/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname); const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js'); const { asyncTest, fileContentEqual, setupDatabase, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, db, synchronizer, fileApi, sleep, clearDatabase, switchClient, syncTargetId, objectsEqual, checkThrowAsync } = require('test-utils.js'); const timeUtils = require('../../ReactNativeClient/lib/time-utils'); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason); }); describe('timeUtils', function() { beforeEach(async (done) => { done(); }); it('should go back in time', asyncTest(async () => { let startDate = new Date('3 Aug 2020'); let endDate = new Date('2 Aug 2020'); expect(time.goBackInTime(startDate, 1, 'day')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); // We're always subtracting time from the beginning of the current period. startDate = new Date('3 Aug 2020 07:30:20'); expect(time.goBackInTime(startDate, 1, 'day')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); startDate = new Date('11 Aug 2020'); endDate = new Date('9 Aug 2020'); // week start; expect(time.goBackInTime(startDate, 0, 'week')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); startDate = new Date('02 Feb 2020'); endDate = new Date('01 Jan 2020'); expect(time.goBackInTime(startDate, 1, 'month')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); startDate = new Date('19 September 2020'); endDate = new Date('01 Jan 1997'); expect(time.goBackInTime(startDate, 23, 'year')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); })); it('should go forward in time', asyncTest(async () => { let startDate = new Date('2 Aug 2020'); let endDate = new Date('3 Aug 2020'); expect(time.goForwardInTime(startDate, 1, 'day')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); startDate = new Date('2 Aug 2020 07:30:20'); expect(time.goForwardInTime(startDate, 1, 'day')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); startDate = new Date('9 Aug 2020'); endDate = new Date('9 Aug 2020'); // week start; expect(time.goForwardInTime(startDate, 0, 'week')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); startDate = new Date('02 Jan 2020'); endDate = new Date('01 Feb 2020'); expect(time.goForwardInTime(startDate, 1, 'month')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); startDate = new Date('19 September 1997'); endDate = new Date('01 Jan 2020'); expect(time.goForwardInTime(startDate, 23, 'year')).toBe(endDate.getTime().toString()); })); });