const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note'); const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag'); function randomIndex(array:any[]):number { return Math.round(Math.random() * (array.length - 1)); } function randomIndexes(arrayLength:number, count:number):number[] { const arr = []; while (arr.length < count) { const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * arrayLength); if (arr.indexOf(r) === -1) arr.push(r); } return arr; } function randomElements(array:any[], count:number):any[] { const indexes = randomIndexes(array.length, count); const output = []; for (const index of indexes) { output.push(array[index]); } return output; } // Use the constants below to define how many folders, notes and tags // should be created. export default async function populateDatabase(db:any) { await db.clearForTesting(); const folderCount = 200; const noteCount = 1000; const tagCount = 5000; const tagsPerNote = 10; const createdFolderIds:string[] = []; const createdNoteIds:string[] = []; const createdTagIds:string[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < folderCount; i++) { const folder:any = { title: `folder${i}`, }; const isRoot = Math.random() <= 0.1 || i === 0; if (!isRoot) { const parentIndex = randomIndex(createdFolderIds); folder.parent_id = createdFolderIds[parentIndex]; } const savedFolder = await; createdFolderIds.push(;`Folders: ${i} / ${folderCount}`); } let tagBatch = []; for (let i = 0; i < tagCount; i++) { tagBatch.push({ title: `tag${i}` }, { dispatchUpdateAction: false }).then((savedTag:any) => { createdTagIds.push(;`Tags: ${i} / ${tagCount}`); })); if (tagBatch.length > 1000) { await Promise.all(tagBatch); tagBatch = []; } } if (tagBatch.length) { await Promise.all(tagBatch); tagBatch = []; } let noteBatch = []; for (let i = 0; i < noteCount; i++) { const note:any = { title: `note${i}`, body: `This is note num. ${i}` }; const parentIndex = randomIndex(createdFolderIds); note.parent_id = createdFolderIds[parentIndex]; noteBatch.push(, { dispatchUpdateAction: false }).then((savedNote:any) => { createdNoteIds.push(;`Notes: ${i} / ${noteCount}`); })); if (noteBatch.length > 1000) { await Promise.all(noteBatch); noteBatch = []; } } if (noteBatch.length) { await Promise.all(noteBatch); noteBatch = []; } let noteTagBatch = []; for (const noteId of createdNoteIds) { const tagIds = randomElements(createdTagIds, tagsPerNote); noteTagBatch.push(Tag.setNoteTagsByIds(noteId, tagIds)); if (noteTagBatch.length > 1000) { await Promise.all(noteTagBatch); noteTagBatch = []; } } if (noteTagBatch.length) { await Promise.all(noteTagBatch); noteTagBatch = []; } }