import CommandService, { CommandRuntime, CommandDeclaration, CommandContext } from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService'; import { AppState } from '../app'; import bridge from '../services/bridge'; export const declaration: CommandDeclaration = { name: 'replaceMisspelling', }; function isInsideContainer(node: any, className: string): boolean { while (node) { if (node.classList && node.classList.contains(className)) return true; node = node.parentNode; } return false; } export const runtime = (): CommandRuntime => { return { execute: async (context: CommandContext, suggestion: string) => { const state = context.state as AppState; const modalDialogVisible = !!Object.keys(state.visibleDialogs).length; // If we're inside one of the editors, we need to use their own // replaceSelection command to set the suggested word. Outside of // it, we can use the Chrome built-in replaceMisspelling function, // which will work in any standard text input. const activeElement = document.activeElement; if (!modalDialogVisible && (isInsideContainer(activeElement, 'codeMirrorEditor') || isInsideContainer(activeElement, 'tox-edit-area__iframe'))) { await CommandService.instance().execute('replaceSelection', suggestion); } else { bridge().window().webContents.replaceMisspelling(suggestion); } }, }; };