name: Build macOS M1 on: [push, pull_request] jobs: pre_job: if: github.repository == 'laurent22/joplin' runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: should_skip: ${{ steps.skip_check.outputs.should_skip }} steps: - id: skip_check uses: fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions@v5 with: concurrent_skipping: 'same_content_newer' Main: needs: pre_job # We always process desktop release tags, because they also publish the release if: github.repository == 'laurent22/joplin' && (needs.pre_job.outputs.should_skip != 'true' || startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')) runs-on: macos-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: olegtarasov/get-tag@v2.1 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: # We need to pin the version to 18.15, because 18.16+ fails with this error: # node-version: '18.15.0' cache: 'yarn' - name: Install Yarn run: | # corepack enable - name: Build macOS M1 app env: APPLE_ASC_PROVIDER: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ASC_PROVIDER }} APPLE_ID: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ID }} APPLE_ID_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ID_PASSWORD }} APPLE_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.APPLE_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD }} CSC_KEY_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CSC_KEY_PASSWORD }} CSC_LINK: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CSC_LINK }} GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }} IS_CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION: 1 BUILD_SEQUENCIAL: 1 run: | export npm_config_arch=arm64 export npm_config_target_arch=arm64 yarn install cd packages/app-desktop npm pkg set 'build.mac.artifactName'='${productName}-${version}-${arch}.${ext}' npm pkg set ''='dmg' npm pkg set '[0]'='arm64' if [[ $GIT_TAG_NAME = v* ]]; then echo "Building and publishing desktop application..." PYTHON_PATH=$(which python) USE_HARD_LINKS=false yarn run dist --mac --arm64 else echo "Building but *not* publishing desktop application..." # We also want to disable signing the app in this case, because # it doesn't work and we don't need it. # export CSC_IDENTITY_AUTO_DISCOVERY=false npm pkg set 'build.mac.identity'=null --json PYTHON_PATH=$(which python) USE_HARD_LINKS=false yarn run dist --publish=never fi