/** * @jest-environment jsdom */ import createEditor from './createEditor'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import { forceParsing } from '@codemirror/language'; import loadLanguages from './testUtil/loadLanguages'; import { expect, describe, it } from '@jest/globals'; import createEditorSettings from './testUtil/createEditorSettings'; describe('createEditor', () => { beforeAll(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); for (const scriptContainer of document.querySelectorAll('#joplin-plugin-scripts-container')) { scriptContainer.remove(); } }); // This checks for a regression -- occasionally, when updating packages, // syntax highlighting in the CodeMirror editor stops working. This is usually // fixed by // 1. removing all `@codemirror/` and `@lezer/` dependencies from yarn.lock, // 2. upgrading all CodeMirror packages to the latest versions in package.json, and // 3. re-running `yarn install`. // // See https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/7253 it('should give headings a different style', async () => { const headerLineText = '# Testing...'; const initialText = `${headerLineText}\nThis is a test.`; const editorSettings = createEditorSettings(Setting.THEME_LIGHT); await loadLanguages(); const editor = createEditor(document.body, { initialText, settings: editorSettings, onEvent: _event => {}, onLogMessage: _message => {}, }); // Force the generation of the syntax tree now. forceParsing(editor.editor); const headerLine = document.body.querySelector('.cm-headerLine')!; expect(headerLine.textContent).toBe(headerLineText); expect(getComputedStyle(headerLine).fontSize).toBe('1.6em'); // CodeMirror nests the tag that styles the header within .cm-headerLine: //
const headerLineContent = document.body.querySelectorAll('.cm-headerLine > span'); expect(headerLineContent.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); // Cleanup editor.remove(); }); it('should support loading plugins', async () => { const initialText = '# Test\nThis is a test.'; const editorSettings = createEditorSettings(Setting.THEME_LIGHT); const editor = createEditor(document.body, { initialText, settings: editorSettings, onEvent: _event => {}, onLogMessage: _message => {}, }); const getContentScriptJs = jest.fn(async () => { return ` exports.default = context => { context.postMessage(context.pluginId); return {}; }; `; }); const postMessageHandler = jest.fn(); const testPlugin1 = { pluginId: 'a.plugin.id', contentScriptId: 'a.plugin.id.contentScript', loadCssAsset: async (_name: string) => '* { color: red; }', contentScriptJs: getContentScriptJs, postMessageHandler, }; const testPlugin2 = { pluginId: 'another.plugin.id', contentScriptId: 'another.plugin.id.contentScript', loadCssAsset: async (_name: string) => '...', contentScriptJs: getContentScriptJs, postMessageHandler, }; // Should be able to load a plugin await editor.setContentScripts([ testPlugin1, ]); // Allow plugins to load await jest.runAllTimersAsync(); // Because plugin loading is done by adding script elements to the document, // we test for the presence of these script elements, rather than waiting for // them to run. expect(document.querySelectorAll('#joplin-plugin-scripts-container script')).toHaveLength(1); // Only one script should be present. const scriptContainer = document.querySelector('#joplin-plugin-scripts-container'); expect(scriptContainer.querySelectorAll('script')).toHaveLength(1); // Adding another plugin should add another script element await editor.setContentScripts([ testPlugin2, testPlugin1, ]); await jest.runAllTimersAsync(); // There should now be script elements for each plugin expect(scriptContainer.querySelectorAll('script')).toHaveLength(2); // Removing the editor should remove the script container editor.remove(); expect(document.querySelectorAll('#joplin-plugin-scripts-container script')).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should support multiple content scripts from the same plugin', async () => { const initialText = '# Test\nThis is a test.'; const editorSettings = createEditorSettings(Setting.THEME_LIGHT); const editor = createEditor(document.body, { initialText, settings: editorSettings, onEvent: _event => {}, onLogMessage: _message => {}, }); const getContentScriptJs = jest.fn(async () => { return ` exports.default = context => { context.postMessage(context.pluginId); return {}; }; `; }); const postMessageHandler = jest.fn(); const pluginId = 'a.plugin.id'; const testPlugin1 = { pluginId, contentScriptId: 'a.plugin.id.contentScript', loadCssAsset: async (_name: string) => '', contentScriptJs: getContentScriptJs, postMessageHandler, }; const testPlugin2 = { pluginId, contentScriptId: 'another.plugin.id.contentScript', loadCssAsset: async (_name: string) => '', contentScriptJs: getContentScriptJs, postMessageHandler, }; await editor.setContentScripts([ testPlugin1, testPlugin2, ]); // Allows plugins to load await jest.runAllTimersAsync(); // Should be one script container for each plugin expect(document.querySelectorAll('#joplin-plugin-scripts-container script')).toHaveLength(2); }); });