import * as React from 'react'; import { describe, it, beforeEach } from '@jest/globals'; import { fireEvent, render, screen, userEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react-native'; import '@testing-library/jest-native/extend-expect'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import NoteScreen from './Note'; import { MenuProvider } from 'react-native-popup-menu'; import { runWithFakeTimers, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient, simulateReadOnlyShareEnv } from '@joplin/lib/testing/test-utils'; import Note from '@joplin/lib/models/Note'; import { AppState } from '../../utils/types'; import { Store } from 'redux'; import createMockReduxStore from '../../utils/testing/createMockReduxStore'; import initializeCommandService from '../../utils/initializeCommandService'; import { PaperProvider } from 'react-native-paper'; import getWebViewDomById from '../../utils/testing/getWebViewDomById'; import { NoteEntity } from '@joplin/lib/services/database/types'; import Folder from '@joplin/lib/models/Folder'; import BaseItem from '@joplin/lib/models/BaseItem'; import { ModelType } from '@joplin/lib/BaseModel'; import ItemChange from '@joplin/lib/models/ItemChange'; import { getDisplayParentId } from '@joplin/lib/services/trash'; import { itemIsReadOnlySync, ItemSlice } from '@joplin/lib/models/utils/readOnly'; import { LayoutChangeEvent } from 'react-native'; interface WrapperProps { } let store: Store; const WrappedNoteScreen: React.FC = _props => { return ; }; const getNoteViewerDom = async () => { return await getWebViewDomById('NoteBodyViewer'); }; const openNewNote = async (noteProperties: NoteEntity) => { const note = await{ parent_id: (await Folder.defaultFolder()).id, ...noteProperties, }); const displayParentId = getDisplayParentId(note, await Folder.load(note.parent_id)); store.dispatch({ type: 'NOTE_UPDATE_ALL', notes: await Note.previews(displayParentId), }); store.dispatch({ type: 'FOLDER_AND_NOTE_SELECT', id:, folderId: displayParentId, }); return; }; const openNoteActionsMenu = async () => { // It doesn't seem possible to find the menu trigger with role/label. const actionMenuButton = await screen.findByTestId('screen-header-menu-trigger'); // react-native-action-menu only shows the menu content after receiving onLayout // events from various components (including a View that wraps the screen). let cursor = actionMenuButton; while (cursor.parent) { if (cursor.props.onLayout) { const mockedEvent = { nativeEvent: { layout: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 120, height: 100 } } }; cursor.props.onLayout(mockedEvent as LayoutChangeEvent); } cursor = cursor.parent; } await runWithFakeTimers(() =>; }; describe('Note', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(0); await switchClient(0); store = createMockReduxStore(); initializeCommandService(store); // In order for note changes to be saved, note-screen-shared requires // that at least one folder exist. await{ title: 'test', parent_id: '' }); }); afterEach(() => { screen.unmount(); }); it('should show the currently selected note', async () => { await openNewNote({ title: 'Test note (title)', body: '# Testing...' }); render(); const titleInput = await screen.findByDisplayValue('Test note (title)'); expect(titleInput).toBeVisible(); const renderedNote = await getNoteViewerDom(); expect(renderedNote.querySelector('h1')).toMatchObject({ textContent: 'Testing...' }); }); it('changing the note title input should update the note\'s title', async () => { const noteId = await openNewNote({ title: 'Change me!', body: 'Unchanged body' }); render(); const titleInput = await screen.findByDisplayValue('Change me!'); // We need to use fake timers while using userEvent to avoid warnings: await runWithFakeTimers(async () => { const user = userEvent.setup(); await user.clear(titleInput); await user.type(titleInput, 'New title'); }); await waitFor(async () => { expect(await Note.load(noteId)).toMatchObject({ title: 'New title', body: 'Unchanged body' }); }); }); it('pressing "delete" should move the note to the trash', async () => { const noteId = await openNewNote({ title: 'To be deleted', body: '...' }); render(); await openNoteActionsMenu(); const deleteButton = await screen.findByText('Delete');; await waitFor(async () => { expect((await Note.load(noteId)).deleted_time).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); it('delete should be disabled in a read-only note', async () => { const shareId = 'testShare'; const noteId = await openNewNote({ title: 'Title: Read-only note', body: 'A **read-only** note.', share_id: shareId, }); const cleanup = simulateReadOnlyShareEnv(shareId, store); expect( itemIsReadOnlySync( ModelType.Note, ItemChange.SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED, await Note.load(noteId) as ItemSlice, '', BaseItem.syncShareCache, ), ).toBe(true); render(); const titleInput = await screen.findByDisplayValue('Title: Read-only note'); expect(titleInput).toBeVisible(); expect(titleInput).toBeDisabled(); await openNoteActionsMenu(); const deleteButton = await screen.findByText('Delete'); expect(deleteButton).toBeDisabled(); cleanup(); }); });