import * as React from 'react'; import { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import TinyMCE from './NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE'; import CodeMirror from './NoteBody/CodeMirror/CodeMirror'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import MultiNoteActions from '../MultiNoteActions'; import { htmlToMarkdown, formNoteToNote } from './utils'; import useSearchMarkers from './utils/useSearchMarkers'; import useNoteSearchBar from './utils/useNoteSearchBar'; import useMessageHandler from './utils/useMessageHandler'; import useWindowCommandHandler from './utils/useWindowCommandHandler'; import useDropHandler from './utils/useDropHandler'; import useMarkupToHtml from './utils/useMarkupToHtml'; import useFormNote, { OnLoadEvent } from './utils/useFormNote'; import useFolder from './utils/useFolder'; import styles_ from './styles'; import { NoteEditorProps, FormNote, ScrollOptions, ScrollOptionTypes, OnChangeEvent, NoteBodyEditorProps, AllAssetsOptions } from './utils/types'; import ResourceEditWatcher from '@joplin/lib/services/ResourceEditWatcher/index'; import CommandService from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService'; import ToolbarButton from '../ToolbarButton/ToolbarButton'; import Button, { ButtonLevel } from '../Button/Button'; import eventManager from '@joplin/lib/eventManager'; import { AppState } from '../../app.reducer'; import ToolbarButtonUtils from '@joplin/lib/services/commands/ToolbarButtonUtils'; import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale'; import TagList from '../TagList'; import NoteTitleBar from './NoteTitle/NoteTitleBar'; import markupLanguageUtils from '../../utils/markupLanguageUtils'; import usePrevious from '../hooks/usePrevious'; import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import stateToWhenClauseContext from '../../services/commands/stateToWhenClauseContext'; import ExternalEditWatcher from '@joplin/lib/services/ExternalEditWatcher'; const { themeStyle } = require('@joplin/lib/theme'); const { substrWithEllipsis } = require('@joplin/lib/string-utils'); const NoteSearchBar = require('../NoteSearchBar.min.js'); import { reg } from '@joplin/lib/registry'; import Note from '@joplin/lib/models/Note'; import Folder from '@joplin/lib/models/Folder'; const bridge = require('@electron/remote').require('./bridge').default; const NoteRevisionViewer = require('../NoteRevisionViewer.min'); const commands = [ require('./commands/showRevisions'), ]; const toolbarButtonUtils = new ToolbarButtonUtils(CommandService.instance()); function NoteEditor(props: NoteEditorProps) { const [showRevisions, setShowRevisions] = useState(false); const [titleHasBeenManuallyChanged, setTitleHasBeenManuallyChanged] = useState(false); const [scrollWhenReady, setScrollWhenReady] = useState(null); const editorRef = useRef(); const titleInputRef = useRef(); const isMountedRef = useRef(true); const noteSearchBarRef = useRef(null); const formNote_beforeLoad = useCallback(async (event: OnLoadEvent) => { await saveNoteIfWillChange(event.formNote); setShowRevisions(false); }, []); const formNote_afterLoad = useCallback(async () => { setTitleHasBeenManuallyChanged(false); }, []); const { formNote, setFormNote, isNewNote, resourceInfos } = useFormNote({ syncStarted: props.syncStarted, noteId: props.noteId, isProvisional: props.isProvisional, titleInputRef: titleInputRef, editorRef: editorRef, onBeforeLoad: formNote_beforeLoad, onAfterLoad: formNote_afterLoad, }); const formNoteRef = useRef(); formNoteRef.current = { ...formNote }; const formNoteFolder = useFolder({ folderId: formNote.parent_id }); const { localSearch, onChange: localSearch_change, onNext: localSearch_next, onPrevious: localSearch_previous, onClose: localSearch_close, setResultCount: setLocalSearchResultCount, showLocalSearch, setShowLocalSearch, searchMarkers: localSearchMarkerOptions, } = useNoteSearchBar(); // If the note has been modified in another editor, wait for it to be saved // before loading it in this editor. // const waitingToSaveNote = props.noteId && !