import EncryptionService from '../../services/e2ee/EncryptionService'; import { _ } from '../../locale'; import BaseItem from '../../models/BaseItem'; import Setting from '../../models/Setting'; import MasterKey from '../../models/MasterKey'; import { reg } from '../../registry.js'; import shim from '../../shim'; import { MasterKeyEntity } from '../../services/e2ee/types'; import time from '../../time'; import { masterKeyEnabled, setMasterKeyEnabled } from '../../services/synchronizer/syncInfoUtils'; import { findMasterKeyPassword } from '../../services/e2ee/utils'; class Shared { private refreshStatsIID_: any; public initialize(comp: any, props: any) { comp.state = { passwordChecks: {}, // Master keys that can be decrypted with the master password // (normally all of them, but for legacy support we need this). masterPasswordKeys: {}, stats: { encrypted: null, total: null, }, passwords: Object.assign({}, props.passwords), showDisabledMasterKeys: false, masterPasswordInput: '', }; comp.isMounted_ = false; this.refreshStatsIID_ = null; } public async refreshStats(comp: any) { const stats = await BaseItem.encryptedItemsStats(); comp.setState({ stats: stats, }); } public async toggleShowDisabledMasterKeys(comp: any) { comp.setState({ showDisabledMasterKeys: !comp.state.showDisabledMasterKeys }); } public async reencryptData() { const ok = confirm(_('Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.')); if (!ok) return; await BaseItem.forceSyncAll(); void reg.waitForSyncFinishedThenSync(); Setting.setValue('encryption.shouldReencrypt', Setting.SHOULD_REENCRYPT_NO); alert(_('Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.')); } public dontReencryptData() { Setting.setValue('encryption.shouldReencrypt', Setting.SHOULD_REENCRYPT_NO); } public async upgradeMasterKey(comp: any, masterKey: MasterKeyEntity) { const passwordCheck = comp.state.passwordChecks[]; if (!passwordCheck) { alert(_('Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.')); return; } try { const password = comp.state.passwords[]; const newMasterKey = await EncryptionService.instance().upgradeMasterKey(masterKey, password); await; void reg.waitForSyncFinishedThenSync(); alert(_('The master key has been upgraded successfully!')); } catch (error) { alert(_('Could not upgrade master key: %s', error.message)); } } public componentDidMount(comp: any) { this.componentDidUpdate(comp); void this.refreshStats(comp); if (this.refreshStatsIID_) { shim.clearInterval(this.refreshStatsIID_); this.refreshStatsIID_ = null; } this.refreshStatsIID_ = shim.setInterval(() => { if (!comp.isMounted_) { shim.clearInterval(this.refreshStatsIID_); this.refreshStatsIID_ = null; return; } void this.refreshStats(comp); }, 3000); } public componentDidUpdate(comp: any, prevProps: any = null) { if (prevProps && comp.props.passwords !== prevProps.passwords) { comp.setState({ passwords: Object.assign({}, comp.props.passwords) }); } if (!prevProps || comp.props.masterKeys !== prevProps.masterKeys || comp.props.passwords !== prevProps.passwords) { comp.checkPasswords(); } } public componentWillUnmount() { if (this.refreshStatsIID_) { shim.clearInterval(this.refreshStatsIID_); this.refreshStatsIID_ = null; } } public async masterPasswordIsValid(comp: any, masterPassword: string = null) { const activeMasterKey = comp.props.masterKeys.find((mk: MasterKeyEntity) => === comp.props.activeMasterKeyId); masterPassword = masterPassword === null ? comp.props.masterPassword : masterPassword; if (activeMasterKey && masterPassword) { return EncryptionService.instance().checkMasterKeyPassword(activeMasterKey, masterPassword); } return false; } public async checkPasswords(comp: any) { const passwordChecks = Object.assign({}, comp.state.passwordChecks); const masterPasswordKeys = Object.assign({}, comp.state.masterPasswordKeys); for (let i = 0; i < comp.props.masterKeys.length; i++) { const mk = comp.props.masterKeys[i]; const password = await findMasterKeyPassword(EncryptionService.instance(), mk); const ok = password ? await EncryptionService.instance().checkMasterKeyPassword(mk, password) : false; passwordChecks[] = ok; masterPasswordKeys[] = password === comp.props.masterPassword; } passwordChecks['master'] = await this.masterPasswordIsValid(comp); comp.setState({ passwordChecks, masterPasswordKeys }); } public masterPasswordStatus(comp: any) { // Don't translate for now because that's temporary - later it should // always be set and the label should be replaced by a "Change master // password" button. return comp.props.masterPassword ? 'Master password is set' : 'Master password is not set'; } public decryptedStatText(comp: any) { const stats = comp.state.stats; const doneCount = stats.encrypted !== null ? - stats.encrypted : '-'; const totalCount = !== null ? : '-'; const result = _('Decrypted items: %s / %s', doneCount, totalCount); return result; } public onSavePasswordClick(comp: any, mk: MasterKeyEntity) { const password = comp.state.passwords[]; if (!password) { Setting.deleteObjectValue('encryption.passwordCache',; } else { Setting.setObjectValue('encryption.passwordCache',, password); } comp.checkPasswords(); } public onMasterPasswordChange(comp: any, value: string) { comp.setState({ masterPasswordInput: value }); } public onMasterPasswordSave(comp: any) { Setting.setValue('encryption.masterPassword', comp.state.masterPasswordInput); } public onPasswordChange(comp: any, mk: MasterKeyEntity, password: string) { const passwords = Object.assign({}, comp.state.passwords); passwords[] = password; comp.setState({ passwords: passwords }); } public onToggleEnabledClick(_comp: any, mk: MasterKeyEntity) { setMasterKeyEnabled(, !masterKeyEnabled(mk)); } public enableEncryptionConfirmationMessages(masterKey: MasterKeyEntity) { const msg = [_('Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target. Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.')]; if (masterKey) msg.push(_('Encryption will be enabled using the master key created on %s', time.unixMsToLocalDateTime(masterKey.created_time))); return msg; } } const shared = new Shared(); export default shared;