import Setting from '../../models/Setting'; import PluginService, { defaultPluginSetting } from '../../services/plugins/PluginService'; import { PluginManifest } from '../../services/plugins/utils/types'; import { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient } from '../../testing/test-utils'; import { writeFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { join } from 'path'; import loadPlugins, { Props as LoadPluginsProps } from './loadPlugins'; import MockPluginRunner from './testing/MockPluginRunner'; import reducer, { State, defaultState } from '../../reducer'; import { Action, createStore } from 'redux'; import MockPlatformImplementation from './testing/MockPlatformImplementation'; const createMockReduxStore = () => { return createStore((state: State = defaultState, action: Action) => { return reducer(state, action); }); }; const setPluginEnabled = (id: string, enabled: boolean) => { const newPluginStates = { ...Setting.value('plugins.states'), [id]: { ...defaultPluginSetting(), enabled, }, }; Setting.setValue('plugins.states', newPluginStates); }; const addPluginWithManifest = async (manifest: PluginManifest, enabled: boolean) => { const pluginSource = ` /* joplin-manifest: ${JSON.stringify(manifest)} */ joplin.plugins.register({ onStart: async function() { }, }); `; const pluginPath = join(Setting.value('pluginDir'), `${}.js`); await writeFile(pluginPath, pluginSource, 'utf-8'); setPluginEnabled(, enabled); }; const defaultManifestProperties = { manifest_version: 1, version: '0.1.0', app_min_version: '2.3.4', platforms: ['desktop', 'mobile'], }; const platformImplementation = new MockPlatformImplementation(); describe('loadPlugins', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); }); afterEach(async () => { for (const id of PluginService.instance().pluginIds) { await PluginService.instance().unloadPlugin(id); } await PluginService.instance().destroy(); }); test('should load only enabled plugins', async () => { await addPluginWithManifest({ ...defaultManifestProperties, id: '', name: 'Disabled Plugin', }, false); const enabledPluginId = ''; await addPluginWithManifest({ ...defaultManifestProperties, id: enabledPluginId, name: 'Enabled Plugin', }, true); const pluginRunner = new MockPluginRunner(); const store = createMockReduxStore(); const loadPluginsOptions: LoadPluginsProps = { pluginRunner, pluginSettings: Setting.value('plugins.states'), platformImplementation, store, reloadAll: false, cancelEvent: { cancelled: false }, }; expect(Object.keys(PluginService.instance().plugins)).toHaveLength(0); await loadPlugins(loadPluginsOptions); await pluginRunner.waitForAllToBeRunning([enabledPluginId]); expect(pluginRunner.runningPluginIds).toMatchObject([enabledPluginId]); // No plugins were running before, so none should be stopped. expect(pluginRunner.stopCalledTimes).toBe(0); // Loading again should not re-run plugins await loadPlugins(loadPluginsOptions); // Should have tried to stop at most the disabled plugin (which is a no-op). expect(pluginRunner.stopCalledTimes).toBe(1); expect(pluginRunner.runningPluginIds).toMatchObject([enabledPluginId]); }); test('should reload all plugins when reloadAll is true', async () => { const enabledCount = 3; for (let i = 0; i < enabledCount; i++) { await addPluginWithManifest({ ...defaultManifestProperties, id: `joplin.test.plugin.${i}`, name: `Enabled Plugin ${i}`, }, true); } const disabledCount = 6; for (let i = 0; i < disabledCount; i++) { await addPluginWithManifest({ ...defaultManifestProperties, id: `joplin.test.plugin.disabled.${i}`, name: `Disabled Plugin ${i}`, }, false); } const pluginRunner = new MockPluginRunner(); const store = createMockReduxStore(); const loadPluginsOptions: LoadPluginsProps = { pluginRunner, pluginSettings: Setting.value('plugins.states'), platformImplementation, store, reloadAll: true, cancelEvent: { cancelled: false }, }; await loadPlugins(loadPluginsOptions); let expectedRunningIds = ['joplin.test.plugin.0', 'joplin.test.plugin.1', 'joplin.test.plugin.2']; await pluginRunner.waitForAllToBeRunning(expectedRunningIds); // No additional plugins should be running. expect([...pluginRunner.runningPluginIds].sort()).toMatchObject(expectedRunningIds); // No plugins were running before -- there were no plugins to stop expect(pluginRunner.stopCalledTimes).toBe(0); // Enabling a plugin and reloading it should cause all plugins to load. setPluginEnabled('joplin.test.plugin.disabled.2', true); await loadPlugins({ ...loadPluginsOptions, pluginSettings: Setting.value('plugins.states') }); expectedRunningIds = ['joplin.test.plugin.0', 'joplin.test.plugin.1', 'joplin.test.plugin.2', 'joplin.test.plugin.disabled.2']; await pluginRunner.waitForAllToBeRunning(expectedRunningIds); // Reloading all should stop all plugins and rerun enabled plugins, even // if not enabled previously. expect(pluginRunner.stopCalledTimes).toBe(disabledCount + enabledCount); expect([...pluginRunner.runningPluginIds].sort()).toMatchObject(expectedRunningIds); }); });