const mdImporterService = require('lib/services/InteropService_Importer_Md'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js'); const { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient } = require('test-utils.js'); const importer = new mdImporterService(); describe('InteropService_Importer_Md: importLocalImages', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); done(); }); it('should import linked files and modify tags appropriately', async function() { const tagNonExistentFile = '![does not exist](does_not_exist.png)'; const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/`, 'notebook'); const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body); expect(items.length).toBe(2); const inexistentLinkUnchanged = note.body.includes(tagNonExistentFile); expect(inexistentLinkUnchanged).toBe(true); }); it('should only create 1 resource for duplicate links, all tags should be updated', async function() { const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/`, 'notebook'); const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body); expect(items.length).toBe(1); const reg = new RegExp(items[0].id, 'g'); const matched = note.body.match(reg); expect(matched.length).toBe(2); }); it('should import linked files and modify tags appropriately when link is also in alt text', async function() { const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/`, 'notebook'); const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body); expect(items.length).toBe(1); }); it('should passthrough unchanged if no links present', async function() { const note = await importer.importFile(`${__dirname}/md_to_md/`, 'notebook'); const items = await Note.linkedItems(note.body); expect(items.length).toBe(0); expect(note.body).toContain('Unidentified vessel travelling at sub warp speed, bearing 235.7. Fluctuations in energy readings from it, Captain. All transporters off.'); }); });