import { act, renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'; import useRootElement from './useRootElement'; describe('useRootElement', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers({ advanceTimers: true }); }); test('should find an element with a matching ID', async () => { const testElement = document.createElement('div'); = 'test-element-id'; document.body.appendChild(testElement); const { result } = renderHook(useRootElement, { initialProps:, }); await act(async () => { await jest.advanceTimersByTimeAsync(100); }); expect(result.current).toBe(testElement); testElement.remove(); }); test('should redo the element search when the elementId prop changes', async () => { const testElement = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(testElement); const { rerender, result } = renderHook(useRootElement, { initialProps: 'some-id-here', }); await jest.advanceTimersByTimeAsync(100); expect(result.current).toBe(null); // Searching for another non-existent ID: Should not match rerender('updated-id'); await jest.advanceTimersByTimeAsync(100); expect(result.current).toBe(null); // Should not match the first element if its ID is set to the original (search // should be cancelled). = 'some-id-here'; await jest.advanceTimersByTimeAsync(100); expect(result.current).toBe(null); // Should match if the element ID changes to the updated ID. await act(async () => { = 'updated-id'; await jest.advanceTimersByTimeAsync(100); }); expect(result.current).toBe(testElement); testElement.remove(); }); });