import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim'; import { Alert } from 'react-native'; import { clearAutosave, getAutosaveFilepath, readAutosave } from './autosave'; export type RestoreAutosaveCallback = (data: string)=> void; const promptRestoreAutosave = async (onRestoreAutosave: RestoreAutosaveCallback) => { const autosavePath = getAutosaveFilepath(); if (await shim.fsDriver().exists(autosavePath)) { const title: string|null = null; const message = _( 'An autosaved drawing was found. Attach a copy of it to the note?', ); Alert.alert(title, message, [ { text: _('Discard'), onPress: async () => { await clearAutosave(); }, }, { text: _('Attach'), onPress: async () => { const autosaveData = await readAutosave(); await clearAutosave(); onRestoreAutosave(autosaveData); }, }, ]); } }; export default promptRestoreAutosave;