require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname); const { BaseApplication } = require('lib/BaseApplication'); const { FoldersScreenUtils } = require('lib/folders-screen-utils.js'); const { Setting } = require('lib/models/setting.js'); const { BaseModel } = require('lib/base-model.js'); const { _, setLocale } = require('lib/locale.js'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js'); const { Tag } = require('lib/models/tag.js'); const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js'); const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js'); const { JoplinDatabase } = require('lib/joplin-database.js'); const { DatabaseDriverNode } = require('lib/database-driver-node.js'); const { ElectronAppWrapper } = require('./ElectronAppWrapper'); const { defaultState } = require('lib/reducer.js'); const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge'); const Menu = bridge().Menu; const MenuItem = bridge().MenuItem; const appDefaultState = Object.assign({}, defaultState, { route: { type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Main', props: {}, }, navHistory: [], fileToImport: null, windowCommand: null, noteVisiblePanes: ['editor', 'viewer'], }); class Application extends BaseApplication { constructor() { super(); this.lastMenuScreen_ = null; } hasGui() { return true; } reducer(state = appDefaultState, action) { let newState = state; try { switch (action.type) { case 'NAV_BACK': case 'NAV_GO': const goingBack = action.type === 'NAV_BACK'; if (goingBack && !state.navHistory.length) break; const currentRoute = state.route; newState = Object.assign({}, state); let newNavHistory = state.navHistory.slice(); if (goingBack) { let newAction = null; while (newNavHistory.length) { newAction = newNavHistory.pop(); if (newAction.routeName !== state.route.routeName) break; } if (!newAction) break; action = newAction; } if (!goingBack) newNavHistory.push(currentRoute); newState.navHistory = newNavHistory newState.route = action; break; case 'WINDOW_CONTENT_SIZE_SET': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.windowContentSize = action.size; break; case 'WINDOW_COMMAND': newState = Object.assign({}, state); let command = Object.assign({}, action); delete command.type; newState.windowCommand = command; break; case 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_TOGGLE': let panes = state.noteVisiblePanes.slice(); if (panes.length === 2) { panes = ['editor']; } else if (panes.indexOf('editor') >= 0) { panes = ['viewer']; } else if (panes.indexOf('viewer') >= 0) { panes = ['editor', 'viewer']; } else { panes = ['editor', 'viewer']; } newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.noteVisiblePanes = panes; break; case 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_SET': newState = Object.assign({}, state); newState.noteVisiblePanes = action.panes; break; } } catch (error) { error.message = 'In reducer: ' + error.message + ' Action: ' + JSON.stringify(action); throw error; } return super.reducer(newState, action); } async generalMiddleware(store, next, action) { if (action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key == 'locale' || action.type == 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') { setLocale(Setting.value('locale')); this.refreshMenu(); } if (['NOTE_UPDATE_ONE', 'NOTE_DELETE', 'FOLDER_UPDATE_ONE', 'FOLDER_DELETE'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) { if (!await reg.syncStarted()) reg.scheduleSync(); } const result = await super.generalMiddleware(store, next, action); const newState = store.getState(); if (action.type === 'NAV_GO' || action.type === 'NAV_BACK') { app().updateMenu(newState.route.routeName); } if (['NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_TOGGLE', 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_SET'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) { Setting.setValue('noteVisiblePanes', newState.noteVisiblePanes); } return result; } refreshMenu() { const screen = this.lastMenuScreen_; this.lastMenuScreen_ = null; this.updateMenu(screen); } updateMenu(screen) { if (this.lastMenuScreen_ === screen) return; const template = [ { label: _('File'), submenu: [{ label: _('New note'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+N', screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'newNote', }); } }, { label: _('New to-do'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+T', screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'newTodo', }); } }, { label: _('New notebook'), screens: ['Main'], click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'WINDOW_COMMAND', name: 'newNotebook', }); } }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: _('Import Evernote notes'), click: () => { const filePaths = bridge().showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openFile', 'createDirectory'], filters: [ { name: _('Evernote Export Files'), extensions: ['enex'] }, ] }); if (!filePaths || !filePaths.length) return; this.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Import', props: { filePath: filePaths[0], }, }); } }, { type: 'separator', }, { label: _('Quit'), accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Q', click: () => { bridge().electronApp().exit() } }] }, { label: _('Tools'), submenu: [{ label: _('Options'), click: () => { this.dispatch({ type: 'NAV_GO', routeName: 'Config', }); } }] }, { label: _('Help'), submenu: [{ label: _('Documentation'), accelerator: 'F1', click () { bridge().openExternal('') } }, { label: _('About Joplin'), click: () => { const p = require('./package.json'); let message = [ p.description, '', 'Copyright © 2016-2017', _('%s %s (%s)',, p.version, Setting.value('env')), ]; bridge().showMessageBox({ message: message.join('\n'), }); } }] }, ]; function removeUnwantedItems(template, screen) { let output = []; for (let i = 0; i < template.length; i++) { const t = Object.assign({}, template[i]); if (t.screens && t.screens.indexOf(screen) < 0) continue; if (t.submenu) t.submenu = removeUnwantedItems(t.submenu, screen); output.push(t); } return output; } let screenTemplate = removeUnwantedItems(template, screen); const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(screenTemplate); Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); this.lastMenuScreen_ = screen; } async start(argv) { argv = await super.start(argv); this.updateMenu('Main'); this.initRedux(); // Since the settings need to be loaded before the store is created, it will never // receive the SETTING_UPDATE_ALL even, which mean state.settings will not be // initialised. So we manually call dispatchUpdateAll() to force an update. Setting.dispatchUpdateAll(); await FoldersScreenUtils.refreshFolders(); const tags = await Tag.allWithNotes(); this.dispatch({ type: 'TAG_UPDATE_ALL', tags: tags, });{ type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id: Setting.value('activeFolderId'), }); } } let application_ = null; function app() { if (!application_) application_ = new Application(); return application_; } module.exports = { app };