== props.noteId && props.editorNoteStatuses[props.noteId] === 'saving'; const styles = styles_(props); function scheduleSaveNote(formNote: FormNote) { if (!formNote.saveActionQueue) throw new Error('saveActionQueue is not set!!'); // Sanity check // reg.logger().debug('Scheduling...', formNote); const makeAction = (formNote: FormNote) => { return async function() { const note = await formNoteToNote(formNote); reg.logger().debug('Saving note...', note); const savedNote: any = await; setFormNote((prev: FormNote) => { return { ...prev, user_updated_time: savedNote.user_updated_time, hasChanged: false }; }); void ExternalEditWatcher.instance().updateNoteFile(savedNote); props.dispatch({ type: 'EDITOR_NOTE_STATUS_REMOVE', id:, }); eventManager.emit('noteContentChange', { note: savedNote }); }; }; formNote.saveActionQueue.push(makeAction(formNote)); } async function saveNoteIfWillChange(formNote: FormNote) { if (! || !formNote.bodyWillChangeId) return; const body = await editorRef.current.content(); scheduleSaveNote({ ...formNote, body: body, bodyWillChangeId: 0, bodyChangeId: 0, }); } async function saveNoteAndWait(formNote: FormNote) { await saveNoteIfWillChange(formNote); return formNote.saveActionQueue.waitForAllDone(); } const markupToHtml = useMarkupToHtml({ themeId: props.themeId, customCss: props.customCss, plugins: props.plugins, }); const allAssets = useCallback(async (markupLanguage: number, options: AllAssetsOptions = null): Promise => { options = { contentMaxWidthTarget: '', ...options, }; const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId); const markupToHtml = markupLanguageUtils.newMarkupToHtml({}, { resourceBaseUrl: `file://${Setting.value('resourceDir')}/`, customCss: props.customCss, }); return markupToHtml.allAssets(markupLanguage, theme, { contentMaxWidth: props.contentMaxWidth, contentMaxWidthTarget: options.contentMaxWidthTarget, }); }, [props.themeId, props.customCss, props.contentMaxWidth]); const handleProvisionalFlag = useCallback(() => { if (props.isProvisional) { props.dispatch({ type: 'NOTE_PROVISIONAL_FLAG_CLEAR', id:, }); } }, [props.isProvisional,]); const previousNoteId = usePrevious(; useEffect(() => { if ( === previousNoteId) return; if (editorRef.current) { editorRef.current.resetScroll(); } setScrollWhenReady({ type: props.selectedNoteHash ? ScrollOptionTypes.Hash : ScrollOptionTypes.Percent, value: props.selectedNoteHash ? props.selectedNoteHash : props.lastEditorScrollPercents[props.noteId] || 0, }); void ResourceEditWatcher.instance().stopWatchingAll(); }, [, previousNoteId]); const onFieldChange = useCallback((field: string, value: any, changeId = 0) => { if (!isMountedRef.current) { // When the component is unmounted, various actions can happen which can // trigger onChange events, for example the textarea might be cleared. // We need to ignore these events, otherwise the note is going to be saved // with an invalid body. reg.logger().debug('Skipping change event because the component is unmounted'); return; } handleProvisionalFlag(); const change = field === 'body' ? { body: value, } : { title: value, }; const newNote = { ...formNote, ...change, bodyWillChangeId: 0, bodyChangeId: 0, hasChanged: true, }; if (field === 'title') { setTitleHasBeenManuallyChanged(true); } if (isNewNote && !titleHasBeenManuallyChanged && field === 'body') { // TODO: Handle HTML/Markdown format newNote.title = Note.defaultTitle(value); } if (changeId !== null && field === 'body' && formNote.bodyWillChangeId !