const { dialog } = require('electron') const { autoUpdater } = require('electron-updater') const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js'); const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js'); let autoUpdateLogger_ = new Logger(); let checkInBackground_ = false; autoUpdater.autoDownload = false; autoUpdater.on('error', (error) => { autoUpdateLogger_.error(error); if (checkInBackground_) return; dialog.showErrorBox(_('Error'), error == null ? "unknown" : (error.stack || error).toString()) }) autoUpdater.on('update-available', () => { dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'info', message: _('An update is available, do you want to update now?'), buttons: [_('Yes'), _('No')] }, (buttonIndex) => { if (buttonIndex === 0) { try { autoUpdater.downloadUpdate() } catch (error) { autoUpdateLogger_.error(error); dialog.showErrorBox(_('Error'), _('Could not download the update: %s', error.message)); } } }) }) autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', () => { if (checkInBackground_) return; dialog.showMessageBox({ message: _('Current version is up-to-date.') }) }) autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', () => { dialog.showMessageBox({ message: _('New version downloaded - application will quit now and update...') }, () => { setTimeout(() => { try { autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); } catch (error) { autoUpdateLogger_.error(error); dialog.showErrorBox(_('Error'), _('Could not install the update: %s', error.message)); } }, 100); }) }) function checkForUpdates(inBackground, logFilePath) { if (logFilePath && !autoUpdateLogger_.targets().length) { autoUpdateLogger_ = new Logger(); autoUpdateLogger_.addTarget('file', { path: logFilePath }); autoUpdateLogger_.setLevel(Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG);'checkForUpdates: Initializing...'); autoUpdater.logger = autoUpdateLogger_; } checkInBackground_ = inBackground; try { autoUpdater.checkForUpdates() } catch (error) { autoUpdateLogger_.error(error); if (!checkInBackground_) dialog.showErrorBox(_('Error'), error.message); } } module.exports.checkForUpdates = checkForUpdates