#!/bin/bash ROOT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # require('cache-require-paths'); mkdir -p "$ROOT_DIR/build" rm -f "$ROOT_DIR/app/lib" ln -s "$ROOT_DIR/../ReactNativeClient/lib" "$ROOT_DIR/app" npm run build || exit 1 # Files under app/gui are in ES6 already but I cannot get Babel # to ignore them, so copy them back to the build directory. rsync -a "$ROOT_DIR/app/gui/" "$ROOT_DIR/build/gui/" cp "$ROOT_DIR/package.json" "$ROOT_DIR/build" chmod 755 "$ROOT_DIR/build/main.js" # if [[ ! -f "$ROOT_DIR/package.json.md5" ]]; then # "$ROOT_DIR/update-package-md5.sh" # fi # Add modules on top of main.js: # - cache-require-paths to cache require() calls # - app-module-path so that lib/something paths can be resolved. #PACKAGE_MD5=$(cat "$ROOT_DIR/package.json.md5") MAIN_PATH="$ROOT_DIR/build/main.js" #LINE_TO_ADD="var osTmpdir = require('os-tmpdir'); process.env.CACHE_REQUIRE_PATHS_FILE = osTmpdir() + '/joplin-module-path-cache-$PACKAGE_MD5'; require('cache-require-paths'); require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname);" LINE_TO_ADD="require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname);" RESULT="$(grep "$LINE_TO_ADD" "$MAIN_PATH")" if [[ -z "$RESULT" ]]; then echo "Adding extra modules..." sed -i "2i $LINE_TO_ADD" "$MAIN_PATH" else echo "Extra modules already added." fi NODE_PATH="$ROOT_DIR/build" node "$ROOT_DIR/build/build-translation.js" --silent