const fs = require('fs-extra'); const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; // Electron Builder strip off certain important keys from package.json, which we need, in particular build.appId // so this script is used to preserve the keys that we need. const packageInfo = require(`${__dirname}/../package.json`); module.exports = async function() { let removeKeys = ['scripts', 'devDependencies', 'optionalDependencies', 'dependencies']; for (let i = 0; i < removeKeys.length; i++) { delete packageInfo[removeKeys[i]]; } const appId =; delete; = { appId: appId }; let branch; let hash; try { // Use stdio: 'pipe' so that execSync doesn't print error directly to stdout branch = execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', { stdio: 'pipe' }).toString().trim(); hash = execSync('git log --pretty="%h" -1', { stdio: 'pipe' }).toString().trim(); // The builds in CI are done from a 'detached HEAD' state if (branch === 'HEAD') branch = 'master'; } catch (err) { // Don't display error object as it's a "fatal" error, but // not for us, since is it not critical information //'Warning: Could not get git info (it will not be displayed in About dialog box)'); } if (typeof branch !== 'undefined' && typeof hash !== 'undefined') { packageInfo.git = { branch: branch, hash: hash }; } let fileContent = `// Auto-generated by compile-package-info.js\n// Do not change directly\nconst packageInfo = ${JSON.stringify(packageInfo, null, 4)};`; fileContent += '\n'; fileContent += 'module.exports = packageInfo;'; fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/../packageInfo.js`, fileContent); return Promise.resolve(); };