import Setting, { AppType } from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting'; import bridge from '../bridge'; import processStartFlags from '@joplin/lib/utils/processStartFlags'; import { safeModeFlagFilename } from '@joplin/lib/BaseApplication'; import initProfile from '@joplin/lib/services/profileConfig/initProfile'; import { writeFile } from 'fs-extra'; import { join } from 'path'; import determineBaseAppDirs from '@joplin/lib/determineBaseAppDirs'; const restartInSafeModeFromMain = async () => { // Only set constants here -- the main process doesn't have easy access (without loading // a large amount of other code) to the database. const appName = bridge().appName(); Setting.setConstant('appId', `net.cozic.${appName}`); Setting.setConstant('appType', AppType.Desktop); Setting.setConstant('appName', appName); // Load just enough for us to write a file in the profile directory const { shimInit } = require('@joplin/lib/shim-init-node.js'); shimInit({}); const startFlags = await processStartFlags(bridge().processArgv()); const { rootProfileDir } = determineBaseAppDirs(startFlags.matched.profileDir, appName); const { profileDir } = await initProfile(rootProfileDir); // We can't access the database, so write to a file instead. const safeModeFlagFile = join(profileDir, safeModeFlagFilename); await writeFile(safeModeFlagFile, 'true', 'utf8'); bridge().restart(); }; export default restartInSafeModeFromMain;