const { ltrimSlashes } = require('lib/path-utils.js'); const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note'); const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag'); const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem'); const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel'); const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting'); const markdownUtils = require('lib/markdownUtils'); const mimeUtils = require('lib/mime-utils.js').mime; const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js'); const md5 = require('md5'); const { shim } = require('lib/shim'); const HtmlToMd = require('lib/HtmlToMd'); const { fileExtension, safeFileExtension, safeFilename, filename } = require('lib/path-utils'); class ApiError extends Error { constructor(message, httpCode = 400) { super(message); this.httpCode_ = httpCode; } get httpCode() { return this.httpCode_; } } class ErrorMethodNotAllowed extends ApiError { constructor(message = 'Method Not Allowed') { super(message, 405); } } class ErrorNotFound extends ApiError { constructor(message = 'Not Found') { super(message, 404); } } class ErrorForbidden extends ApiError { constructor(message = 'Forbidden') { super(message, 403); } } class ErrorBadRequest extends ApiError { constructor(message = 'Bad Request') { super(message, 400); } } class Api { constructor(token = null) { this.token_ = token; this.logger_ = new Logger(); } get token() { return typeof this.token_ === 'function' ? this.token_() : this.token_; } parsePath(path) { path = ltrimSlashes(path); if (!path) return { callName: '', params: [] }; const pathParts = path.split('/'); const callSuffix = pathParts.splice(0,1)[0]; let callName = 'action_' + callSuffix; return { callName: callName, params: pathParts, }; } async route(method, path, query = null, body = null, files = null) { if (!files) files = []; const parsedPath = this.parsePath(path); if (!parsedPath.callName) throw new ErrorNotFound(); // Nothing at the root yet const request = { method: method, path: ltrimSlashes(path), query: query ? query : {}, body: body, bodyJson_: null, bodyJson: function(disallowedProperties = null) { if (!this.bodyJson_) this.bodyJson_ = JSON.parse(this.body); if (disallowedProperties) { const filteredBody = Object.assign({}, this.bodyJson_); for (let i = 0; i < disallowedProperties.length; i++) { const n = disallowedProperties[i]; delete filteredBody[n]; } return filteredBody; } return this.bodyJson_; }, files: files, } let id = null; let link = null; let params = parsedPath.params; if (params.length >= 1) { id = params[0]; params.splice(0, 1); if (params.length >= 1) { link = params[0]; params.splice(0, 1); } } request.params = params; try { return this[parsedPath.callName](request, id, link); } catch (error) { if (!error.httpCode) error.httpCode = 500; throw error; } } setLogger(l) { this.logger_ = l; } logger() { return this.logger_; } get readonlyProperties() { return ['id', 'created_time', 'updated_time', 'encryption_blob_encrypted', 'encryption_applied', 'encryption_cipher_text']; } fields_(request, defaultFields) { const query = request.query; if (!query || !query.fields) return defaultFields; const fields = query.fields.split(',').map(f => f.trim()).filter(f => !!f); return fields.length ? fields : defaultFields; } checkToken_(request) { // For now, whitelist some calls to allow the web clipper to work // without an extra auth step const whiteList = [ [ 'GET', 'ping' ], [ 'GET', 'tags' ], [ 'GET', 'folders' ], [ 'POST', 'notes' ], ]; for (let i = 0; i < whiteList.length; i++) { if (whiteList[i][0] === request.method && whiteList[i][1] === request.path) return; } if (!this.token) return; if (!request.query || !request.query.token) throw new ErrorForbidden('Missing "token" parameter'); if (request.query.token !