== changeId) { // Note was changed, but another note was loaded before save - skipping // The previously loaded note, that was modified, will be saved via saveNoteIfWillChange() } else { setFormNote(newNote); scheduleSaveNote(newNote); } }, [handleProvisionalFlag, formNote, isNewNote, titleHasBeenManuallyChanged]); useWindowCommandHandler({ dispatch: props.dispatch, formNote, setShowLocalSearch, noteSearchBarRef, editorRef, titleInputRef, saveNoteAndWait, setFormNote, }); const onDrop = useDropHandler({ editorRef }); const onBodyChange = useCallback((event: OnChangeEvent) => onFieldChange('body', event.content, event.changeId), [onFieldChange]); const onTitleChange = useCallback((event: any) => onFieldChange('title',, [onFieldChange]); // const onTitleKeydown = useCallback((event:any) => { // const keyCode = event.keyCode; // if (keyCode === 9) { // // TAB // event.preventDefault(); // if (event.shiftKey) { // CommandService.instance().execute('focusElement', 'noteList'); // } else { // CommandService.instance().execute('focusElement', 'noteBody'); // } // } // }, [props.dispatch]); const onBodyWillChange = useCallback((event: any) => { handleProvisionalFlag(); setFormNote(prev => { return { ...prev, bodyWillChangeId: event.changeId, hasChanged: true, }; }); props.dispatch({ type: 'EDITOR_NOTE_STATUS_SET', id:, status: 'saving', }); }, [formNote, handleProvisionalFlag]); const onMessage = useMessageHandler(scrollWhenReady, setScrollWhenReady, editorRef, setLocalSearchResultCount, props.dispatch, formNote); const externalEditWatcher_noteChange = useCallback((event) => { if ( === { const newFormNote = { ...formNote, title: event.note.title, body: event.note.body, }; setFormNote(newFormNote); } }, [formNote]); const onNotePropertyChange = useCallback((event) => { setFormNote(formNote => { if ( !== return formNote; const newFormNote: FormNote = { ...formNote }; for (const key in event.note) { if (key === 'id') continue; (newFormNote as any)[key] = event.note[key]; } return newFormNote; }); }, []); useEffect(() => { eventManager.on('alarmChange', onNotePropertyChange); ExternalEditWatcher.instance().on('noteChange', externalEditWatcher_noteChange); return () => {'alarmChange', onNotePropertyChange); ExternalEditWatcher.instance().off('noteChange', externalEditWatcher_noteChange); }; }, [externalEditWatcher_noteChange, onNotePropertyChange]); useEffect(() => { const dependencies = { setShowRevisions, }; CommandService.instance().componentRegisterCommands(dependencies, commands); return () => { CommandService.instance().componentUnregisterCommands(commands); }; }, [setShowRevisions]); const onScroll = useCallback((event: any) => { props.dispatch({ type: 'EDITOR_SCROLL_PERCENT_SET', // In callbacks of setTimeout()/setInterval(), props/state cannot be used // to refer the current value, since they would be one or more generations old. // For the purpose, useRef value should be used. noteId:, percent: event.percent, }); }, [props.dispatch, formNote]); function renderNoNotes(rootStyle: any) { const emptyDivStyle = Object.assign( { backgroundColor: 'black', opacity: 0.1, }, rootStyle ); return
; } function renderTagButton() { return ; } function renderTagBar() { const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId); const noteIds = []; const instructions = { void CommandService.instance().execute('setTags', noteIds); }} style={{ ...theme.clickableTextStyle, whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }}>{_('Click to add tags...')}; const tagList = props.selectedNoteTags.length ? : null; return (
); } const searchMarkers = useSearchMarkers(showLocalSearch, localSearchMarkerOptions, props.searches, props.selectedSearchId, props.highlightedWords); const editorProps: NoteBodyEditorProps = { ref: editorRef, contentKey:, style: styles.tinyMCE, onChange: onBodyChange, onWillChange: onBodyWillChange, onMessage: onMessage, content: formNote.body, contentMarkupLanguage: formNote.markup_language, contentOriginalCss: formNote.originalCss, resourceInfos: resourceInfos, htmlToMarkdown: htmlToMarkdown, markupToHtml: markupToHtml, allAssets: allAssets, disabled: false, themeId: props.themeId, dispatch: props.dispatch, noteToolbar: null, onScroll: onScroll, setLocalSearchResultCount: setLocalSearchResultCount, searchMarkers: