import { EditorSelection } from '@codemirror/state'; import { toggleBolded, toggleCode, toggleHeaderLevel, toggleItalicized, toggleMath, updateLink, } from './markdownCommands'; import createTestEditor from '../testUtil/createTestEditor'; import { blockMathTagName } from './markdownMathParser'; describe('markdownCommands', () => { jest.retryTimes(2); it('should bold/italicize everything selected', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...'; const editor = await createTestEditor( initialDocText, EditorSelection.range(0, initialDocText.length), [], ); toggleBolded(editor); let mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; const boldedText = '**Testing...**'; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe(boldedText); expect(mainSel.from).toBe(0); expect(; toggleBolded(editor); mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe(initialDocText); expect(mainSel.from).toBe(0); expect(; toggleItalicized(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('*Testing...*'); toggleItalicized(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing...'); }); it('for a cursor, bolding, then italicizing, should produce a bold-italic region', async () => { const initialDocText = ''; const editor = await createTestEditor( initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(0), [], ); toggleBolded(editor); toggleItalicized(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('******'); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('Test')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('***Test***'); toggleItalicized(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection(' Test')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('***Test*** Test'); }); it('toggling math should both create and navigate out of math regions', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing... '; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(initialDocText.length), []); toggleMath(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing... $$'); expect(editor.state.selection.main.empty).toBe(true); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('3 + 3 \\neq 5')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing... $3 + 3 \\neq 5$'); toggleMath(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('...')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing... $3 + 3 \\neq 5$...'); }); it('toggling inline code should both create and navigate out of an inline code region', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...\n\n'; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(initialDocText.length), []); toggleCode(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('f(x) = ...')); toggleCode(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection(' is a function.')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing...\n\n`f(x) = ...` is a function.'); }); it('should set headers to the proper levels (when toggling)', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...\nThis is a test.'; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(3), []); toggleHeaderLevel(1)(editor); let mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('# Testing...\nThis is a test.'); expect(mainSel.empty).toBe(true); expect(mainSel.from).toBe('# Testing...'.length); toggleHeaderLevel(2)(editor); mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('## Testing...\nThis is a test.'); expect(mainSel.empty).toBe(true); expect(mainSel.from).toBe('## Testing...'.length); toggleHeaderLevel(2)(editor); mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toEqual(initialDocText); expect(mainSel.empty).toBe(true); expect(mainSel.from).toBe('Testing...'.length); }); it('headers should toggle properly within block quotes', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...\n\n> This is a test.\n> ...a test'; const editor = await createTestEditor( initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor('Testing...\n\n> This'.length), ['Blockquote'], ); toggleHeaderLevel(1)(editor); const mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe( 'Testing...\n\n> # This is a test.\n> ...a test', ); expect(mainSel.empty).toBe(true); expect(mainSel.from).toBe('Testing...\n\n> # This is a test.'.length); toggleHeaderLevel(3)(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe( 'Testing...\n\n> ### This is a test.\n> ...a test', ); }); it('block math should be created correctly within block quotes', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...\n\n> This is a test.\n> y = mx + b\n> ...a test'; const editor = await createTestEditor( initialDocText, EditorSelection.range( 'Testing...\n\n> This'.length, 'Testing...\n\n> This is a test.\n> y = mx + b'.length, ), ['Blockquote'], ); toggleMath(editor); // Toggling math should surround the content in '$$'s const mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toEqual( 'Testing...\n\n> $$\n> This is a test.\n> y = mx + b\n> $$\n> ...a test', ); expect(mainSel.from).toBe('Testing...\n\n'.length); expect('Testing...\n\n> $$\n> This is a test.\n> y = mx + b\n> $$'.length); }); it('block math should be correctly removed within block quotes', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...\n\n> $$\n> This is a test.\n> y = mx + b\n> $$\n> ...a test'; const editor = await createTestEditor( initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor('Testing...\n\n> $$\n> This is'.length), ['Blockquote', blockMathTagName], ); // Toggling math should remove the '$$'s toggleMath(editor); const mainSel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toEqual('Testing...\n\n> This is a test.\n> y = mx + b\n> ...a test'); expect(mainSel.from).toBe('Testing...\n\n'.length); expect('Testing...\n\n> This is a test.\n> y = mx + b'.length); }); it('updateLink should replace link titles and isolate URLs if no title is given', async () => { const initialDocText = '[foo]('; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor('[f'.length), ['Link']); updateLink('bar', '')(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe( '[bar](', ); updateLink('', '')(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe( '', ); }); it('toggling math twice, starting on a line with content, should a math block', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing... '; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(initialDocText.length), []); toggleMath(editor); toggleMath(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('f(x) = ...')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing... \n$$\nf(x) = ...\n$$'); }); it('toggling math twice on an empty line should create an empty math block', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...\n\n'; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(initialDocText.length), []); toggleMath(editor); toggleMath(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('f(x) = ...')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing...\n\n$$\nf(x) = ...\n$$'); }); it('toggling code twice on an empty line should create an empty code block', async () => { const initialDocText = 'Testing...\n\n'; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(initialDocText.length), []); // Toggling code twice should create a block code region toggleCode(editor); toggleCode(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('f(x) = ...')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing...\n\n```\nf(x) = ...\n```'); toggleCode(editor); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe('Testing...\n\nf(x) = ...\n'); }); it('toggling math twice inside a block quote should produce an empty math block', async () => { const initialDocText = '> Testing...> \n> '; const editor = await createTestEditor(initialDocText, EditorSelection.cursor(initialDocText.length), ['Blockquote']); toggleMath(editor); toggleMath(editor); editor.dispatch(editor.state.replaceSelection('f(x) = ...')); expect(editor.state.doc.toString()).toBe( '> Testing...> \n> \n> $$\n> f(x) = ...\n> $$', ); // If we toggle math again, everything from the start of the line with the first // $$ to the end of the document should be selected. toggleMath(editor); const sel = editor.state.selection.main; expect(sel.from).toBe('> Testing...> \n> \n'.length); expect(; }); });