const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js'); const { Platform } = require('react-native'); const globalStyle = { fontSize: 16, margin: 15, // No text and no interactive component should be within this margin itemMarginTop: 10, itemMarginBottom: 10, backgroundColor: "#ffffff", color: "#555555", // For regular text colorError: "red", colorWarn: "#9A5B00", colorFaded: "#777777", // For less important text fontSizeSmaller: 14, dividerColor: "#dddddd", strongDividerColor: "#aaaaaa", selectedColor: '#e5e5e5', disabledOpacity: 0.2, colorUrl: '#7B81FF', textSelectionColor: "#0096FF", raisedBackgroundColor: "#0080EF", raisedColor: "#003363", raisedHighlightedColor: "#ffffff", warningBackgroundColor: "#FFD08D", // For WebView - must correspond to the properties above htmlFontSize: '16px', htmlColor: '#222222', htmlBackgroundColor: 'white', htmlDividerColor: 'rgb(230,230,230)', htmlLinkColor: 'rgb(80,130,190)', htmlLineHeight: '1.6em', htmlCodeBackgroundColor: 'rgb(243, 243, 243)', htmlCodeBorderColor: 'rgb(220, 220, 220)', htmlCodeColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)', codeThemeCss: 'hljs-atom-one-light.css', }; globalStyle.marginRight = globalStyle.margin; globalStyle.marginLeft = globalStyle.margin; globalStyle.marginTop = globalStyle.margin; globalStyle.marginBottom = globalStyle.margin; globalStyle.htmlMarginLeft = ((globalStyle.marginLeft / 10) * 0.6).toFixed(2) + 'em'; let themeCache_ = {}; function addExtraStyles(style) { style.icon = { color: style.color, fontSize: 30, }; style.lineInput = { color: style.color, backgroundColor: style.backgroundColor, borderBottomWidth: 1, borderColor: style.strongDividerColor, paddingBottom: 0, }; if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { delete style.lineInput.borderBottomWidth; delete style.lineInput.borderColor; } style.buttonRow = { flexDirection: 'row', borderTopWidth: 1, borderTopColor: style.dividerColor, paddingTop: 10, }; style.normalText = { color: style.color, fontSize: style.fontSize, }; style.urlText = { color: style.colorUrl, fontSize: style.fontSize, }; return style; } function themeStyle(theme) { if (!theme) { console.warn('Theme not set!! Defaulting to Light theme'); theme = Setting.THEME_LIGHT; } if (themeCache_[theme]) return themeCache_[theme]; let output = Object.assign({}, globalStyle); if (theme == Setting.THEME_LIGHT) return addExtraStyles(output); output.backgroundColor = '#1D2024'; output.color = '#dddddd'; output.colorFaded = '#777777'; output.dividerColor = '#555555'; output.strongDividerColor = '#888888'; output.selectedColor = '#333333'; output.textSelectionColor = '#00AEFF'; output.raisedBackgroundColor = "#0F2051"; output.raisedColor = "#788BC3"; output.raisedHighlightedColor = "#ffffff"; output.htmlColor = 'rgb(220,220,220)'; output.htmlBackgroundColor = 'rgb(29,32,36)'; output.htmlLinkColor = 'rgb(166,166,255)'; output.htmlDividerColor = '#3D444E'; output.htmlLinkColor = 'rgb(166,166,255)'; output.htmlCodeColor = '#ffffff'; output.htmlCodeBackgroundColor = 'rgb(47, 48, 49)'; output.htmlCodeBorderColor = 'rgb(70, 70, 70)'; output.codeThemeCss = 'hljs-atom-one-dark-reasonable.css'; output.colorUrl = '#7B81FF'; themeCache_[theme] = output; return addExtraStyles(themeCache_[theme]); } module.exports = { globalStyle, themeStyle };