import * as React from 'react'; import { WarningBannerComponent } from './WarningBanner'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import NavService from '@joplin/lib/services/NavService'; import { render, screen, userEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native'; import '@testing-library/jest-native/extend-expect'; import { ShareInvitation, ShareUserStatus } from '@joplin/lib/services/share/reducer'; import makeShareInvitation from '@joplin/lib/testing/share/makeMockShareInvitation'; interface WrapperProps { showMissingMasterKeyMessage?: boolean; hasDisabledSyncItems?: boolean; shouldUpgradeSyncTarget?: boolean; showShouldUpgradeSyncTargetMessage?: boolean; hasDisabledEncryptionItems?: boolean; mustUpgradeAppMessage?: string; shareInvitations?: ShareInvitation[]; processingShareInvitationResponse?: boolean; } const WarningBannerWrapper: React.FC = props => { return ; }; describe('WarningBanner', () => { let navServiceMock: jest.Mock<(route: unknown)=> void>; beforeEach(() => { navServiceMock = jest.fn(); NavService.dispatch = navServiceMock; jest.useFakeTimers(); }); test('the missing master key alert should link to the encryption config screen', async () => { render(); expect(await screen.findAllByTestId('warning-box')).toHaveLength(1); expect(navServiceMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); const masterKeyWarning = screen.getByText(/decryption password/); const user = userEvent.setup(); await; expect(navServiceMock.mock.lastCall).toMatchObject([{ routeName: 'EncryptionConfig' }]); }); test.each([ [makeShareInvitation('Test user', '', ShareUserStatus.Waiting), true], [makeShareInvitation('Test user', '', ShareUserStatus.Accepted), false], [makeShareInvitation('Test user', '', ShareUserStatus.Rejected), false], ])('should display a warning banner when there is an incoming share (case %#)', (invitation, shouldShow) => { const invitations = [invitation]; render(); const checkShownState = () => { if (shouldShow) { expect(screen.getByText(/would like to share a notebook/)).toBeVisible(); } else { expect(screen.queryByText(/would like to share a notebook/)).toBeNull(); } }; checkShownState(); // Should not be affected by additional rejected/accepted invitations for (const inviteType of [ShareUserStatus.Accepted, ShareUserStatus.Rejected]) { render( , ); checkShownState(); } }); test('should not display a share warning banner while processing shares', () => { const invitations = [makeShareInvitation('Test Name', '', ShareUserStatus.Waiting)]; const query = /Test Name \(email@example\.com\) would like to share a notebook/; render(); expect(screen.getByText(query)).toBeVisible(); render(); expect(screen.queryByText(query)).toBeNull(); render(); expect(screen.getByText(query)).toBeVisible(); }); });