import { State as RootState } from '../../reducer'; import { Draft } from 'immer'; import { FolderEntity } from '../database/types'; import { MasterKeyEntity } from '../e2ee/types'; import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; const logger = Logger.create('share/reducer'); interface StateShareUserUser { id: string; email: string; full_name?: string; } export enum ShareUserStatus { Waiting = 0, Accepted = 1, Rejected = 2, } export interface SharePermissions { can_read: number; can_write: number; } export interface StateShareUser { id: string; status: ShareUserStatus; user: StateShareUserUser; can_read: number; can_write: number; } export interface StateShare { id: string; type: number; folder_id: string; note_id: string; master_key_id: string; user?: StateShareUserUser; } export interface ShareInvitation { id: string; master_key: MasterKeyEntity; share: StateShare; status: ShareUserStatus; can_read: number; can_write: number; } export interface State { shares: StateShare[]; shareUsers: Record; shareInvitations: ShareInvitation[]; processingShareInvitationResponse: boolean; } export const stateRootKey = 'shareService'; export const defaultState: State = { shares: [], shareUsers: {}, shareInvitations: [], processingShareInvitationResponse: false, }; export const parseShareCache = (serialized: string): State => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied let raw: any = {}; try { raw = JSON.parse(serialized); if (!raw) raw = {}; } catch (error) {'Could not load share cache from settings - will return a default value. Error was:', error); } return { shares: raw.shares || [], shareUsers: raw.shareUsers || {}, shareInvitations: raw.shareInvitations || [], processingShareInvitationResponse: false, }; }; export function isSharedFolderOwner(state: RootState, folderId: string): boolean { const userId = state.settings['sync.userId']; const share = state[stateRootKey].shares.find(s => s.folder_id === folderId); if (!share) return false; return === userId; } export function isRootSharedFolder(folder: FolderEntity): boolean { if (!('share_id' in folder) || !('parent_id' in folder)) { logger.warn('Calling isRootSharedFolder without specifying share_id and parent_id:', folder); return false; } return !!folder.share_id && !folder.parent_id; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied const reducer = (draftRoot: Draft, action: any) => { if (action.type.indexOf('SHARE_') !== 0) return; const draft = draftRoot.shareService; try { switch (action.type) { case 'SHARE_SET': draft.shares = action.shares; break; case 'SHARE_USER_SET': draft.shareUsers[action.shareId] = action.shareUsers; break; case 'SHARE_USER_UPDATE_ONE': { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied const shareUser = (draft.shareUsers as any)[action.shareId].find((su: StateShareUser) => ===; if (!shareUser) throw new Error(`No such user: ${JSON.stringify(action)}`); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(action.shareUser)) { shareUser[name] = value; } } break; case 'SHARE_INVITATION_SET': draft.shareInvitations = action.shareInvitations; break; case 'SHARE_INVITATION_RESPONSE_PROCESSING': draft.processingShareInvitationResponse = action.value; break; } } catch (error) { error.message = `In share reducer: ${error.message} Action: ${JSON.stringify(action)}`; throw error; } }; export default reducer;