// This is the API that JS files loaded from the webview can see const webviewApiPromises_ = {}; let viewMessageHandler_ = () => {}; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const webviewApi = { postMessage: function(message) { const messageId = `userWebview_${Date.now()}${Math.random()}`; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { webviewApiPromises_[messageId] = { resolve, reject }; }); window.postMessage({ target: 'postMessageService.message', message: { from: 'userWebview', to: 'plugin', id: messageId, content: message, }, }); return promise; }, onMessage: function(viewMessageHandler) { viewMessageHandler_ = viewMessageHandler; window.postMessage({ target: 'postMessageService.registerViewMessageHandler', }); }, }; (function() { function docReady(fn) { if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive') { setTimeout(fn, 1); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn); } } function fileExtension(path) { if (!path) throw new Error('Path is empty'); const output = path.split('.'); if (output.length <= 1) return ''; return output[output.length - 1]; } docReady(() => { const rootElement = document.createElement('div'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(rootElement); const contentElement = document.createElement('div'); contentElement.setAttribute('id', 'joplin-plugin-content'); rootElement.appendChild(contentElement); const headElement = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; const addedScripts = {}; function addScript(scriptPath, id = null) { const ext = fileExtension(scriptPath).toLowerCase(); if (ext === 'js') { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = scriptPath; if (id) script.id = id; headElement.appendChild(script); } else if (ext === 'css') { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = scriptPath; if (id) link.id = id; headElement.appendChild(link); } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported script: ${scriptPath}`); } } const ipc = { setHtml: (args) => { contentElement.innerHTML = args.html; // console.debug('UserWebviewIndex: setting html to', args.html); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug('UserWebviewIndex: setting html callback', args.hash); window.postMessage({ target: 'UserWebview', message: 'htmlIsSet', hash: args.hash }, '*'); }); }, setScript: (args) => { const { script, key } = args; const scriptPath = `file://${script}`; const elementId = `joplin-script-${key}`; if (addedScripts[elementId]) { document.getElementById(elementId).remove(); delete addedScripts[elementId]; } addScript(scriptPath, elementId); }, setScripts: (args) => { const scripts = args.scripts; if (!scripts) return; for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { const scriptPath = `file://${scripts[i]}`; if (addedScripts[scriptPath]) continue; addedScripts[scriptPath] = true; addScript(scriptPath); } }, 'postMessageService.response': (event) => { const message = event.message; const promise = webviewApiPromises_[message.responseId]; if (!promise) { console.warn('postMessageService.response: Could not find recorded promise to process message response', message); return; } if (message.error) { promise.reject(message.error); } else { promise.resolve(message.response); } }, 'postMessageService.plugin_message': (message) => { if (!viewMessageHandler_) { console.warn('postMessageService.plugin_message: Could not process message because no onMessage handler was defined', message); return; } viewMessageHandler_(message); }, }; // respond to window.postMessage({}) window.addEventListener('message', ((event) => { if (!event.data || event.data.target !== 'webview') return; const callName = event.data.name; const args = event.data.args; if (!ipc[callName]) { console.warn('Missing IPC function:', event.data); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug('UserWebviewIndex: Got message', callName, args); ipc[callName](args); } })); // Send a message to the containing component to notify it that the // view content is fully ready. // // Need to send it with a delay to make sure all listeners are // ready when the message is sent. window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug('UserWebViewIndex: calling isReady'); window.postMessage({ target: 'UserWebview', message: 'ready' }, '*'); }); }); })();