== this.token) throw new ErrorForbidden('Invalid "token" parameter'); } async defaultAction_(modelType, request, id = null, link = null) { this.checkToken_(request); if (link) throw new ErrorNotFound(); // Default action doesn't support links at all for now const ModelClass = BaseItem.getClassByItemType(modelType); const getOneModel = async () => { const model = await ModelClass.load(id); if (!model) throw new ErrorNotFound(); return model; } if (request.method === 'GET') { if (id) { return getOneModel(); } else { const options = {}; const fields = this.fields_(request, []); if (fields.length) options.fields = fields; return await ModelClass.all(options); } } if (request.method === 'PUT' && id) { const model = await getOneModel(); let newModel = Object.assign({}, model, request.bodyJson(this.readonlyProperties)); newModel = await, { userSideValidation: true }); return newModel; } if (request.method === 'DELETE' && id) { const model = await getOneModel(); await ModelClass.delete(; return; } if (request.method === 'POST') { const model = request.bodyJson(this.readonlyProperties); const result = await, { userSideValidation: true }); return result; } throw new ErrorMethodNotAllowed(); } async action_ping(request, id = null, link = null) { if (request.method === 'GET') { return 'JoplinClipperServer'; } throw new ErrorMethodNotAllowed(); } async action_folders(request, id = null, link = null) { if (request.method === 'GET' && !id) { return await Folder.allAsTree({ fields: this.fields_(request, ['id', 'parent_id', 'title']) }); } if (request.method === 'GET' && id) { if (link && link === 'notes') { const options = this.notePreviewsOptions_(request); return Note.previews(id, options); } else if (link) { throw new ErrorNotFound(); } } return this.defaultAction_(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, request, id, link); } async action_tags(request, id = null, link = null) { if (link === 'notes') { const tag = await Tag.load(id); if (!tag) throw new ErrorNotFound(); if (request.method === 'POST') { const note = request.bodyJson(); if (!note || ! throw new ErrorBadRequest('Missing note ID'); return await Tag.addNote(,; } if (request.method === 'DELETE') { const noteId = request.params.length ? request.params[0] : null; if (!noteId) throw new ErrorBadRequest('Missing note ID'); await Tag.removeNote(, noteId); return; } if (request.method === 'GET') { // Ideally we should get all this in one SQL query but for now that will do const noteIds = await Tag.noteIds(; const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) { const n = await Note.preview(noteIds[i], this.notePreviewsOptions_(request)); if (!n) continue; output.push(n); } return output; } } return this.defaultAction_(BaseModel.TYPE_TAG, request, id, link); } async action_master_keys(request, id = null, link = null) { return this.defaultAction_(BaseModel.TYPE_MASTER_KEY, request, id, link); } async action_resources(request, id = null, link = null) { // fieldName: "data" // headers: Object // originalFilename: "test.jpg" // path: "C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Local\Temp\BW77wkpP23iIGUstd0kDuXXC.jpg" // size: 164394 if (request.method === 'POST') { if (!request.files.length) throw new ErrorBadRequest('Resource cannot be created without a file'); const filePath = request.files[0].path; const resource = await shim.createResourceFromPath(filePath); const newResource = Object.assign({}, resource, request.bodyJson(this.readonlyProperties)); return await; } return this.defaultAction_(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, request, id, link); } notePreviewsOptions_(request) { const fields = this.fields_(request, []); // previews() already returns default fields const options = {}; if (fields.length) options.fields = fields; return options; } async action_notes(request, id = null, link = null) { this.checkToken_(request); if (request.method === 'GET') { if (link && link === 'tags') { return Tag.tagsByNoteId(id); } else if (link) { throw new ErrorNotFound(); } const options = this.notePreviewsOptions_(request); if (id) { return await Note.preview(id, options); } else { return await Note.previews(null, options); } } if (request.method === 'POST') { const requestId =; const requestNote = JSON.parse(request.body); let note = await this.requestNoteToNote(requestNote); const imageUrls = markdownUtils.extractImageUrls(note.body); this.logger().info('Request (' + requestId + '): Downloading images: ' + imageUrls.length); let result = await this.downloadImages_(imageUrls); this.logger().info('Request (' + requestId + '): Creating resources from paths: ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(result).length); result = await this.createResourcesFromPaths_(result); await this.removeTempFiles_(result); note.body = this.replaceImageUrlsByResources_(note.body, result); this.logger().info('Request (' + requestId + '): Saving note...'); note = await; if (requestNote.tags) { const tagTitles = requestNote.tags.split(','); await Tag.setNoteTagsByTitles(, tagTitles); } if (requestNote.image_data_url) { note = await this.attachImageFromDataUrl_(note, requestNote.image_data_url, requestNote.crop_rect); } this.logger().info('Request (' + requestId + '): Created note ' +; return note; } return this.defaultAction_(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, request, id, link); } // ======================================================================================================================== // UTILIY FUNCTIONS // ======================================================================================================================== htmlToMdParser() { if (this.htmlToMdParser_) return this.htmlToMdParser_; this.htmlToMdParser_ = new HtmlToMd(); return this.htmlToMdParser_; } async requestNoteToNote(requestNote) { const output = { title: requestNote.title ? requestNote.title : '', body: requestNote.body ? requestNote.body : '', }; if (requestNote.body_html) { // Parsing will not work if the HTML is not wrapped in a top level tag, which is not guaranteed // when getting the content from elsewhere. So here wrap it - it won't change anything to the final // rendering but it makes sure everything will be parsed. output.body = await this.htmlToMdParser().parse('
' + requestNote.body_html + '
', { baseUrl: requestNote.base_url ? requestNote.base_url : '', }); } if (requestNote.parent_id) { output.parent_id = requestNote.parent_id; } else { const folder = await Folder.defaultFolder(); if (!folder) throw new Error('Cannot find folder for note'); output.parent_id =; } if (requestNote.source_url) output.source_url = requestNote.source_url; if ( =; return output; } // Note must have been saved first async attachImageFromDataUrl_(note, imageDataUrl, cropRect) { const tempDir = Setting.value('tempDir'); const mime = mimeUtils.fromDataUrl(imageDataUrl); let ext = mimeUtils.toFileExtension(mime) || ''; if (ext) ext = '.' + ext; const tempFilePath = tempDir + '/' + md5(Math.random() + '_' + + ext; const imageConvOptions = {}; if (cropRect) imageConvOptions.cropRect = cropRect; await shim.imageFromDataUrl(imageDataUrl, tempFilePath, imageConvOptions); return await shim.attachFileToNote(note, tempFilePath); } async downloadImage_(url) { const tempDir = Setting.value('tempDir'); const isDataUrl = url && url.toLowerCase().indexOf('data:') === 0; const name = isDataUrl ? md5(Math.random() + '_' + : filename(url); let fileExt = isDataUrl ? mimeUtils.toFileExtension(mimeUtils.fromDataUrl(url)) : safeFileExtension(fileExtension(url).toLowerCase()); if (fileExt) fileExt = '.' + fileExt; let imagePath = tempDir + '/' + safeFilename(name) + fileExt; if (await shim.fsDriver().exists(imagePath)) imagePath = tempDir + '/' + safeFilename(name) + '_' + md5(Math.random() + '_' +,10) + fileExt; try { if (isDataUrl) { await shim.imageFromDataUrl(url, imagePath); } else { await shim.fetchBlob(url, { path: imagePath }); } return imagePath; } catch (error) { this.logger().warn('Cannot download image at ' + url, error); return ''; } } async downloadImages_(urls) { const PromisePool = require('es6-promise-pool') const output = {}; let urlIndex = 0; const promiseProducer = () => { if (urlIndex >= urls.length) return null; const url = urls[urlIndex++]; return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const imagePath = await this.downloadImage_(url); if (imagePath) output[url] = { path: imagePath }; resolve(); }); } const concurrency = 3 const pool = new PromisePool(promiseProducer, concurrency) await pool.start() return output; } async createResourcesFromPaths_(urls) { for (let url in urls) { if (!urls.hasOwnProperty(url)) continue; const urlInfo = urls[url]; try { const resource = await shim.createResourceFromPath(urlInfo.path); urlInfo.resource = resource; } catch (error) { this.logger().warn('Cannot create resource for ' + url, error); } } return urls; } async removeTempFiles_(urls) { for (let url in urls) { if (!urls.hasOwnProperty(url)) continue; const urlInfo = urls[url]; try { await shim.fsDriver().remove(urlInfo.path); } catch (error) { this.logger().warn('Cannot remove ' + urlInfo.path, error); } } } replaceImageUrlsByResources_(md, urls) { let output = md.replace(/(!\[.*?\]\()([^\s\)]+)(.*?\))/g, (match, before, imageUrl, after) => { const urlInfo = urls[imageUrl]; if (!urlInfo || !urlInfo.resource) return before + imageUrl + after; const resourceUrl = Resource.internalUrl(urlInfo.resource); return before + resourceUrl + after; }); return output; } } module.exports = Api;