windows_percent = totals.windows_count / grandTotal; totals.mac_percent = totals.mac_count / grandTotal; totals.linux_percent = totals.linux_count / grandTotal; const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'decimal' }); const totalsMd = [ { name: 'Total Windows downloads', value: formatter.format(totals.windows_count) }, { name: 'Total macOs downloads', value: formatter.format(totals.mac_count) }, { name: 'Total Linux downloads', value: formatter.format(totals.linux_count) }, { name: 'Windows %', value: `${Math.round(totals.windows_percent * 100)}%` }, { name: 'macOS %', value: `${Math.round(totals.mac_percent * 100)}%` }, { name: 'Linux %', value: `${Math.round(totals.linux_percent * 100)}%` }, ]; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { rows[i].tag_name = rows[i].prerelease ? `${rows[i].tag_name} (p)` : rows[i].tag_name; rows[i].mac_count = formatter.format(rows[i].mac_count); rows[i].windows_count = formatter.format(rows[i].windows_count); rows[i].linux_count = formatter.format(rows[i].linux_count); rows[i].total_count = formatter.format(rows[i].total_count); } const statsMd = [ '---', `updated: ${dayjs.utc().format()}`, '---', '', '# Joplin statistics', '', markdownUtils.createMarkdownTable([ { name: 'name', label: 'Name' }, { name: 'value', label: 'Value' }, ], totalsMd), '', '(p) Indicates pre-releases', '', markdownUtils.createMarkdownTable([ { name: 'tag_name', label: 'Version' }, { name: 'published_at', label: 'Date' }, { name: 'windows_count', label: 'Windows' }, { name: 'mac_count', label: 'macOS' }, { name: 'linux_count', label: 'Linux' }, { name: 'total_count', label: 'Total' }, ], rows), ]; const statsText = statsMd.join('\n'); await writeFile(statsFilePath, statsText); } main().catch((error) => { console.error('Fatal error'); console.error(error); process.exit(1); });