import PluginRunner from '../app/services/plugins/PluginRunner'; import PluginService from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/PluginService'; import { ContentScriptType } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/api/types'; import MdToHtml from '@joplin/renderer/MdToHtml'; import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim'; const { asyncTest, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient, expectThrow, createTempDir } = require('./test-utils.js'); const Note = require('@joplin/lib/models/Note'); const Folder = require('@joplin/lib/models/Folder'); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at services_PluginService: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason); }); const testPluginDir = `${__dirname}/../tests/support/plugins`; function newPluginService(appVersion: string = '1.4') { const runner = new PluginRunner(); const service = new PluginService(); service.initialize( appVersion, { joplin: { workspace: {}, }, }, runner, { dispatch: () => {}, getState: () => {}, } ); return service; } describe('services_PluginService', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); done(); }); it('should load and run a simple plugin', asyncTest(async () => { const service = newPluginService(); await service.loadAndRunPlugins([`${testPluginDir}/simple`]); expect(() => service.pluginById('simple')).not.toThrowError(); const allFolders = await Folder.all(); expect(allFolders.length).toBe(1); expect(allFolders[0].title).toBe('my plugin folder'); const allNotes = await Note.all(); expect(allNotes.length).toBe(1); expect(allNotes[0].title).toBe('testing plugin!'); expect(allNotes[0].parent_id).toBe(allFolders[0].id); })); it('should load and run a simple plugin and handle trailing slash', asyncTest(async () => { const service = newPluginService(); await service.loadAndRunPlugins([`${testPluginDir}/simple/`]); expect(() => service.pluginById('simple')).not.toThrowError(); })); it('should load and run a plugin that uses external packages', asyncTest(async () => { const service = newPluginService(); await service.loadAndRunPlugins([`${testPluginDir}/withExternalModules`]); const plugin = service.pluginById('withexternalmodules'); expect('withexternalmodules'); const allFolders = await Folder.all(); expect(allFolders.length).toBe(1); // If you have an error here, it might mean you need to run `npm i` from // the "withExternalModules" folder. Not clear exactly why. expect(allFolders[0].title).toBe(' foo'); })); it('should load multiple plugins from a directory', asyncTest(async () => { const service = newPluginService(); await service.loadAndRunPlugins(`${testPluginDir}/multi_plugins`); const plugin1 = service.pluginById('simple1'); const plugin2 = service.pluginById('simple2'); expect(!!plugin1).toBe(true); expect(!!plugin2).toBe(true); const allFolders = await Folder.all(); expect(allFolders.length).toBe(2); expect( any) => f.title).sort().join(', ')).toBe('multi - simple1, multi - simple2'); })); it('should load plugins from JS bundles', asyncTest(async () => { const service = newPluginService(); const plugin = await service.loadPluginFromString('example', '/tmp', ` /* joplin-manifest: { "manifest_version": 1, "app_min_version": "1.4", "name": "JS Bundle test", "description": "JS Bundle Test plugin", "version": "1.0.0", "author": "Laurent Cozic", "homepage_url": "" } */ joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() { await['folders'], null, { title: "my plugin folder" }); }, }); `); await service.runPlugin(plugin); expect(plugin.manifest.manifest_version).toBe(1); expect('JS Bundle test'); const allFolders = await Folder.all(); expect(allFolders.length).toBe(1); })); it('should load plugins from JS bundle files', asyncTest(async () => { const service = newPluginService(); await service.loadAndRunPlugins(`${testPluginDir}/jsbundles`); expect(!!service.pluginById('example')).toBe(true); expect((await Folder.all()).length).toBe(1); })); it('should validate JS bundles', asyncTest(async () => { const invalidJsBundles = [ ` /* joplin-manifest: { "not_a_valid_manifest_at_all": 1 } */ joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() {}, }); `, ` /* joplin-manifest: */ joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() {}, }); `, ` joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() {}, }); `, '', ]; const service = newPluginService(); for (const jsBundle of invalidJsBundles) { await expectThrow(async () => await service.loadPluginFromString('example', '/tmp', jsBundle)); } })); it('should register a Markdown-it plugin', asyncTest(async () => { const tempDir = await createTempDir(); const contentScriptPath = `${tempDir}/markdownItTestPlugin.js`; await shim.fsDriver().copy(`${testPluginDir}/content_script/src/markdownItTestPlugin.js`, contentScriptPath); const service = newPluginService(); const plugin = await service.loadPluginFromString('example', tempDir, ` /* joplin-manifest: { "manifest_version": 1, "app_min_version": "1.4", "name": "JS Bundle test", "description": "JS Bundle Test plugin", "version": "1.0.0", "author": "Laurent Cozic", "homepage_url": "" } */ joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() { await joplin.plugins.registerContentScript('markdownItPlugin', 'justtesting', './markdownItTestPlugin.js'); }, }); `); await service.runPlugin(plugin); const contentScripts = plugin.contentScriptsByType(ContentScriptType.MarkdownItPlugin); expect(contentScripts.length).toBe(1); expect(!!contentScripts[0].path).toBe(true); const contentScript = contentScripts[0]; const mdToHtml = new MdToHtml(); const module = require(contentScript.path).default; mdToHtml.loadExtraRendererRule(, module({})); const result = await mdToHtml.render([ '```justtesting', 'something', '```', ].join('\n')); expect(result.html.includes('JUST TESTING: something')).toBe(true); await shim.fsDriver().remove(tempDir); })); it('should enable and disable plugins depending on what app version they support', asyncTest(async () => { const pluginScript = ` /* joplin-manifest: { "manifest_version": 1, "app_min_version": "1.4", "name": "JS Bundle test", "version": "1.0.0" } */ joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() { }, }); `; const testCases = [ ['1.4', true], ['1.5', true], ['2.0', true], ['1.3', false], ['0.9', false], ]; for (const testCase of testCases) { const [appVersion, expected] = testCase; const plugin = await newPluginService(appVersion as string).loadPluginFromString('example', '', pluginScript); expect(plugin.enabled).toBe(expected as boolean); } })); });