import { stat } from 'fs-extra'; import { extname } from 'path'; const isSafeToOpen = async (path: string) => { // This is intended to fix an issue where some platforms would execute attachment // files without confirmation depending on the file extension (e.g. .EXE). This is // mostly for Windows. // // Below is a list of extensions that we should be able to safely pass to shell.openItem // without code execution. // Prevent CSpell from marking file extensions as misspellings: // cSpell:disable const generallySafeExtensions = [ // Image files (see '.apng', '.avif', '.bmp', '.gif', '.heic', '.heics', '.ico', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.pjp', '.pjpeg', '.png', '.svg', '.svgz', '.webp', '.tiff', '.tif', // Video files '.3g2', '.3gp', '.avi', '.divx', '.h261', '.h263', '.h264', '.jpgv', '.m4p', '.m4v', '.mk3d', '.mkv', '.mov', '.movie', '.mp4', '.mp4v', '.mpeg', '.mpg', '.mpg4', '.ogv', '.webm', '.wmv', // Audio files // '.3gp', '.aac', '.flac', '.m2a', '.m3a', '.m4a', '.mp2', '.mp3', '.mpga', '.oga', '.ogg', '.wav', '.wma', // Document files '.epub', '.pdf', '.txt', // By default (as of Feb 2024), Word/Excel disable macros by default, and should thus // be reasonably safe to include here. Pay attention to these Office extensions in the future. '.docx', // Word (no macros) '.odp', '.ods', '.odt', '.pptx', // PowerPoint (no macros) // '.psd', // PhotoShop // MS Word can try to convert RTF files, causing security issues: // However, macros are disabled by default in modern Office. // '.rtf', '.xlsx', // Excel (no macros) // '.xopp', // Xournal++ -- Can include LaTeX. Verify it's safe before including. // Text files '.c', '.cjs', '.cpp', '.css', '.csv', '.cxx', '.dart', '.go', '.h', '.hh', '.f', // Fortran '.for', '.f77', '.f90', '.hmm', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.java', '.json', '.json5', '.jsx', '.log', '.m', '.md', '.markdown', '.mdx', '.mjs', '.mm', '.patch', '.r', '.rmd', '.rs', // Rust '.sass', '.scss', '.sha256', '.sha512', '.swift', '.tex', '.toml', '.ts', '.tsv', '.tsx', '.xml', '.yaml', // .js may be set to run with Windows Script Host on some systems // .ml: OCaml // .py may be set to run with the system Python interpreter on some systems // .rkt: Racket // Archives '.7z', '.tar.gz', '.tar', '.zip', // Fonts '.ttf', '.woff', '.otf', // Calendar '.ics', '.ical', '.icalendar', // Joplin '.jex', // '.jpl', // Plugin files // Other '.htm', '.html', '.enex', // Evernote // '.desktop', // May be auto-executed on some Linux systems ]; // cSpell:enable const lowercasedPath = path.trim().toLowerCase(); for (const ext of generallySafeExtensions) { if (lowercasedPath.endsWith(ext)) { return true; } } if (extname(path) === '' && (await stat(path)).isDirectory()) { return true; } return false; }; export default isSafeToOpen;