import type { ReadDirStatsOptions, RemoveOptions } from '@joplin/lib/fs-driver-base'; import WorkerToWindowMessenger from '@joplin/lib/utils/ipc/WorkerToWindowMessenger'; import Logger, { LogLevel, TargetType } from '@joplin/utils/Logger'; import { resolve, dirname, basename, normalize, join } from 'path'; import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; const md5 = require('md5'); const removeReservedWords = (fileName: string) => { return fileName.replace(/(tmp)$/g, '_$1'); }; const restoreReservedWords = (fileName: string) => { return fileName.replace(/_tmp$/g, 'tmp'); }; export type AccessMode = 'read'|'readwrite'; declare global { interface FileSystemSyncAccessHandle { close(): void; truncate(to: number): void; write(buffer: ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView, options?: { at: number }): void; read(buffer: ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView, options?: { at: number }): number; getSize(): number; flush(): void; } interface FileSystemHandle { requestPermission(permission: { mode: AccessMode }): Promise<'granted'|string>; queryPermission(permission: { mode: AccessMode }): Promise<'granted'|string>; } interface FileSystemFileHandle { createSyncAccessHandle(): Promise; } interface FileSystemDirectoryHandle { entries(): AsyncIterable<[string, FileSystemFileHandle|FileSystemDirectoryHandle]>; keys(): AsyncIterable; } } type WriteFileOptions = { keepExistingData?: boolean }; const logger = new Logger(); logger.addTarget(TargetType.Console); logger.setLevel(LogLevel.Info); export interface TransferableStat { birthtime: number; mtime: number; path: string; size: number; isDirectory: boolean; } const isNotFoundError = (error: DOMException) => === 'NotFoundError'; const isTypeMismatchError = (error: DOMException) => === 'TypeMismatchError'; const externalDirectoryPrefix = '/external/'; type AccessHandleDatabaseControl = { clearExternalHandle(id: string): Promise; addExternalHandle(path: string, id: string, handle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle|FileSystemFileHandle, mode: AccessMode): Promise; queryExternalHandle(path: string): Promise<[FileSystemDirectoryHandle|FileSystemFileHandle, AccessMode]|null>; }; // Allows saving and restoring file system access handles. These handles are browser-serializable, so can // be written to indexedDB. Here, indexedDB is used, rather than localStorage or SQLite because: // - localStorage only accepts string values (see // - SQLite stores objects in a custom database, and so almost certainly can't store file system handles. const createAccessHandleDatabase = async (): Promise => { const db = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request ='fs-storage', 1); request.onsuccess = () => { resolve(request.result as IDBDatabase); }; request.onerror = (event) => { reject(new Error(`Failed to open database: ${event}`)); }; request.onupgradeneeded = (event) => { if (!('result' in { reject(new Error('Invalid upgrade event type')); return; } const db = as IDBDatabase; const store = db.createObjectStore('external-handles', { keyPath: 'id' }); store.createIndex('id', 'id', { unique: true }); store.createIndex('path', 'path'); }; }); const toUniquePath = (path: string) => { // normalize can leave the trailing / return normalize(path).replace(/[/]$/, ''); }; return { clearExternalHandle(id: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = db.transaction(['external-handles'], 'readwrite') .objectStore('external-handles') .delete(`id:${id}`); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(); request.onerror = (event) => reject(new Error(`Transaction failed: ${event}`)); }); }, addExternalHandle(path: string, id: string, handle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle|FileSystemFileHandle, mode: AccessMode) { path = toUniquePath(path); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = db.transaction(['external-handles'], 'readwrite') .objectStore('external-handles') .put({ path, id: `id:${id}`, handle, mode }); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(); request.onerror = (event) => reject(new Error(`Transaction failed: ${event}`)); }); }, queryExternalHandle(path: string) { path = toUniquePath(path); return new Promise<[FileSystemDirectoryHandle|FileSystemFileHandle, AccessMode]|null>((resolve, reject) => { const request = db.transaction(['external-handles'], 'readonly') .objectStore('external-handles') .index('path') .get(path); request.onsuccess = () => { const handle = request.result?.handle; if (request.result && request.result.path !== path) { throw new Error(`Path mismatch when querying external directory handle: ${JSON.stringify(path)} was ${JSON.stringify(request.result.path)}`); } resolve(handle ? [handle, request.result?.mode ?? 'readwrite'] : null); }; request.onerror = (event) => reject(new Error(`Transaction failed: ${event}`)); }); }, }; }; export class WorkerApi { private fsRoot_: FileSystemDirectoryHandle; private accessHandleDatabase_: AccessHandleDatabaseControl; private directoryHandleCache_: Map = new Map(); private virtualFiles_: Map = new Map(); private externalHandles_: Map = new Map(); private initPromise_: Promise; public constructor() { this.initPromise_ = (async () => { let lastError: Error|null = null; for (let retry = 0; retry < 2; retry++) { try { this.fsRoot_ ??