require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname); const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js'); const { asyncTest, fileContentEqual, setupDatabase, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, db, synchronizer, fileApi, sleep, clearDatabase, switchClient, syncTargetId, objectsEqual, checkThrowAsync } = require('test-utils.js'); const InteropService = require('lib/services/InteropService.js'); const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js'); const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js'); const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag.js'); const NoteTag = require('lib/models/NoteTag.js'); const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const ArrayUtils = require('lib/ArrayUtils'); const ObjectUtils = require('lib/ObjectUtils'); const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js'); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason); }); function exportDir() { return __dirname + '/export'; } function fieldsEqual(model1, model2, fieldNames) { for (let i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { const f = fieldNames[i]; expect(model1[f]).toBe(model2[f], 'For key ' + f); } } describe('services_InteropService', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1); await switchClient(1); const dir = exportDir(); await fs.remove(dir); await fs.mkdirp(dir); done(); }); it('should export and import folders', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); folder1 = await Folder.load(; const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; await service.export({ path: filePath }); await Folder.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); // Check that a new folder, with a new ID, has been created expect(await Folder.count()).toBe(1); let folder2 = (await Folder.all())[0]; expect(; expect(folder2.title).toBe(folder1.title); await service.import({ path: filePath }); // As there was already a folder with the same title, check that the new one has been renamed await Folder.delete(; let folder3 = (await Folder.all())[0]; expect(await Folder.count()).toBe(1); expect(folder3.title).not.toBe(folder2.title); let fieldNames = Folder.fieldNames(); fieldNames = ArrayUtils.removeElement(fieldNames, 'id'); fieldNames = ArrayUtils.removeElement(fieldNames, 'title'); fieldsEqual(folder3, folder1, fieldNames); })); it('should export and import folders and notes', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); note1 = await Note.load(; const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; await service.export({ path: filePath }); await Folder.delete(; await Note.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); expect(await Note.count()).toBe(1); let note2 = (await Note.all())[0]; let folder2 = (await Folder.all())[0]; expect(note1.parent_id).not.toBe(note2.parent_id); expect(; expect(note2.parent_id).toBe(; let fieldNames = Note.fieldNames(); fieldNames = ArrayUtils.removeElement(fieldNames, 'id'); fieldNames = ArrayUtils.removeElement(fieldNames, 'parent_id'); fieldsEqual(note1, note2, fieldNames); await service.import({ path: filePath }); note2 = (await Note.all())[0]; let note3 = (await Note.all())[1]; expect(; expect(note2.parent_id).not.toBe(note3.parent_id); fieldsEqual(note2, note3, fieldNames); })); it('should export and import notes to specific folder', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); note1 = await Note.load(; const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; await service.export({ path: filePath }); await Note.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath, destinationFolderId: }); expect(await Note.count()).toBe(1); expect(await Folder.count()).toBe(1); expect(await checkThrowAsync(async () => await service.import({ path: filePath, destinationFolderId: 'oops' }))).toBe(true); })); it('should export and import tags', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); let tag1 = await{ title: 'mon tag' }); tag1 = await Tag.load(; await Tag.addNote(,; await service.export({ path: filePath }); await Folder.delete(; await Note.delete(; await Tag.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); expect(await Tag.count()).toBe(1); let tag2 = (await Tag.all())[0]; let note2 = (await Note.all())[0]; expect(; let fieldNames = Note.fieldNames(); fieldNames = ArrayUtils.removeElement(fieldNames, 'id'); fieldsEqual(tag1, tag2, fieldNames); let noteIds = await Tag.noteIds(; expect(noteIds.length).toBe(1); expect(noteIds[0]).toBe(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); // If importing again, no new tag should be created as one with // the same name already existed. The newly imported note should // however go under that already existing tag. expect(await Tag.count()).toBe(1); noteIds = await Tag.noteIds(; expect(noteIds.length).toBe(2); })); it('should export and import resources', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, __dirname + '/../tests/support/photo.jpg'); note1 = await Note.load(; let resourceIds = await Note.linkedResourceIds(note1.body); let resource1 = await Resource.load(resourceIds[0]); await service.export({ path: filePath }); await Note.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); expect(await Resource.count()).toBe(2); let note2 = (await Note.all())[0]; expect(note2.body).not.toBe(note1.body); resourceIds = await Note.linkedResourceIds(note2.body); expect(resourceIds.length).toBe(1); let resource2 = await Resource.load(resourceIds[0]); expect(; let fieldNames = Note.fieldNames(); fieldNames = ArrayUtils.removeElement(fieldNames, 'id'); fieldsEqual(resource1, resource2, fieldNames); const resourcePath1 = Resource.fullPath(resource1); const resourcePath2 = Resource.fullPath(resource2); expect(resourcePath1).not.toBe(resourcePath2); expect(fileContentEqual(resourcePath1, resourcePath2)).toBe(true); })); it('should export and import single notes', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); await service.export({ path: filePath, sourceNoteIds: [] }); await Note.delete(; await Folder.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); expect(await Note.count()).toBe(1); expect(await Folder.count()).toBe(1); let folder2 = (await Folder.all())[0]; expect(folder2.title).toBe('test'); })); it('should export and import single folders', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); await service.export({ path: filePath, sourceFolderIds: [] }); await Note.delete(; await Folder.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); expect(await Note.count()).toBe(1); expect(await Folder.count()).toBe(1); let folder2 = (await Folder.all())[0]; expect(folder2.title).toBe('folder1'); })); it('should export and import links to notes', asyncTest(async () => { const service = new InteropService(); const filePath = exportDir() + '/test.jex'; let folder1 = await{ title: "folder1" }); let note1 = await{ title: 'ma note', parent_id: }); let note2 = await{ title: 'ma deuxième note', body: 'Lien vers première note : ' + Note.markdownTag(note1), parent_id: }); await service.export({ path: filePath, sourceFolderIds: [] }); await Note.delete(; await Note.delete(; await Folder.delete(; await service.import({ path: filePath }); expect(await Note.count()).toBe(2); expect(await Folder.count()).toBe(1); let note1_2 = await Note.loadByTitle('ma note'); let note2_2 = await Note.loadByTitle('ma deuxième note'); expect(note2_2.body.indexOf( >= 0).toBe(true); })); });