const React = require('react'); const { FlatList, View, Text, Button, StyleSheet, Platform } = require('react-native'); const { connect } = require('react-redux'); const { reg } = require('@joplin/lib/registry.js'); const { ScreenHeader } = require('../ScreenHeader'); const time = require('@joplin/lib/time').default; const { themeStyle } = require('../global-style.js'); const Logger = require('@joplin/utils/Logger').default; const { BaseScreenComponent } = require('../base-screen.js'); const { _ } = require('@joplin/lib/locale'); class LogScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent { static navigationOptions() { return { header: null }; } constructor() { super(); this.state = { logEntries: [], showErrorsOnly: false, }; this.styles_ = {}; } styles() { const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId); if (this.styles_[this.props.themeId]) return this.styles_[this.props.themeId]; this.styles_ = {}; const styles = { row: { flexDirection: 'row', paddingLeft: 1, paddingRight: 1, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, }, rowText: { fontSize: 10, color: theme.color, }, }; if (Platform.OS !== 'ios') { // Crashes on iOS with error "Unrecognized font family 'monospace'" styles.rowText.fontFamily = 'monospace'; } styles.rowTextError = { ...styles.rowText }; styles.rowTextError.color = theme.colorError; styles.rowTextWarn = { ...styles.rowText }; styles.rowTextWarn.color = theme.colorWarn; this.styles_[this.props.themeId] = StyleSheet.create(styles); return this.styles_[this.props.themeId]; } UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { this.resfreshLogEntries(); } async resfreshLogEntries(showErrorsOnly = null) { if (showErrorsOnly === null) showErrorsOnly = this.state.showErrorsOnly; let levels = [Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, Logger.LEVEL_INFO, Logger.LEVEL_WARN, Logger.LEVEL_ERROR]; if (showErrorsOnly) levels = [Logger.LEVEL_WARN, Logger.LEVEL_ERROR]; this.setState({ logEntries: await reg.logger().lastEntries(1000, { levels: levels }), showErrorsOnly: showErrorsOnly, }); } toggleErrorsOnly() { this.resfreshLogEntries(!this.state.showErrorsOnly); } render() { const renderRow = ({ item }) => { let textStyle = this.styles().rowText; if (item.level === Logger.LEVEL_WARN) textStyle = this.styles().rowTextWarn; if (item.level === Logger.LEVEL_ERROR) textStyle = this.styles().rowTextError; return ( {`${time.formatMsToLocal(item.timestamp, 'MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')}: ${item.message}`} ); }; // `enableEmptySections` is to fix this warning: return ( { return `${}`; }} />