= await (await'joplin-web', { create: true }); this.accessHandleDatabase_ ??= await createAccessHandleDatabase(); lastError = null; break; } catch (error) { logger.warn('Failed to create fs-driver:', error, `(retry: ${retry})`); lastError = error; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000)); } } if (lastError) { throw lastError; } })(); } private async getExternalHandle_(path: string) { path = normalize(path); if (!path.startsWith(externalDirectoryPrefix)) { return null; } if (this.externalHandles_.has(path)) { return this.externalHandles_.get(path); } const saved = await this.accessHandleDatabase_.queryExternalHandle(path); if (!saved) { logger.debug('External lookup failed for', path); return null; } const [handle, mode] = saved; // At present, not all browsers support .queryPermission and .requestPermission on // saved file handles. if (!('queryPermission' in handle)) { logger.warn('Browser does not support .queryPermission. Loading path: ', path); return null; } const permission = { mode }; if (await handle.queryPermission(permission) !== 'granted' && await handle.requestPermission(permission) !== 'granted') { throw new Error('Missing read-write access. It might be necessary to share the folder with the application again.'); } this.externalHandles_.set(path, handle); return handle; } private async pathToDirectoryHandle_(path: string, create = false): Promise { await this.initPromise_; path = resolve('/', path); if (path === '/') { return this.fsRoot_; } else if (`${path}/`.startsWith(externalDirectoryPrefix)) { if (path === externalDirectoryPrefix || `${path}/` === externalDirectoryPrefix) { // /external/ is virtual, it doesn't exist. return null; } const handle = await this.getExternalHandle_(path); if (handle?.kind === 'directory') { return handle; } } if (this.directoryHandleCache_.has(path)) { logger.debug('pathToDirectoryHandle_ from cache for', path); return this.directoryHandleCache_.get(path); } logger.debug('pathToDirectoryHandle_', 'path:', path, 'create:', create); const parentDirs = dirname(path); const parent = await this.pathToDirectoryHandle_(parentDirs, create); const folderName = removeReservedWords(basename(path)); let handle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle; try { handle = await parent.getDirectoryHandle(folderName, { create }); this.directoryHandleCache_.set(path, handle); } catch (error) { // TODO: Handle this better logger.warn('Error getting directory handle', error, 'for', path, 'create:', create); handle = null; } return handle; } private async pathToFileHandle_(path: string, create = false): Promise { await this.initPromise_; path = resolve('/', path); if (this.externalHandles_.has(path)) { const handle = await this.externalHandles_.get(path); if (handle.kind !== 'file') { throw new Error(`Not a file: ${path}`); } return handle; } logger.debug('pathToFileHandle_', 'path:', path, 'create:', create); const parent = await this.pathToDirectoryHandle_(dirname(path)); if (!parent) { throw new Error(`Can't get file handle for path ${path} -- parent doesn't exist (create: ${create}).`); } try { return parent.getFileHandle(removeReservedWords(basename(path)), { create }); } catch (error) { if (create) { throw new Error(`${error} while getting file at path ${path}.`); } if (isNotFoundError(error)) { return null; } logger.warn(error, 'getting file handle at path', path, create); throw error; } } public async writeFile( path: string, data: string|ArrayBuffer, encoding: BufferEncoding|'Buffer' = 'base64', options?: WriteFileOptions, ) { logger.debug('writeFile', path); const handle = await this.pathToFileHandle_(path, true); let write, close; try { try { const writer = await handle.createSyncAccessHandle(); let at = 0; if (!options?.keepExistingData) { writer.truncate(0); } else { at = writer.getSize(); } write = (data: ArrayBufferLike) => writer.write(data, { at }); close = () => writer.close(); } catch (error) { // In some cases, createSyncAccessHandle isn't available. In other cases, // createWritable isn't available. logger.warn('Failed to createSyncAccessHandle', error); const writer = await handle.createWritable({ keepExistingData: options?.keepExistingData }); write = (data: ArrayBufferLike) => writer.write(data); close = () => writer.close(); } if (encoding === 'Buffer') { await write(data as ArrayBuffer); } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { throw new Error('Cannot write ArrayBuffer to file without encoding = buffer'); } else if (encoding === 'utf-8' || encoding === 'utf8') { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); await write(encoder.encode(data)); } else { await write(Buffer.from(data, encoding).buffer); } } finally { if (close) { await close(); } } logger.debug('writeFile done', path); } public async remove(path: string, { recursive = true }: RemoveOptions = {}) { path = normalize(path); this.directoryHandleCache_.clear(); try { const dirHandle = await this.pathToDirectoryHandle_(dirname(path)); if (dirHandle) { await dirHandle.removeEntry(basename(path), { recursive }); } else { console.warn(`remove: ENOENT: Parent directory of path ${JSON.stringify(path)} does not exist.