import { Compartment, Extension, RangeSetBuilder, StateEffect } from '@codemirror/state'; import { Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate } from '@codemirror/view'; const activeLineDecoration = Decoration.line({ class: 'CodeMirror-activeline CodeMirror-activeline-background' }); const optionToExtension: Record = { 'styleActiveLine': [ ViewPlugin.fromClass(class { public decorations: DecorationSet; public constructor(view: EditorView) { this.updateDecorations(view); } public update(update: ViewUpdate) { this.updateDecorations(update.view); } private updateDecorations(view: EditorView) { const builder = new RangeSetBuilder(); let lastLine = -1; for (const selection of view.state.selection.ranges) { const startLine = selection.from; const line = view.state.doc.lineAt(startLine); if (line.number !== lastLine) { builder.add(line.from, line.from, activeLineDecoration); } lastLine = line.number; } this.decorations = builder.finish(); } }, { decorations: plugin => plugin.decorations, }), EditorView.baseTheme({ '&dark .CodeMirror-activeline-background': { background: '#3304', color: 'white', }, '&light .CodeMirror-activeline-background': { background: '#7ff4', color: 'black', }, }), ], }; // Maps several CM5 options to CM6 extensions export default class CodeMirror5BuiltInOptions { private activeOptions: string[] = []; private extensionCompartment: Compartment = new Compartment(); public constructor(private editor: EditorView) { editor.dispatch({ effects: StateEffect.appendConfig.of(this.extensionCompartment.of([])), }); } private updateExtensions() { const extensions = => optionToExtension[option]); this.editor.dispatch({ effects: this.extensionCompartment.reconfigure(extensions), }); } public supportsOption(option: string) { return optionToExtension.hasOwnProperty(option); } public setOption(optionName: string, value: boolean) { this.activeOptions = this.activeOptions.filter(other => other !== optionName); if (value) { this.activeOptions.push(optionName); } this.updateExtensions(); } }