import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { ListItem, ListItemType } from '../types'; import { isFolderSelected, isTagSelected } from '@joplin/lib/components/shared/side-menu-shared'; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; const { ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID } = require('@joplin/lib/reserved-ids'); interface Props { dispatch: Dispatch; listItems: ListItem[]; notesParentType: string; selectedTagId: string; selectedFolderId: string; selectedSmartFilterId: string; } const useSelectedSidebarIndex = (props: Props) => { const appStateSelectedIndex = useMemo(() => { for (let i = 0; i < props.listItems.length; i++) { const listItem = props.listItems[i]; let selected = false; if (listItem.kind === ListItemType.AllNotes) { selected = props.selectedSmartFilterId === ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID && props.notesParentType === 'SmartFilter'; } else if (listItem.kind === ListItemType.Header || listItem.kind === ListItemType.Spacer) { selected = false; } else if (listItem.kind === ListItemType.Folder) { selected = isFolderSelected(listItem.folder, { selectedFolderId: props.selectedFolderId, notesParentType: props.notesParentType }); } else if (listItem.kind === ListItemType.Tag) { selected = isTagSelected(listItem.tag, { selectedTagId: props.selectedTagId, notesParentType: props.notesParentType }); } else { const exhaustivenessCheck: never = listItem; return exhaustivenessCheck; } if (selected) { return i; } } return -1; }, [props.listItems, props.selectedFolderId, props.selectedTagId, props.selectedSmartFilterId, props.notesParentType]); // Not all list items correspond with selectable Joplin folders/tags, but we want to // be able to select them anyway. This is handled with selectedIndexOverride. // // When selectedIndexOverride >= 0, it corresponds to the index of a selected item with no // specific note parent item (e.g. a header). const [selectedIndexOverride, setSelectedIndexOverride] = useState(-1); useEffect(() => { setSelectedIndexOverride(-1); }, [appStateSelectedIndex]); const updateSelectedIndex = useCallback((newIndex: number) => { if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = 0; } else if (newIndex >= props.listItems.length) { newIndex = props.listItems.length - 1; } const newItem = props.listItems[newIndex]; let newOverrideIndex = -1; if (newItem.kind === ListItemType.AllNotes) { props.dispatch({ type: 'SMART_FILTER_SELECT', id: ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID, }); } else if (newItem.kind === ListItemType.Folder) { props.dispatch({ type: 'FOLDER_SELECT', id:, }); } else if (newItem.kind === ListItemType.Tag) { props.dispatch({ type: 'TAG_SELECT', id:, }); } else { newOverrideIndex = newIndex; } setSelectedIndexOverride(newOverrideIndex); }, [props.listItems, props.dispatch]); const selectedIndex = selectedIndexOverride === -1 ? appStateSelectedIndex : selectedIndexOverride; return { selectedIndex, updateSelectedIndex }; }; export default useSelectedSidebarIndex;