searchMarkers, visiblePanes: props.noteVisiblePanes || ['editor', 'viewer'], keyboardMode: Setting.value('editor.keyboardMode'), locale: Setting.value('locale'), onDrop: onDrop, noteToolbarButtonInfos: props.toolbarButtonInfos, plugins: props.plugins, fontSize: Setting.value('style.editor.fontSize'), contentMaxWidth: props.contentMaxWidth, isSafeMode: props.isSafeMode, }; let editor = null; if (props.bodyEditor === 'TinyMCE') { editor = ; } else if (props.bodyEditor === 'CodeMirror') { editor = ; } else { throw new Error(`Invalid editor: ${props.bodyEditor}`); } const onRichTextReadMoreLinkClick = useCallback(() => { bridge().openExternal(''); }, []); const onRichTextDismissLinkClick = useCallback(() => { Setting.setValue('richTextBannerDismissed', true); }, []); const wysiwygBanner = props.bodyEditor !== 'TinyMCE' || props.richTextBannerDismissed ? null : (
{_('This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.')}   [ {_('Read more about it')} ]   [ {_('Dismiss')} ]
); const noteRevisionViewer_onBack = useCallback(() => { setShowRevisions(false); }, []); if (showRevisions) { const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId); const revStyle: any = { //, display: 'inline-flex', padding: theme.margin, verticalAlign: 'top', boxSizing: 'border-box', }; return (
); } if (props.selectedNoteIds.length > 1) { return ; } function renderSearchBar() { if (!showLocalSearch) return false; const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId); return ( ); } function renderResourceWatchingNotification() { if (!Object.keys(props.watchedResources).length) return null; const resourceTitles = Object.keys(props.watchedResources).map(id => props.watchedResources[id].title); return (

{_('The following attachments are being watched for changes:')} {resourceTitles.join(', ')}

{_('The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.')}

); } function renderSearchInfo() { const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId); if (formNoteFolder && ['Search', 'Tag', 'SmartFilter'].includes(props.notesParentType)) { return (
); } else { return null; } } if (formNote.encryption_applied || ! || !props.noteId) { return renderNoNotes(styles.root); } const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId); return (
{renderResourceWatchingNotification()} {renderSearchInfo()}
{renderTagButton()} {renderTagBar()}
); } export { NoteEditor as NoteEditorComponent, }; const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState) => { const noteId = state.selectedNoteIds.length === 1 ? state.selectedNoteIds[0] : null; const whenClauseContext = stateToWhenClauseContext(state); return { noteId: noteId, notes: state.notes, folders: state.folders, selectedNoteIds: state.selectedNoteIds, selectedFolderId: state.selectedFolderId, isProvisional: state.provisionalNoteIds.includes(noteId), editorNoteStatuses: state.editorNoteStatuses, syncStarted: state.syncStarted, themeId: state.settings.theme, richTextBannerDismissed: state.settings.richTextBannerDismissed, watchedNoteFiles: state.watchedNoteFiles, notesParentType: state.notesParentType, selectedNoteTags: state.selectedNoteTags, lastEditorScrollPercents: state.lastEditorScrollPercents, selectedNoteHash: state.selectedNoteHash, searches: state.searches, selectedSearchId: state.selectedSearchId, customCss: state.customCss, noteVisiblePanes: state.noteVisiblePanes, watchedResources: state.watchedResources, highlightedWords: state.highlightedWords, plugins: state.pluginService.plugins, toolbarButtonInfos: toolbarButtonUtils.commandsToToolbarButtons([ 'historyBackward', 'historyForward', 'toggleEditors', 'toggleExternalEditing', ], whenClauseContext), setTagsToolbarButtonInfo: toolbarButtonUtils.commandsToToolbarButtons([ 'setTags', ], whenClauseContext)[0], contentMaxWidth: state.settings['style.editor.contentMaxWidth'], isSafeMode: state.settings.isSafeMode, }; }; export default connect(mapStateToProps)(NoteEditor);