`); } } catch (error) { // remove should pass even if the item doesn't exist. // This matches the behavior of fs-extra's remove. if (!isNotFoundError(error)) { throw error; } } } public async unlink(path: string) { return await this.remove(path, { recursive: false }); } public async fileAtPath(path: string) { path = normalize(path); let file: File; if (this.virtualFiles_.has(path)) { file = this.virtualFiles_.get(path); } else { const handle = await this.pathToFileHandle_(path); file = await handle.getFile(); } return file; } public async readFile(path: string, encoding: BufferEncoding = 'utf-8') { path = normalize(path); logger.debug('readFile', path); const file = await this.fileAtPath(path); if (encoding === 'utf-8' || encoding === 'utf8') { return await file.text(); } else { const buffer = Buffer.from(await file.arrayBuffer()); return buffer.toString(encoding); } } public async mkdir(path: string) { if (path === externalDirectoryPrefix) { return; } logger.debug('mkdir', path); await this.pathToDirectoryHandle_(path, true); } public async copy(from: string, to: string) { logger.debug('copy', from, to); const fromFile = await this.fileAtPath(from); await this.writeFile(to, await fromFile.arrayBuffer(), 'Buffer'); } public async stat(path: string, handle?: FileSystemDirectoryHandle|FileSystemFileHandle): Promise { logger.debug('stat', path, handle ? 'with handle' : ''); handle ??= await this.pathToDirectoryHandle_(path); try { handle ??= await this.pathToFileHandle_(path); } catch (error) { // Should return null when a file isn't found. if (!isNotFoundError(error)) { throw error; } } const virtualFile = this.virtualFiles_.get(normalize(path)); if (!handle && !virtualFile) return null; logger.debug('has handle'); const file = await (async () => { if (handle.kind === 'directory') return null; return virtualFile ?? await handle.getFile(); })(); const lastModifiedTime = file?.lastModified ?? 0; return { birthtime: lastModifiedTime, mtime: lastModifiedTime, // Can't normalize protocol URIs (e.g. external:///foo) path: path.match(/^[a-z]+:/) ? path : normalize(path), size: file?.size ?? 0, isDirectory: handle.kind === 'directory', }; } public async readDirStats(path: string, options: ReadDirStatsOptions = { recursive: false }): Promise { const readDirStats = async (basePath: string, path: string, dirHandle?: FileSystemDirectoryHandle) => { dirHandle ??= await this.pathToDirectoryHandle_(path); if (!dirHandle) return null; const result: TransferableStat[] = []; try { for await (const [childInternalName, childHandle] of dirHandle.entries()) { const childFileName = restoreReservedWords(childInternalName); const childPath = join(path, childFileName); const stat = await this.stat(childPath, childHandle); result.push({ ...stat, path: join(basePath, childFileName) }); if (options.recursive && childHandle.kind === 'directory') { const childBasePath = join(basePath, childFileName); result.push(...await readDirStats(childBasePath, childPath, childHandle)); } } } catch (error) { if (isNotFoundError(error)) { return null; } else { throw new Error(`readDirStats error: ${error}, path: ${basePath},${path}`); } } return result; }; return readDirStats('', path); } public async exists(path: string) { logger.debug('exists?', path); path = resolve('/', path); if (this.virtualFiles_.has(path) || this.externalHandles_.has(path)) { return true; } const parentDirectory = await this.pathToDirectoryHandle_(dirname(path)); if (!parentDirectory) return false; const fileName = removeReservedWords(basename(path)); try { const childHandle = await parentDirectory.getFileHandle(fileName); return !!childHandle; } catch (error) { if (isNotFoundError(error)) { return false; } else if (isTypeMismatchError(error)) { // A file was requested, so the path is a directory. return true; } throw error; } } public async md5File(path: string): Promise { const fileData = Buffer.from(await (await this.fileAtPath(path)).arrayBuffer()); return md5(fileData); } public async createReadOnlyVirtualFile(path: string, content: File) { this.virtualFiles_.set(normalize(path), content); } public async mountExternalDirectory(handle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle, id: string, mode: AccessMode) { if (await handle.requestPermission({ mode }) !== 'granted') { throw new Error(`${mode} access is needed for ${id}.`); } const mountPath = resolve(externalDirectoryPrefix, crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, '')); this.externalHandles_.set(mountPath, handle); await this.accessHandleDatabase_.clearExternalHandle(id); await this.accessHandleDatabase_.addExternalHandle(mountPath, id, handle, mode); return mountPath; } } interface RemoteApi { } new WorkerToWindowMessenger('fs-worker', new WorkerApi());